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Real McClappy

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Posts posted by Real McClappy

  1. This wasn't impressive at all. Maybe 1 throw came out on time, still off his back foot. A bunch of screens.


    Big talented kid but Chiefs will be in trouble if he starts.

    I was thinking the same thing. To date, Peterman looks like he should have been drafted in the 1st over him and Watson thus far. Trubisky looks like the real deal, It's possible the Bills struck gold (Finally?) for once but we will see how it all pans out.


    He literally had one of the worst rookie campaigns ever for a QB so it's not like an improvement will mean much unless he improves a ton. He does seem to have some weapons to throw to now so we shall see what kind of step up he takes.

    See Peyton Manning's rookie season. Just give the kid some time and a supporting cast. There are only some many Dak's that walk into the best O'line and great running game.

  3. Eric Moulds. Could have been one of the greatest ever with a real QB in Buffalo his whole career or elsewhere.


    Megatron was def great to watch him beat double and triple man coverage non-stop. I'm not sure I've ever seen a WR covered so heavily and come down with passes the way he did.

    Moss was fun but just running a straight line doesn't do it for me to pin #1, one crazy fast trick pony though.

    Rice was just a animal all over the field.


    1. C.Johnson

    2. J.Rice

    3. R. Moss

  4. right, but are you paying a guy in that 12-13 million range for possibly just getting average production?

    huge numbers? from tyrod? even throwing more i would doubt there would be huge numbers. on top of that, he would have to stay completely healthy all season.

    12-13mill? Sammy is slotted to make $690K this year with the Rams?

  5. well....


    1. He's never not missed games.


    2. Even at his healthiest he was barely better than Mathews.


    3. Overall, Mathews has been more consistent, healthy, and he's done it with far less at QB than Sammy has

    LOL at 2 and 3 :) How many WR's in the league have ever put up 1K yards on 60 catches? Orton, EJ and Tyrod are far superior to Wentz, Bradford and Foles? Right, I learn something new everyday....

  6. And the diffeence is that the Patriots have an OK QB to make a move like that.


    But you want to double down on Whaley's draft day blunder and pay Watkins serious cash all the while we still don't have what we need under center.


    Also......we got a 2nd along with Gaines.

    The 2nd rd equates to nothing at this point and time as we will have to waste another 1st or 2nd soon for a true #1 WR down the row. I'm not paying $$$$ Watkins crap nor are you? When we do get what we need under center everyone will whine we need a #1WR which we had a elite one at that who still has 10 years left in his career most likely.


    There is not one single person on this board that will convince me this wasn't a boneheaded typical Bills move, Have fun with the draft picks that miss 50% of the time. Even if we do draft a good one we are too cheap or stupid to retain them as the next coaching marvel has the "NEW Plan".


    I normally get very excited for a change of HC and support them fully. Screw that.......

  7. If you think anybody supports this trade I have land in the ever-glands to sell you. Mr. Beane, press conference was more baffling, he actually thought he was going to be labeled a genius but unlike the bills everyone outside of one bills drive think he is an idiot. If the Bills make the playoffs and do very well with the players they got and he hits on home runs in the draft, well he will be looked at like Einstein, but if everything goes south and Sammie becomes Jerry Rice, this franchise will never recover. I feel really terrible right now about this trade because many Bills fans remember the issue with Ted Washington could not stay in his career all of sudden Wad Phillips becomes Defensive coordinator tells John Butler to sign him and the rest as they say is history.

    Just about 90% of non Buffalo Bills fans think the we made a horrible move for what we gave up to acquire Watkins. I have tried to think through this trade on every angle and cannot come up with one way to support it at all since it was made last week.


    It was a flat out bad/stupid trade. Right up there with the Eagles giving us McCoy for Kiko. Watkins for Gaines WTF? Even the Pats gave up a first for Cooks... SMH

  8. this is my MAJOR beef with the trade. I dont care about Matthews or Sammy. Hell, I dont even care about Darby or Gaines, what I care about is if you build through the draft stockpile your picks. I would have wanted a 2nd and 3 or 4 for watkins not Gaines. why not eat Dareus contract this year too. start fresh. You resigned Tyrod because he gives the best chance now but do we want the best chance with these moves? What are we looking to do. Win now or retool for 18?

    At this point and time I agree with you. I would actually much rather see Peterman start the entire season this year.


    1 of 2 things would happen this way:

    1. Peterman sucks and we have a crap record setting us up for pick inside 5

    2. Peterman excels and shows signs to be a franchise QB. Build around him in the next draft.


    Starting Tyrod is a straight up waste of everyone's time this year when we all know what is coming anyways.

  9. ONE ! ONE NUMBER ONE !!!!! Drives me nuts when people recite that. 2015 first rounder to switch position in the 2014 first round. Thus they traded ONE....ONE first rounder.

    And now it's 2 as he is no longer here. We traded away TWO 1st rd picks and a 4th for a gimp CB and a 2nd rd pick.


    Great job OBD, keep up the good work/


    So what's the over/under on the McBeane era? I will go 2 maybe 3 years max.

  10. They sound like Raven fans after the Bills traded them McGahee.

    Seemed to help the Ravens a bit making the playoffs 3 out of 4 years he was there. I'd be friggin pumped as hell too if the Bills picked up Watkins for a 2nd rd pick.


    One of the Rams biggest problems was having zero WR help for young QB play and Rex Ryan Jr. as HC(Fisher).

    Woods and Watkins already know how to play in a BS passing game. They might just be able to turn Goff into something now.

  11. I'm actually not defending the moves either. It could go very wrong, but who know...maybe this is the chance for the team to be run the right way. We just have to watch and wait. I just refuse to stomp my feet and cry about how the world is crashing down around us. We may wind up in a better position. It can't get much worse at this point.

    Not happy, but not stomping my feet at all either. I'm just disappointed is all with this team and new regime, All I see is draft picks which equate to nothing at this point and time.

    For the first time since becoming a fan of this team going into the season I have zero excitement at all to see what unfolds. 7-9 here we come,,,,,


    What is there even be excited about or root for?

  12. Without having sammy, maybe the pats will actually be able to beat the bills for once! Oh wait...







    You don't have any friends. I'm calling fabrications.

    Nahh, they just know how to recognize wasted talent and a poorly run football team is all. I could not disagree with them either. I am tired of trying defend this team moronic moves. Somehow the shiny new rookie coach and GM will save all again for us while letting our best players leave. right....

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