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Posts posted by oldmanfan

  1. God forbid you have a HC and GM that work well together. I watched the video. I would prefer if there is a disagreement about a draft pick that one guy make the final call. But I would say two other things: 1. Someone will make the call and 2. An effective HC/GM combo that agrees on team philosophy (see: Seattle, Pittsburgh, Baltimore as examples) is the most important factor in building and sustaining a winning team. Early comments from the owner and HC say that is happening, unless of course you choose to think they're lying.

  2. I came from the other board and hope I'm not diminishing the experience of the veterans around here. As to the topic, I have always felt KIm Pegula may have been more the driving force behind the purchase of the Bills given her childhood and college ties to the area. Regardless, if you look at what they are doing with respect to Pegulaville, etc it seems clear to me the Pegulas have a long term interest in WNY and the success of the teams they own there.

  3. "We have no plans to move Stevie Johnson."

    What does that have to do with Pegula and Ryan last year? It's like saying the crayon is purple.

    Just making a point that McD and/or Pegula could absolutely be lying. We won't know until we know.

    Then I presume you would be in favor of them limiting access since you won't believe what they say anyway.

    Only if all the evidence contradicts the statement. Like last year's draft, it appeared Rex was in charge and Whaley was fetching him players.

    I have said I'd like to see Whaley be more assertive. But that just may not be his personality. And a GM working with a HC to get players he thinks fit isn't a bad thing.

    Either both Pegula and McD are lying.


    Or La Canfora has his facts wrong.


    And La Canfora never has his facts wrong.

    No. Never ever.

  5. All this started because of some random, crap thrown against a wall and see if it sticks, comment from a guy who is wrong way more often than he is right.


    I am not sure if annoyed or amused fits my feelings about guys like LaCanfora or Schefter or whomever. They seem to think their information is gold plated, even though most of the time it's seems like they're just guessing. Outside of LaCanfora pretty much being wrong about most all his guesses this off-season, my ost irritating moment was when I saw some story that broke on the NFL network about some player move (don't remember the specific one). Then a few hours later, ESPN puts something up on how Schefter has "confirmed" the NFL Network report, as if it was untrue unless pronounced as valid by the God Schefter. These guys seem very full of themselves.


    Just once I'd like to see James Brown on CBS look at LaCanfora, or now Samantha Ponder at ESPN look at Schefter, and ask them why they were so wrong about a given move, player, etc. These guys can just throw out stuff, and they apparently don't have to worry about job security because they never have to be accountable.

  6. I'm not saying it is going to happen, or even likely, but I do think it could. The Bills have 8 regular season games, a couple preseason, and (please god someday) a playoff game or two a year. Hardly make or break for the Buffalo economy as a whole. As someone said, Pegulas passion is hockey, specifically the Sabres. If push came to shove and he had to foot the bill for a new stadium or move the team I could see him selling the Bills and getting back to what he loves, the Sabres. Not one of the "all-time worst business decisions in the history of business decisions" at all. In fact, it would probably give him a few thousand less headaches a year and maybe make him a buck or two if the new owners really wanted the team.

    As long as he's married to Kim, the Bills aren't going anywhere. She's the local girl.

  7. Thank goodness WNYers go to the mall and eat at restaurants. Phew!

    yes. which means they have disposable income.

    I think the NFL wants a team in London, and I suspect it's going to be Jacksonville. I also think they want a team in Mexico City, but I think that is further down the road.

    But how will a team relocate if it can't get over the border wall?

  8. This one voice concept is very easy to grasp. Whaley is awful at press conferences, Terry gets so nervous at them he almost forgets the English language and I am guessing Kim doesn't do them because sooner or later the media will question why its always her and never Terry. It's better for the fans and the team if they have a polished speaker up at the podium getting the message across.

    absolutely. This is why businesses have PR people. Not every successful businessman, GM, coach, what have you is a good public speaker. I have posted before that I have personally met two Nobel prize winning scientists, brilliant guys, who absolutely stink at giving lectures. It's just not a talent that they have.

  9. when I return to visit WNY, what I see are all the restaurant parking lots filled, people going to the mall, etc, etc. And I believe the Sabres sell a lot of tickets per game.


    People in WNY have disposable income, maybe not as much as folks in other cities but they do. And given the Bills importance to so many in WNY I have no doubt folks will still figure out a way to get their tickets and go to games.

  10. Gullible people in this thread.


    So it's not that McDermott is now doing all the talking, it is "One Voice".


    It's not that Whaley no longer appears in public or speaks, it's "One Voice" We will just tell the fans it is "One Voice" , and we believe in it, and they will believe it, because they believe anything we tell them.


    And they will mock people who point out that calling what has happened, is the same thing whether you say 'Whaley doesn't get to talk any more" or "One Voice"


    And they will mock anybody who points out the irony of it being Sean McDermott being the one to say all of this means nothing, at the NFL meetings, which is yet another event that Whaley will not be allowed to talk at.


    Two months ago Doug Whaley said the team policy is the coach is the voice during the season and he is the voice at other times. And oddly, that was the last peep we have heard out of him.


    I am with the few who say, this talk by One Voice McD, doesn't clear up anything.


    What McDermott did do however, is point out that he and his coaching staff, are now more involved with the free agency shopping, than the coaches have ever been said to be before.


    Doug Whaley always got all the credit for that.



    Even paranoid people have enemies, I suppose. Good for you.

  11. you know John Blake do you ?

    Good to hear my Friend. I have no idea about this fellow. But a current day attacking 4 man front need to remain fresh !

    Love the work ethic you noted


    Mike Waufle is the new D line coach. Ex-Marine. Let's see what he can do with this kid. And I'm particularly interested in what he does with Dareus. I think Dareus either mans up or melts into a puddle of goo under this guy.

  12. Whaley is not a good public speaker, which does not mean he's either a good or bad GM. McDermott is a better public speaker, which does not mean he's a a good or bad HC. But it does mean the Bills are better off having McDermott be the one voice coming out of OBD.


    And we should all realize by now that LaCanfora in general is not to be believed. He is a rumor mongerer whose postings would fit better in the National Enquirer




    So, LaCanfora says McDermott has growing cache with ownership, could be bringing in VPs or personnel figures with ties to the coach in the near future, and that the marriage likely isn't built to last.


    And then McDermott says that Whaley and he worked together on all this and neither could have done it alone, that it's been a total team effort, and that "Doug and I have had healthy conversations, productive conversations, and I look forward to doing that moving forward." And that the team will speak with one voice.


    And people hear McDermott's comments and say, "See, LaCanfora was wrong, and there's no problem." Really?


    Does nobody notice that both of those could easily be 100% true, that they are not contradictory? They are not.


    Did McDermott say how far forward he will move with Whaley? Did he say there will be no new VPs or personnel figures? Folks, this is good PR, but McDermott didn't contradict LaCanfora's report. He didn't say there isn't conflict. And he certainly didn't guarantee Whaley's future with the Bills will be long or filled with power.

    Of course

  14. I'm all for second chances, and I hate to see any young person squander their talents regardless of what field they're in. But I just don't see this young man ever getting it to the point where he becomes any kind of productive, reliable NFL player. If he is let go and they want to take a look at him, fine. But I sure wouldn't spend any capital such as a draft pick to get a guy that is more likely to not play than play.

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