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Posts posted by oldmanfan

  1. 1 minute ago, Ethan in Cleveland said:

    I would take the Rams one SB win and not making the playoffs over losing in the Division round three years in a row.

    People are brainwashed with Beane and McD BS on sustained success.  The NFL is a win now at all costs league.  And this regime blew our best chances.  Josh could break down like Cam Newton any moment with the way he plays.  Like Apollo Creed said, there is no tomorrow.



    Then maybe he needs to adjust his style somewhat

  2. Just now, JakeFrommStateFarm said:

    Diggs was a great receiver for the Bills and it's no coincidence that Josh's career took off with his arrival. 


    It's disappointing to see so many Bills fans turn on diggs 

    Was a great run, but he’s 31 now and production fell off last year.

  3. 1 minute ago, nedboy7 said:


    Diggs is better than any rookie until proven otherwise, which is a complete unknown.  With 30 mil dead cap next season.  It was a bad decision. 

    It is a good decision if the dissection he was rumored to be causing was true.  I cannot imagine this deal was made without Josh being OK with it.

    • Agree 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, CincyBillsFan said:

    Some folks are poo pooing the 2025 2nd round pick but if you combine it with the Bills #28 pick this year it could enable them to move up in the 1st round or add it to this years #2 pick and maybe jump back into the 1st round.


    And since it's actually the Vikings 2nd round pick it should be pretty high as Minnesota is looking to have a down season this year.



    I think they’ll use this year’s 1 and next year’s one plus the #2 from the trade and move into the top 5-10.  They walk away with one of the top 3 WRs in the draft.

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. Just now, Royale with Cheese said:


    This trade doesn't happen unless Allen tells Beane he's good with it.

    Agreed.  And while I’m surprised I think back to Bill Walsh who said it’s better to get rid of a guy a year too early than a year too late.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 15 minutes ago, Ethan in Cleveland said:

    I hate this so much.  Best WR in franchise history. 

    Pegula and Beane choose the loser head coach over the star WR that called out his bull#### OC.

    God I hate this. 

    Beane had better find a great replacement 


    Again, Andre Reed would like to say hi.  

    • Like (+1) 9
  7. 14 minutes ago, Professor Worthington said:

    Can you understand the difference between a figure of speech and an authoritarian decree?  Since you’re deferring to me for guidance, I guess that means you consider me an authority, and I’m flattered.

    So when you say criticism of Josh has to stop you’re not serious.


    Looking back through this thread it strikes me there is actually agreement on many things:


    1.  Josh is a great QB.

    2.  People can accept that Josh can continue to improve on the mental or processing aspects of his game.

    3.  Deficiencies in other team aspects particularly on the defensive side and on coaching need to be improved going forward.


    • Agree 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Professor Worthington said:

    Spending time picking apart Josh’s flaws is like doing the same for Steph Curry and not scrutinizing how Draymond, Klay Thompson, Steve Kerr, etc  are playing/coaching to their potentials.  It’s not where the spotlight should shine.


    The only way the Bills win it all is by improving JA’s supporting cast.  If all else is the same and we see incremental improvements in Josh, there is no Lombardi.  One man alone, no matter how talented, cannot win a championship.  I think we’ve proven that.

    I’m still confused.  What can we say on the message board and what can’t we say?

    • Disagree 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, CincyBillsFan said:

    If you want to have a "reasonable discussion" maybe you should stop calling it "hero worship" when some of us disagree with your takes on Allen?


    Look, I don't think there is much Allen can do going forward to improve his physical tools.  IMO the best use of his time the first couple of months after the season ends is exactly what he appears to be doing:  relaxing and decompressing from football. 


    I also think Shaw has identified the one place where Allen could significantly improve and that's in his decision making.  But experience will go a long way towards fixing this.  Where I disagree with Shaw is that I don't think this deficiency is as important as he does. I believe that Allen is already playing at a level, including decision making, that would win the Bills Super Bowls if the coaching and play from other top Bills talents matched Allen's play in the playoffs.


    I sense that you don't like Allen's style of play.  Here's your quote abut Favre from above:  "But I think one can argue Favre cost his team championships with his gunslinger approach."  I disagree with this because you are saying that Favre would have been better if he changed who he fundamentally was.  IMO he would not have been better and maybe would have had a mediocre at best career if you had your way.  From what I can tell you want the same thing for Allen. 





    Well said. 


    When someone like Shaw or Beck point out areas that Allen could work on they do it from the POV of being Bills fans and wanting the team to get better.  They also do it without malice aimed at Allen and in full recognition that the path to a Bills Super Bowl might be more likely achieved if Allen tweaked his game then if other parts of the Bills organization pulled their fair share. These are all debatable points but IMO form the basis for an honest, positive discussion about Allen and his play.


    I think Favre is the floor for Allen.  Allen has better physical talent and if he can add to that some of the mental aspect of a Montana he can be the best ever.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 38 minutes ago, Don Otreply said:

    Agree,  The defense scheme has pretty much failed every post season, yet we continue to roll out the same soft zone / contain style defense annually, at some point one would think that some modifications for the post season are in order. 

    I as well think Shaw66 in correct in how he describes how Josh can be a better QB for the team, that does not mean it Josh’s fault all the time, it just means he could stand to improve an aspect of his craft, just as our post season defense could stand improvement…,  when a team is good like the Bills, it’s the incremental improvements that will put them over the top, jmo. 

    Well stated.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Beck Water said:


    Well, for one thing, at the point where Dorsey was fired on November 14th, the Bills pretty much had to win all but 1 of their remaining games to make the playoffs.


    I think that McDermott's risk-tolerance for Josh running changes depending on how much is on the line.


    Can you explain what "designed runs and scrambles" means to you?  Scrambles, to my understanding, are by definition when the structure of the play breaks down and the QB chooses to run.

    Designed scramble would be an oxymoron one would think.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Professor Worthington said:

    Any criticism of Josh Allen or acknowledgement of such has got to stop.  Those who do it look uninformed and clownish, or they are desperate for attention and clicks.  

    He is an elite QB with generational talent who will be enshrined in Canton one day.  Can he improve?  Sure, we all have opportunities to improve, but his performances are not behind the Bills’ failure to reach the SB.


    Against the Texans we had a special teams TD reversed and a defensive meltdown in OT.  13 seconds is on the defense and coaching.  This year, thank you Tyler Bass and Stefon Diggs.  17 isn’t the problem.  It’s the 54 other players and coaches that deserve the criticism.

    So as Shaw and I have said, he is a great QB that can continue to improve on the mental side of his game.  Is that kind of commentary allowed or do we have to stop because you say we must?

  13. 6 hours ago, transplantbillsfan said:


    Then how do you explain that the guy McDermott fired at OC had Josh running via designed runs and scrambles 4.2 times per game while the guy he hired as Interim OC and then retained permanently in that position had Josh running 9.7 times a game?


    Brady doesn't sound like he had the offense very "buttoned up," at least based on your definition.


    Also, I don't think 31 other coaches say that, either. Lamar falls into a similar bucket as Allen. Maybe Hurts, to a lesser extent.


    I'm a little mystified that you think every QB needs to be judged and evaluated as QBs by the same set of standards.


    A good coach knows the talent he has at specific positions and uses it. However buttoned up McDermott might be, he understands the stallion he has at QB and chose the OC that had him running almost 10 times a game.

    Calling specific runs is different than going through progressions on a called pass play. 

  14. 27 minutes ago, Shaw66 said:

    Cool data.  Thanks.


    I think you're wrong.  I don't believe 31 coaches in the league tell their QB look at youth 3rd and fourth option and Brady tells Josh to tuck it and run.  Don't believe it for a.minute. McDermott is much too buttoned down for that.  


    Josh has assignments like everyone else, and he's still learning to execute them properly.  He gets graded on his execution. 


    The Bills offense is not predicated in Josh being Josh.  I'm sure of it.  

    I agree with you Shaw.  Love Josh, delighted he’s our QB, and look

    forward to his continually making himself better.


    I think the difference between you and I and some other folks here is in the comparisons to other QBs.  Some say Favre and are happy for that.  But I think one can argue Favre cost his team championships with his gunslinger approach.  Great QB to be sure but could have been even more accomplished.  You and I admire a guy like Brady or Montana who were much more surgical in approach.  Maybe not the same physical skills as a Favre, but ultimately more successful.


    I think if Josh could take his insanely great physical skills and approach the management skills of say a Montana he would be unstoppable.  And I think he can do so.  

    • Agree 1
  15. 19 minutes ago, CincyBillsFan said:

    Judas Priest now the criteria is SOLE REASON? I don't have time to play games.  There are plenty of posters who call out Allen as a problem keeping the Bills from advancing further then they have.  None of them are saying he's the sole reason but time after time they claim or insinuate that Allen's play is limiting the Bills.  And every time I see this I call out BS, because that is exactly what it is.


    If you're truly happy Allen is the Bills QB then why do you insist he has to improve for us to reach the next level?  On any rational list of what the Bills must do to get over the hump Allen playing better is #99. 


    And please enough with the "everyone can improve" shtick.  It's true but completely irrelevant to Allen and the Bills.  IMO even if Allen improves as much as he can it won't matter to the Bills getting over the hump if they don't significantly improve other areas of the team.  In other words we homers believe that Allen has played more then well enough to win multiple Super Bowls if other parts of the Bills team & coaches improved their game. That's where the focus and discussion needs to be.





    No one is claiming Josh alone is holding the team back, only that he like EVERY OTHER ATHLETE IN RECORDED HISTORY can improve.  Does our D need to improve a helluva lot more than Josh for us to win?  Absolutely.  Coaching?  A helluva lot more, absolutely.  O line?  Yep, absolutely.


    Quit with your hero worship and read what people are actually saying.


    Actually quite a few posters over the last couple of months have been saying exactly that.  And then when some of us get pissed off and call them out for it you and others accuse us of "hero worship".


    This was our earlier exchange.  I said no one is claiming Josh alone is holding the team back.  You highlighted that, and responded “Actually quite a few posters over the last couple of months have been saying exactly that”.  Those are your words.


    And now it’s now the criteria is sole reason and I’m playing games?  You’re the one who denies your own words.  Or to put it another way, playing games.  Like ignoring what I wrote about all aspects of the team needing to improve.  Just more of your game playing.


    The issue here is when you deny the words you used, it is impossible to have a reasonable discussion.  

  16. 49 minutes ago, PBF81 said:


    So Allen not working harder during the offseason, which even I won't dispute, then equals him being the reasons for our playoff losses.  


    Sure.  OK.  




    Discussing this with you is like playing whack-a-mole in terms of what the particular focus of the discussion is.  


    Sorry, but there's no "hero worship," but blaming Allen when he's been the only reason why we've even won any playoff games, besides possibly one, is absurd.  



    Ok, as I’ve said you just want to engage in ridiculous hyperbole.  Here is an example, quoting from what I posted that you just referred to (capitals for emphasis):


    Look at other sports and the guys who worked hardest to improve every day were guys like Jordan and Bird.  AND YES I AM QUITE SURE JOSH IS DOING THE SAME.


    When you want to have an actual discussion without resorting to deliberately misstating what people say let me know.



    • Eyeroll 1
  17. 42 minutes ago, CincyBillsFan said:

    Actually quite a few posters over the last couple of months have been saying exactly that.  And then when some of us get pissed off and call them out for it you and others accuse us of "hero worship".


    And for the record no one is saying Allen can't get better, we agree that everyone can improve.  What we are saying is that Allen is near peak performance as a QB and he is the LAST THING preventing the Bills from taking the next step and winning a Super Bowl. 




    Find one single person on this board saying Josh is the sole reason we haven’t one a Super Bowl.  I’ll save you time; no one has.  What has happened is that people state correctly that he can continue to improve.  And that you and others then go into hyperbole and claim things that have not been said.


    I don’t know of a single fan either personally or on this board that is not happy we have Josh as our QB.

    • Like (+1) 2
  18. 5 minutes ago, PBF81 said:


    That's a ridiculous statement.  Claiming that Allen's among what is holding us back ...  SMH LOL 


    Allen damn near best the Chiefs in '21 by himself.  



    Just stop with your nonsense.  Tom Brady worked hard every offseason to improve.  Peyton Manning did.  Look at other sports and the guys who worked hardest to improve every day were guys like Jordan and Bird.  and yes, I am quite sure Josh is doing the same.  Because he, unlike you, knows one can constantly improve.


    No one is claiming Josh alone is holding the team back, only that he like EVERY OTHER ATHLETE IN RECORDED HISTORY can improve.  Does our D need to improve a helluva lot more than Josh for us to win?  Absolutely.  Coaching?  A helluva lot more, absolutely.  O line?  Yep, absolutely.


    Quit with your hero worship and read what people are actually saying.

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Agree 1
  19. 10 hours ago, PBF81 said:


    So that one thing makes Josh the reason as to why we haven't beaten anything but crap teams in the playoffs his fault then?  Well, OK.  I suppose if that's how you view it.  


    Which game/play are we talking about by the way?  

    I guess we'll have to move on to a QB that never misses a pass and one that runs with a little more pizazz than Allen.  



    People are trying to have a reasonable discussion, but you insist on hijacking it with this kind of hyperbolic nonsense.


    For the Bills to win a Lombardi ALL aspects of the team must improve, coaching, player performance etc.  That includes the QB.

  20. 6 minutes ago, Ya Digg? said:

    It was the right throw, he just didn’t make it (we all know why, and it wasn’t because of Josh)! Why do we still need to keep talking about it? Yes Diggs was open, so was Shakir! Maybe they still only get a field goal with a pass to Diggs, then Mahomes still gets the winning drive…or is that not part of the narrative you want on that? 

    Don’t give me the narrative crap.  I think there is plenty of evidence to say that you don’t want to give Mahomes the ball back with time left.  A first down let’s you run more clock, then kick a FG from closer in and with a lot less time on the clock.


    Did Josh lose the game?  Of course not - the D with all the injuries needed to hold one more time and couldn’t.  Is Josh great?  Yes.  Can he be even greater?  Also yes.

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