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Posts posted by Governor

  1. 14 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    It does not need to be millions but often 100k that makes the difference and that can be done through many ways. When literally 100 billion is being swayed by a few people to speak as if the motivation is i not there is being intentionally oblivious

    It can happen at the local level where the election is decided by less than 1000 votes. Republicans were caught in NC in that House race that was really close. Safeguards were out into place after that. That was more of a “ballot harvesting” scenario.

    senate or presidential level? Nope.

  2. On 4/6/2021 at 8:36 PM, TroutDog said:

    I love the idea of a paywall the more I think about it. Many here complain about paying for The Athletic or BN...seriously? You won’t pay for people’s work? Ask a plumber or HVAC person to your house and then stiff them. How does that work out?

    This entire argument is just silly. Asking for cash to participate in a board as active and good as this is only fair. Not to mention keeping the trolls at bay. Sign me up. 

    I don’t mind paying, I just don’t like 50 companies having my card info and any info really. If I could mail Tim Graham a roll of quarters I would prefer that.

  3. 50 minutes ago, B-Man said:



    OR...................or, ..........to verify that a legal vote has been cast.


    but that never occurred to you.






    But it doesn’t actually do that at all.


    It’s basically impossible to commit voter fraud on a meaningful scale and you know that.


    Each ballot is secure and mailed to the voter at their home address. What you’re actually saying is that millions of ballots are being stolen out of people’s locked mailboxes by random people who intend to fraudulently fill out those ballots. 

    Think about how silly that is.

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. The only reason to match signatures is to throw out votes. That’s not a new tactic only used in Georgia. It’s been deployed for years along with purging people from voter rolls if they don’t respond quickly enough to something they mail to you.


    The list goes on and on....

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  5. 15 minutes ago, Southern_Bills said:


    As someone who lives in the south alabama coastal Beach area, 20 minutes from Florida which I'm in constantly, I promise you it is no where near the badlands post apocalyptic landfill people think it is lol.


    Life is moving along just fine.

    Truth is, we really have no idea how bad Florida is right now. With how they behaved over the last year, decreasing testing, changing how cases and hospitalizations are counted, changing or not providing “cause of death”, there’s no way for anyone to really know.


    All that we know is that it isn’t good at all.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Southern_Bills said:


    That's something you say after you disprove a statement/theory...what did you disprove?


    it’s amazing to me that folks are still trying to defend Florida. This is a state that just spent 10 out of last 12 months purposely testing as few people as possible each day to keep case numbers down.


    Now that the stimulus passed, which includes money for testing, it’s no surprise at all that their numbers are going through the roof. It’s about to get a whole lot worse too!

  7. 6 minutes ago, CincyBillsFan said:

    I'm sure this discussion is about to be squelched, probably as it should be on a Bills message board.  But:


    *  I've worked in science long enough to recognize when someone doesn't know that the hell they're talking about in science


    *  and DEATH RATE is really the most important parameter, no?  After that it's ICU rate, then hospitalization rate and finally cases.  Not sure how you can call that moving the goal posts. 

    That was a nice try tho......rookie!

  8. 4 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    LOL I'm sitting in my office, and I can see 4 different colors on the wall from here.  I'd be over there with a paint tray and a roller.

    Darnold had everything removed from the walls so the ghosts couldn’t hide behind the paintings.

  9. 36 minutes ago, CincyBillsFan said:

    Quoting % increases from smaller numbers is disingenuous. 


    And starting with the onset of February winter breaks in the north central and north eastern USA to the National Spring Breaks of March/April there has been a massive flow of tourists to Florida.   That Florida isn't seeing a bigger jump in cases is actually reassuring. 


    Worst case scenario is full herd immunity by early September best case scenario will have us at herd immunity by July 4.  Either way we'll be seeing packed, rocking stadiums for the NFL's opening week.  Anything else would b going against the science.



    It’s the 4th worst state right now. Florida will likely be the last state to fully recover. 



    • Vomit 1
  10. 7 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    I think it's actually the new style.  Tone-on-tone, minimalist decor - supposed to clear your mind and help your focus

    My mother wouldn’t be able to sleep at night If I did that. She’s be in my house while I’m at work hanging things on the wall. Mom, it’s minimalism! Nope, that wouldn’t fly at all.

  11. “I think everybody should have that choice to do it or not to do it,” Allen said. “You get in this tricky situation now where if you do mandate that that’s kind of going against what our constitution says and the freedom to kind of express yourself one way or the other. I think we’re in a time where that’s getting a lot harder to do. Everybody should have that choice.”

    Express yourself?

  12. 12 minutes ago, appoo said:

    Since we're down this rathole, I'm not sure this is at all necessary. I think the only business that would need a vaccination are flights - domestic or international, and that's because you don't know where people are coming from before they get on a plane, and you're messing around with variants from around the world. We don't need to ADD to the at risk population.


    What's the purpose of requiring vaccination proof to get into a stadium? Who are we protecting? People who refuse to get a vaccine? 


    My leading identifier is that of empathy. I believe empathy to be the most powerful force on Earth.  I don't have empathy for those who choose not to get vaccinated. I hold no ill will towards them as they have free will on whether or not to get vaccinated, but I don't have empathy for them if they refuse to get vaccinated, and then get sick. After the year we as a society, and me personally, have been through, I just can't.  If you want to walk into a stadium unvaccinated, be it on your own head.


    Btw, this is also why I'm fully supportive of Josh Allen. He doesn't want to get a vaccine, and at this point that's not something that will harm society, The man followed all COVID protocols and masked etc, that's all we can ask of him. Let him make his own choice based on his own beliefs.  But at the same time that choice shouldn't inform decisions on community activities.

    That very well may be the landscape by September. I guess it depends on how quickly children get vaccinated. Restrictions will probably change as the season progresses.

    • Vomit 1
  13. 48 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

    More people get together = more cases of illness. Seems like common sense that no one would question normally....


    Many other studies of airborne sicknesses have been done over the last 200 years....


    I hope all stadiums allow vaccinated fans back in 2021. It just makes sense and everyone will have a great time.

    From the looks of it, some concerts (arenas, stadiums, amphitheaters) will be happening in the month of August so the NFL will have that data and the used procedures to look at before the season starts. Vaccinated folks will get the go-ahead and tickets should be easier to get since 30 percent of fans won’t be able to attend.

    • Vomit 1
  14. 2 hours ago, appoo said:

    Heres the thing, by Sept everyone in America will have had an opportunity to get the vaccine, and if they haven't we'd know about it.


    By that point, if you're not protected, that's on you.


    What the Rangers are doing NOW is crazy, but if they waited till Sept? No problems

    Yeah, you’ll need proof of vaccination or a negative test to enter a game next season and I’m just fine with that.

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