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Posts posted by LABILLBACKER

  1. Coaching has kept this team out of the playoffs the past 2 years. Way too many close games decided by blunders or lack of discipline.


    We don't know what we have in McDermott, but I love what I've seen so far. If he can turn this talented team into a disciplined, motivated unit that actually shows up to play each week, 10-6 or even 11-5 is possible.

    From an optimistic viewpoint I see the weak Carolina defense as vulnerable. Denver has no elite QB. We destroyed Cinncy last year.The Charger, Saints & Colts games are winnable. If we can beat Carolina and start 2-0 it could be a very interesting year? Maybe Brady and Ajayi go down with injuries mid year? And on a final note the Raiders notoriously play horrible in Buffalo.

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that this is not a playoff team. I await the Vegas over and under numbers. Thinking the line will be between 6 and 7 wins.


    To be clear, yes I would feel better if my team's management had basic roster evaluation abilities with regard to how it stacked up to the rest of the NFL.

    We have the 5th hardest schedule. The NE/Mia end of year games make no sense. 5 wins will not get us Darnold.

  3. Maybe I'm just in the minority of people who aren't too concerned if MG leaves. I certainly wouldn't call RB a need at that point.

    Bang have you lost your marbles. We're the number one running team in the NFL and I'm sure we plan on continuing that scenario. If Shady goes down and we don't resign Gillislee, Tolbert or some unproven rookie will be anchoring our number one running offense. For god sakes just pay TD Mike and be done with it, he's worth every penny. And it will still leave us a little cap space to maneuver the draft picks. Let's not get sucked into New England's plan every year by forcing us and a corner. And frankly Gillislee is worth more than a 5th round pick considering his production the last two years

  4. Doug Whaley is on borrowed time and we all know it. His power position with this organization has clearly diminished over the last few months. And unless he hits one out of the park with this upcoming draft, he's pretty much gone. His legacy will be the disaster of EJ Manuel and the over valuing of Sammy Watkins. Not to mention a couple of contracts that were way more than they should have been with Dareus and Clay...

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