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Real McClappy

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Posts posted by Real McClappy

  1. This logic falls on deaf ears.


    It's "blah blah blah, we don't have a Aaron Rogers so who cares about anything else."


    Meanwhile the Colts are a prime example of why the above logic is ridiculously stupid. They blow and even with Andrew Luck they will blow.


    Such incredibly bad takes but so easily predictable around here.

    Why do people use Luck as a example? It's painfully obvious that they are a cusp Playoff team when he plays. Without him they are like a 0-16 - 2-14 team. This supports how important a franchise QB is, not the other way around. The Luck/Colts comparison just shows how incredibly bad the GM and FO is in INDY by not being able to give Luck surrounding talent on all phases of the game.

  2. Not a coincidence when you are bad at hiring people to run your team. It's incompetence, not coincidence.

    Not really, The Bills passing game has sucked under Tyrod, 28th in 2015 and 30th last year. I know I will see how "Great our running game was though", but this is a passing league.

    WCO, as most know, you need a QB that with take the ball on the snap and sling it to a WR in the center of the field within a couple of secs. TT is not built for this offense at all. I still don't get is why they let Watkins go as he is built for quick slant passes and he def gets separation quickly when I seen him play healthy?

  3. One big reason Whaley was fired was because of his infatuation with a bad QB-EJ, who he pushed on two different coaching staffs. Whaley and drafting QBs is a recipe for more failure. If the Bills didn't have TT the last two seasons, they would have been far under .500.

    He drafted EJ knowing we needed to address the most important position in sports. Obviously EJ did not Pan out, that is one QB. What makes everyone think that whomever we draft at QB next year will not flop? it's a 50/50 crap shot on early 1st rd QB's. You have to let your GM continue to try a couple times to get it right IMO.

  4. The Bills can still find their QB in the draft, even if they don't finish with a top 5 draft pick. The defense is probably too good to lose more than 9 or 10 games, so the Bills will probably end up drafting right around 10 (as usual), but they have plenty of draft capital to play with.


    I don't wish injury on anyone, but the Bills would benefit from a team losing their proven QB (or just losing, period) and finishing with a poor record. The Jets and Browns are obviously going to draft before Buffalo, possibly San Francisco as well. Three teams that all need QBs. The top 3 QBs will all probably be gone well before 10. The Bills will need to trade up.


    Or maybe their guy is gone, and they don't draft a QB early in 2018, and trade out of both 1st round picks. They would have an unreal amount of capital in 2019.

    This is prob exactly what is going to happen and will be like the 04 draft all over where we took Loserman when trying so hard to trade up or in front of Pitts for Big Ben. The only hope I see is if INDY completely tanks in the top 3 without Luck and we can somehow manage to trade up with them?


    At this point I rather have kept Whaley and let him actually choose his HC like a real GM does. He would have drafted Mahomes and Watkins would still be here. This trust the process crap is killing me. Whaley knew we needed a QB and that Tyrod was not the answer mid last year. I know I'm a minority on Doug but honestly don't give a hell. He by far put the most talent on this team since the mid to late 90's. It is very unfortunate that we had to deal with the Ryans forced by Pegula that had no F'ing clue how to coach.


    I so hope this McBeane era proves me wrong. Done drinking kool-aid from this FO.

  5. This defense is loaded with talent. Whaley did a great job building a roster and Rex destroyed it.


    But great game for the D. They let us hang in a game we had no business being in. That said, Cam missed some throws because he was rusty. But still, a much improved defense. Rex sucked so bad.

    Rex destroyed a decent team that Whaley built. We were a QB away from a contender minus Rex Ryan.

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