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Doc Brown

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Posts posted by Doc Brown

  1. Agree that if somebody gets desperate enough CK will get a call.


    However the Vick and Peterson comparisons are little off as both were All Pro caliber players at the time of their disgrace whereas CK was a backup / midseason replacement on the NFL's second worst team


    That's a good point. My only counter to that is that he thrived under Jim Harbaugh (who recently endorsed Kaepernick) before the last two 49ers seasons with two new OC's. Put this guy in the right system and he could thrive. I look at his stats from last year and he has a 90.7% passing rating on a team that sucked. I still think he gets signed by somebody before the season, but continuing saying stupid $hit like that doesn't help his case.


    As are those who pretend that Caesar = Trump.


    I'll take Caesar over Trump with our great constitution provides us with a system of checks and balances makes it impossible for any president to hold enough power to become a dictator.



    Again...they've been doing this show for a while; last year they substituted Obama for Caesar.


    The reason the play is causing more outrage with Trump as president instead of Obama is Trump's been under the worst attack by the media since GW's final years (maybe worse). Also, Kathy Griffin just held up a fake decapitated head of Trump and you have the hyperbole of the dumb people on the left comparing Trump to Hitler. Plus, the obsession with getting him impeached by screaming Russia will backfire on the Dems and will pry cost them any chance to take the House in '18.


    My main problem was the two people that interrupted the play are two alt right attention whores. I'm sure Fox News will gladly have the girl who rushed the stage on their show this week and it will probably be Hannity or that annoying female judge. Protest peacefully outside the play if it means that much to you. They're no better than the protesters who interrupt Trump's rallies.



    You can pretend that there was no intent behind making the Caesar character look like Trump, but if you do, you should probably refrain from calling others "idiots".




    Freedom of expression isn't about accepting other peoples' actions without taking offense, it's about being free to express yourself without government reproach.

    Anybody that storms the stage and screams at an audience are idiots.


    I may be missing something here, but to "Godwin" something is to invoke Hitler. This guy and his stage-invading accomplice seem to be drawing a parallel between the production's choice to represent Caesar as Trump and something typical of the Goebbels propaganda machine.


    If that's the case, then I have to agree with the protestors.

    First off, the majority of Americans pry see the assassination of Trump on stage as an outrage and immediately condemns it as in poor taste. However, if you dig a little deeper Julius Caesar was a "populist" who was a military genius who earned the love of the people which led him to power (where he was an authoritarian figure) that ultimately got him killed by the rich establishment elites (the Senate). The unexpected result of them assassinating Caesar was Mark Antony lead the people of Rome to revolt and most of the Senators were killed as the lower and middle class started a Civil War.


    Long story short, the main take away I've always gotten out of this play is violence is not the answer when a hero of the common people comes along to threaten an oligarchy. I think I heard somewhere they did the same play with Obama being depicted as being "Julius Caesar" when he was president so perhaps this is an over reaction by a lot of people. I find it a very thought provoking play and these two protesters are idiots.


    I know exactly what he'll do: he'll tweet with all the eloquence his 75-word vocabulary can muster, then mug for the cameras with that ****-eating Mussolini grin of his.


    LOL. One thing about Trump is he may not be the greatest orator of our time but he sure knows how to put on a good show to manipulate his base.


    anything other than 100% universal coverage is unbecoming the greatest nation to ever grace the planet.... selling insurance plans that cover little when you actually need them is a disgrace... its refreshing to see Trump has a soul.


    Easier said than done. Hospitals and doctors were negatively impacted by the ACA (imagine how they'd feel about single payer) while big pharmaceutical companies remained mostly unscathed. We couldn't even get a public option through. Those groups will continue to buy politicians to oppose any kind of government run health care. Also, if single payer was someday passed the roll out would be much uglier than the ACA's as the United States is unique to other countries in that we're republic and not a direct democracy. I thought the ACA was a good first step in incremental changes that eventually would lead to single payer system throughout the US (which also has its own set of problems but the positives outweigh the negatives imo). The ACA is still fixable despite right wing scare tactics which is the only reason I voted for Hillary, but it looks like any progress will be halted for the foreseeable future.


    I thought it was more like 97-2 or something.


    The smart move is a "pocket veto"...even though in this case a pocket "veto" makes it law in ten days. Given that he's perceived to be under investigation as a Russian stooge (really, for obstruction of justice), and it passed with such a wide margin as to make his input irrelevant, there is absolutely no upside for him to even acknowledge Russia being sanctioned for something he's accused of being a party to. So the smart move is to let it sit.


    Since this is Trump, I fully expect him to do something entirely unlike the smart move. It'll probably involve shooting himself in the foot with a mind-bendingly ill-conceived tweet.


    Yeah. Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders voted against it. It's not a foregone conclusion that the House will also pass this bill in its current form and their may be some ping pong played between the two houses about the specifics of it before it gets to the presidents desk. Like you. I have no clue what this president will do.

  8. New twist on "Pay to Play"


    "Several legal experts told Reuters that Comey's testimony last week that Trump expected loyalty and told Comey he hoped he could drop an investigation of a former top aide could bolster obstruction of justice allegations against Trump."


    You "pay" by vowing loyalty or you lose your job.


    Has anybody felt the brunt more in this crazy 2016 election than James Comey? Dealing with two deeply corrupt and dishonest candidates who have been controversial public figures for at least 25 years. Anybody who's been unfairly fired due to mistakes made by people higher up on the food chain despite working your a$$ off can relate to Comey. It leaves a sick feeling in your stomach that lessens over time but never goes away.


    That's why Comey leaked those memos. That's why Mueller is going to go after Trump hard with the obstruction of justice charges (not Russian collusion) as the FBI's reputation is at stake in their eyes. The character smears of Comey and now Mueller by Trump and his sycophants only emboldens Mueller and his team's resolve. I sill don't think any charges will be brought directly against Trump, but their will be a cloud over his head for years.


    I've been harping to the Democratic politicians (who I'm sure read this board regularly) to just let the Russia thing play itself out and focus solely on the reason a guy like Trump is president and why you're at your weakest point as far as positions in government go since the 1920's. Screaming "Russia, Russia, Russia" instead of figuring out why you lost to this guy is idiotic. Anyways, there's my rant.


    Doc, it's not B.S.


    that wasn't the whole sentence you bolded................



    But for what it’s worth, Mr. Hodgkinson apparently is, or was until today, a perfect exemplar of liberalism; of progressivism; of the Democratic Party.




    it means that UNTIL TODAY"S ACTIONS, he was a a perfect exemplar of progressivism and his page shows he was


    You're correct. I read it wrong. I thought you were generalizing.



    Hodgkinson appears to have drunk the progressive/Democratic Party kool-aid on every issue. Images from his Facebook page at the link.


    These are some of his “likes”:





    What media did Mr. Hodgkinson consume? These are the television programs he likes:





    As a general rule, it is foolish to pay attention to a “shooter’s” purported ideology. Most of them are just nuts. Maybe that is the case here too, although Mr. Hodgkinson (age 66) is not a typical, 20s-loner mass murderer. But for what it’s worth, Mr. Hodgkinson apparently is, or was until today, a perfect exemplar of liberalism; of progressivism; of the Democratic Party.


    Maybe that will prove relevant, maybe not. But it certainly bears mentioning.



    That's complete bs. Extremism in religion or political beliefs can lead to a deranged person doing something as abhorrent as this. Just look at the guy who killed two people in Portland last month.

  11. they aren't, what's so bad about a picture ID to vote?


    For how hot a topic issue this is their is a surprisingly lack of peer reviewed studies on whether states with stricter voting ID laws suppress the minority vote. There's just so many outside variables that make it difficult to see a cause and effect relationship. This is the best study I could findhttp://pages.ucsd.edu/~zhajnal/page5/documents/voterIDhajnaletal.pdf


    The study was done in 2014 and the most interesting conclusion found was that states with strict photo ID laws in the 2012 general election had a 7.7% decline turnout rate for Democrats and a 4.6% decline in Republicans compared to states where photo ID wasn't required. There were also a lot of findings in there, but that one to me was the most meaningful. You also have to take the findings with a grain of salt as their are outside variables that may have influenced those numbers.


    Respectfully: The people didn't choose this government, the big moneyed interests and oligarchy did by corrupting the courts and ignoring the constitution.


    We've codified bribery into our political process and squeezed out the voice of the people as a result. We live under a government now that is a plutocracy, not a republic. This wasn't chosen by the people, it was chosen by the big business interests (and others) when they pushed to make speech = money, corporations = people and started shredding basic constitutional protections under the phony guise of the "war on terror".


    Until the people actually wake up to this reality, and realize that our voices have no say in the process anymore unless we have a certain number in our bank accounts, it's only going to get worse.

    Wasn't the rise of populism in the last election on both sides proof that a lot of people are waking up to this reality? Bernie's and Trump's biggest selling point was not taking any money from lobbyists or special interests so they won't be owned. Whether or not you or I actually believed their rhetoric is besides the point as many people clearly did. Bernie almost took out the Clinton machine while Trump wiped out the Republican field (despite Superpacs designed to stop him at all costs) and ultimately Hillary. With Trump seemingly doing the opposite of "draining the swamp" for the most part so far, this rebellion against the establishment won't go away any time soon.

  13. So lies and half truths are better than the truth in your eyes. Gotcha!

    Do you honestly believe MSNBC and CNN don't use the same tactics for left wing propaganda?

    Lets see... they've fired what % of their staff that had a bias. Hannity is the only one left from noon on.

    Ratings indicate Most Watershed, most trusted is based on speculation.



    The Trump base / faithful must really not like it when Fox News contributors speak against him.


    Hannity is the only one left where Trump can do no wrong. The bashing of the left wing media is still prevalent during Prime Time.

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