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Doc Brown

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Posts posted by Doc Brown

  1. Why are people upset with Trump doing what he said he would? He got voted into office based on such things as reducing regulations and building the wall. It is the people's wish.

    Keep in mind he only got 45.94% of the vote and he's one of the most controversial presidents in our lifetime due to his campaign rhetoric and the fact we continue to be a divided nation politically. One way to look at this is his approval rating was the lowest ever entering office and has stayed about the same throughout the first two months (45% average) despite the economy doing well. Expanding the base is vital to the midterm elections and his chances in 2020. He is coming through on a lot of his campaign promises (but that only appeases his base). One way I think will help him expand his base is investing in our infrastructure. Only the most conservative right wing of the party would be against that. Ultimately though it will be how he handles health care that will define his first couple of years as president and I wish him the best of luck as his true tests as a negotiator will be on full display.


    I have no problem with any of the cuts he made although he pry could of kept funding for meals and wheels and I'm sure with the public backlash they will scrap that cut when they pass the budget. I like that we're spending more money on our military and our veterans. Maybe not as much on our military that the neocons like, but you can't appease everybody.

  2. Cutting funding for Meals on Wheels may be overdoing it a bit considering the older you were the more likely you voted for Trump. I know we need more funding for a big/bad military to make up for our big/bad military, but cutting Meals on Wheels won't go over well.

  3. Bills got worse this off season really. Signed a bunch of scrubs for the most part, and lost gilmore, aaron williams, robert woods, robey coleman, Zac Brown. Probably more I am missing

    They also have a new coaching staff that can immediately elevate a team. I'm excited to see Hughes, K. Williams, and Dareus in a 4-3 defense. Ragland and Watkins will be back for hopefully the entirety of the season (more confident in Ragland). They upgraded safety and kicker with Hyde and Hauschka. They resigned Alexander and Mills. They still have the draft to upgrade their secondary and WR's. All is not lost.

  4. This is an interesting pew article http://www.people-press.org/2016/09/13/2-party-affiliation-among-voters-1992-2016 showingwhat party millenials (age 18-35) identify with as white millenials are pretty even in party affiliation or whether they lean left or right is at 47% for both parties. However, non white millenials lean Democratic at 73% compared to Republicans at 19%. Democrats imo have put their long term strategy in playing identity politics to cater to minorities as they know that group will only increase. However, they lost many white blue collar workers because of this as white people who don't go to college have gravitated more towards the Republican party from 41% in '92 to 59% today. However, white college graduates moved towards the Democratic party to 48% today compared with 41% in '92. The parties have somewhat flipped their base when it comes to white voters based on education level. I just find all this interesting. I'm guessing in 2020 it's going to be really close again.


    The QB position in the NFL requires an ability to process information/ make a determination swiftly and efficiently then make an athletic throw with accuracy while under pressure.


    How a QB performs behind center in the NFL is the best test available in my humble opinion Doc.

    Right, but "how a QB performs behind center in the NFL" isn't available to teams looking to draft a quarterback.

  6. Most of the better QB's have good wonderlic scores so it must mean something.


    with all due respect Doc

    thats another way of putting it, haha

    Well, you've had busts that have scored great on it (Blaine Gabbert - 42) (Christian Ponder - 34) (Matt Leinart - 35). I'm just saying that they could develop a better test that focused solely on the ability to learn and recall new information and processing speed tests available in standardized cognitive tests. These specific subtests would tell you a great deal more than a general intelligence test with poor test/retest reliability.

  7. I majored in school psychology where the bulk of the program was how to give and interpret cognitive (IQ) and academic standardized tests. A student with an IQ of 105 who's reading skills are at a 76 would be diagnosed with a learning disability and in IEP would be drawn up to get her/him extra help.


    A score of 15 on a Wonderlic means nothing because people have strengths and weaknesses in different areas that measure cognitive ability. My guess for a quarterback the two most important indicators of success would be information recall and processing speed. The ability to learn new information, store it, and retrieve it when appropriate (such as what happened last game when they were showing blitz on 3rd and 4 or reading different coverages, etc...). The second is processing speed as you have to take all that information and make make a quick decision within 3 and a half seconds or so when dropping back. Plus, being a hard worker, being cool under pressure, having a strong/accurate arm, being tall, and having some athleticism also helps.

  8. Scientists say man made global warming is real, politicians with cash from energy companies say it isn't. Who ya gonna believe?

    Considering the Republican party is the only Conservative Party out of any of the Democratic countries in the world to have at least a fraction of their party flat out deny man made climate change, I'm going to believe the scientific consensus throughout the world. The real question is not if, but how much humans have contributed to climate change. Fossil fuel companies shelled out 100 million dollars to various Republicans in the primaries with the most going to Tea Party favorite and bs extraordinaire Ted Cruz (20 million).

  9. From what I rememeber here are his most important campaign promises. I'm going to ignore all his stupid tweets and the Russia probe because most Americans don't care about that.


    1.) "Repeal and replace Obamacare." Rocky start as conservatives think it's Obamacare lite, Dems are pointing out it gives massive tax cuts to the rich, and it's likely to get a poor rating by the CBO.


    2.) "Temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States." He's cleaned that statement up and followed through on it to a certain extent, but liberal judges are making it tough on him. Also, first executive order on this was poorly executed as it caused massive confusion at airports.


    3.) "Bring manufacturing jobs back." I disagree with him on how to bring manufacturing jobs back (free trade agreements and lifting regulations will stimulate the economy, but he is going the progressive way and blocked TPP. He had a decent first jobs report, but there were a few instances of better months during the Obama administration so time will tell on that one.


    4.) "Impose tariffs on good from Mexico and China." I haven't heard any story about the administration doing this yet, but it's still early in his presidency.


    5.) "Build a wall and Mexico will pay for it. Deport illegal immigrants with a criminal record." Mexico clearly isn't paying for the wall, and it doesn't look like the wall is a top priority right now. However, illegal boarder crossing is down 40% and he's made good on his promise to deport illegal immigrant criminals.


    6.) "Renegotiate the Iran deal." I haven't read or heard anything about this yet, but again it's early on in his presidency.


    7.) "Cut taxes." The only thing I've seen so far is giving the rich a tax break through the proposed health care plan. Maybe should of started his agenda with tax reform.


    8.) "Invest in infrastructure." His proposal of a trillion dollar infrastructure program will be very popular with nearly everybody if done correctly.


    9.) "Bomb the hell out of Isis." US drone strikes have gone up 432% since Obama took office. Promise kept, but he also said he'd defeat Isis within 30 days so he hasn't met that goal.


    Bottom line is he's done okay so far given the massive amount of promises he's made. He's made a few rookie mistakes, but like all administrations though, time will tell.

  10. I've always voted Democrat because my wife is a public school teacher (Betsy Devos -uggghhh) and my brother was diagnosed with a debilitating chronic illness where he relies on Medicaid right now before he can get disability. However, I disagree with Democrats when it comes to their pro choice stance and wasn't too crazy about them when they killed Vince Foster.


    Well, I'm convinced. I thought I understood science, but this clip from a television show has opened my eyes. I'm riding my bike to work until I can move to the mountains - probably the Colorado Rockies, where I can enjoy beachfront property in my retirement years.

    LOL. I told you if you were a denier don't watch it. I just find it funny because Debbie downer Toby from The Office said we're all going to die.

  12. Zach Brown forgot how to tackle the 2nd half of the season. Reggie Ragland is a solid ILB who McDermott hopes will be his "Kuechly". I don't think we keep Alexander or Z. Brown and the LB market isn't that great in free agency. So, it seems our top 3 needs are CB, OLB, and WR in the draft.

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