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Doc Brown

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Posts posted by Doc Brown

  1. Mike told Gus about Nacho's plan, they stare at each other the whole scene while Hector's other man doesn't look at Gus.


    Hector's condition was due to a stroke as mentioned in Breaking Bad. The placebo pills are assumed by Hector to be beta blockers that lower his blood pressure and I'm guessing as his blood pressure continues to rise a stressful situation will cause a stroke. I don't know how Gus plays into this but it should be an interesting finale.


    And the number one reason? Drum roll please...............


    Hillary Clinton!!

    People tend to give Trump less credit than I think he deserves for the campaign his team ran putting his win purely on the bad campaign Hillary ran. It's a combination of both, but Trump flipped a lot of Democrats in the blue states he with his anti trade rhetoric threatening companies with trade tariffs if they leave. I don't think Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz would of beaten Hillary Clinton.


    He already split the party in 2016. One of the reasons (none of which involve Hillary of course) why we now have a President Trump.

    Not really. A higher % of Sanders voters showed up to vote for Hillary than Hillary supporters showed up to vote for Obama in '08. Hillary ran a weak campaign and Trump ran a strong campaign in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

  4. He's the greatest. Just ask him, or watch him force his cabinet to tell him so.




    Bias alert at source to horrible opinion piece. But it doesn't matter if you just follow the quotes.


    "Never has there been a president....with few exceptions...who's passed more legislation, who's done more things than I have."


    Then asks specific cabinet members for their public praise.


    Tom and Jim elected OC for president.

    Hey man. He's good at marketing. Simple Seinfeld logic to why his core supporters aren't abandoning him despite his proposed budget hits his supporters the hardest.




    I truly don't care what the Russians do to a private organization. The DNC is not a government body or critical national infrastructure, and it's not the Russians' fault your party is run by !@#$ing idiots that can't manage email. Or look at it this way: your party lost because they were saying stupid **** and got caught. Either of which could have been prevented by following either of two rules: 1) don't get caught, or 2) don't say stupid ****. It is not the Russians' fault your party was too stupid to manage either of those.


    The Russians getting access to DNC communications is not and should not be a federal issue. It only is because people like you are !@#$ing crybabies.


    Agreed and we are going to need a Tea Party type grassroot effort to help the party fix themselves. Trump is giving them all the ammunition they need even without the Russia accusations. Just shut the hell up about Russia.

  6. Are they? When are they going to start?


    Yeah, the American Health Care Act passed the House barely even though the Rs hold a hefty majority. Even R Senators say it's DOA. Think Pence's would be any better? As far Donald's budget goes, it's DOA as well as are the great majority of presidential budgets. How's that wall funding coming along?


    While the childly push and tweeting are embarrassing, I'd still take embarrassment and a do nothing Congress over the kind of stuff that Rs would work with Pence to pass.


    Trump was a gift to D's in 2016 too IIRC.


    Pence is VP because he was the only guy that would take the job.


    Be careful what you ask for IMHO.

    Oh, they'll start within the next year. It took the ACA over a year to get done and Dems had the super majority for about 5 months. They just sent the AHCA bill to the CBO so it may be coming quicker than you think. Meanwhile, all the Trump Russia nonsense continues to take the focus off of the important issues.


    There's plenty of Trump sycophants that would of taken the VP's job (Gingrich, Huckabee, Giuliani, Christie) so I don't know where you're getting that claim from. Even my wonderful congress representative Chris Collins who worships Trump would of gladly taken the job. Pence was a smart pick to win over Conservatives.


    So what do you now do to try to rig it for the Dems?


    But what % actually watch CNN to gain any insight on events? 10% tops?


    Most of the ratings have to come from them being on all the TVs in airports which nobody is paying attention to after the 15 seconds of worthiness in most stories.


    CNN had their best year ratings wise ever last year. They know the more they bash Trump the stronger his loyal supporters resolve is no matter what stupid thing he does or says. They'd love another seven years of Trump.

  8. Be careful what you ask for.


    He's a career politician. Republicans in Congress can work with him. They'll be able to pass things you probably wouldn't like.


    They're going to pass them anyways. I deeply about Health Care and Trump's proposed budget slashing medicaid and other programs to give the rich tax breaks that help the poor proves he's your typical Republican in terms of policy.


    Seeing our president just childly push his way to the front of the line at a NATO summit is just embarrassing. Starting a political twitter fight with a mayor who is dealing with a terrorist attack is just embarrassing. Character assassinations of Comey and now Mueller are just embarrassing. Republicans go on a rant about Obama's apology tour, but he never engaged in that childish behavior. Country before party has to go both ways even though Trump is a gift to democrats in '18 and '20, but I'd be relieved to see Mike Pence take over.



    oh sure, i see what you did there. combine two red states and get rid of two republican senators

    how about combining a pair of useless blue states like maryland and delaware

    LOL. Never really crossed my mind tbh but now I'm even more in favor of it. I know a GOP congress wouldn't allow Peurto Rico to become a state but the thought of having two more Democratic Senators would be great making the 2018 midterms even more important.


    I don't disagree with any of that...but I still think he's a marketing genius.


    I mean...for Christ's sake, the guy licenses his name to people. I couldn't even license the DC Tom-bot if I wanted to, and that's way more tangible and productive than the name "Trump."

    He's also a media genius as his ability to manipulate it is a large reason in why he got elected. He skipped a presidential debate at the crucial part in the primaries as the front runner for Christ sake. That's unheard of and his numbers went up as all anybody talked about after that debate was Trump. All of these cable networks and late night comedians are obsessed with bashing him which helped him win and may help him win again in 2020.

  11. I think when they said "represent", they meant this:


    "More than anyone else, the President symbolizes the country its people and its beliefs. In this role, a President performs many ceremonial duties, such as receiving foreign dignitaries, throwing the first baseball of the season, and walking on red carpets while waving to crowds. These actions are not trivial. Strong Presidents must exude confidence, not just in themselves, but in the American people as well. The best ones have had an intangible charisma that engendered public confidence."


    This President does not engender public confidence. Trump is all time low. Like that wasn't predicted during the campaign. Trump is showing that he is unprepared to lead and lacks the qualifications, like that wasn't predicted too.


    What a mess. But 46%, if legit, which is debatable, wanted him. Now we are stuck with the raging scandals, dumpster fire of a presidency. Hey! But it is everybody else's fault... Stop picking on poor Donald!


    Yeah. This is the first time in my lifetime I actually worry about what a president traveling abroad. I wish they'd just let Pence take over and Trump can give a rally once a month or something and spend the rest of the time golfing.

  12. It is like the time the Sabres had the Islanders first pick. Unlike the Chiefs, the Islanders were horrible. Just before the season, idiot GM Garth Snow makes two brilliant trades and the Islanders make playoffs for the first time in a decade. The last time Buffalo fans cheered for losses for a high first round pick was a total disaster.

    Eichel will be pretty good for a long time.

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