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Iron Maiden

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Everything posted by Iron Maiden

  1. Tonight in the streets of Trieste ( on the mainland, just across from Venice )...
  2. Hey !...I typed it...I could've used cut and paste....;-)
  3. You know what that reminds me of?........How someone thinks they are smart and witty, and yet, keeps showing evidence of the opposite.....Go back playing with your Rex Ryan dolls.....
  4. I try not to...but I think believing Canada is a National threat to the USA is as close as stupid comes.... Show me where I am " spouting liberal asshattery " .....Is it when I say I agree with Trump's agenda but disagree with the way he's going about it...you know...when he's acting like a total jerk..... All resources are important...the # 1 important resource on this planet is fresh water....Canada has the most fresh water on the planet....I say we stay friends with them and stop treating them like ****.... BTW, I'm a proud republican...always have, always will...
  5. I read his stuff .....and I take it in consideration....but I like to make my mind on things after looking at many point of views....from a wide variety of avenues.....and adding my personal experience obviously......1 opinion does not make it true...on any subject...
  6. Oh, I''m not living in fear of anything.....I was just pointing out that when Trump is acting like he doesn't care or shows little respect to our allies leaders and criticize their moves in such a public fashion, he needs to realize that we need them....they need us , yes...but we need them as well... I already mentioned that I don't believe that the EU, UK or Canada will fall into China's arms anytime soon....but that option is there for them...we can't deny it....
  7. Do you seriously think Canada is a National security threat ? We've shared the longest border in the world with them for many years without any major incidents....and.... Canada does not simply buy " cheap Chinese steel "...and sell it to us....It manufactures thousands and thousands of pounds of steel every single months....last year they made 13.7 million metric pounds of it....what about the aluminium....I believe they are the 3rd largest in production worldwide....why put a tariff on that ?....Starting a trade war with our closest economic ally, while enjoying a trade surplus overall with them sounds counter productive....
  8. Yeah...you mean when student wanted changes and the party simply put the cabash on it...while crushing protesters with their tanks ? They are still in power aren't they ? I spent time in Hong Kong and Shanghai just 2 years ago....the party is ruling with a hand of steel and is mainly revered still to this day...from what I saw of course....
  9. I disagree with this however...The Chinese government can withstand any rumble from their population much more efficiently than we can...we go vote every2-4 years and the candidates have to take that in consideration...Over there, Xi is President for life...and if you don't like him, you probably disappear to never be seen again...
  10. There's some truth to that...yes...but I was merely responding to a previous post saying " there is very little that we need that we can't manufacture ourselves ".... Our manufactures are not capable RIGHT NOW to service all American needs.....especially at the prices the American consumer is used to pay.... It will take several years and most likely a huge turn around in terms of robotics ( which cost lots of $$ ) to be able to meet demand... Despite what some think and whether we like it or not, we need several other countries to trade with.... Don't get me wrong...I like the idea of looking at some of the trade deals we currently have and adjusting them....I just don't think the way Trump is going about it ..... trashing our allies publicly is the way to go.... you can get results without being a complete jerk...actually, you probably end up with better deals in the long run....IMO of course...;-)
  11. lol..yeah...that's me....pretending to size up someone from a few post on a football message board is unequivocally the best way to be accurate...very impressive....it's like me saying " 3rdnlng is a pretend, self proclaim psychologist who love to categorize poster in limited ideological boxes without showing any sign of broad intellectual prowess "....see...that's sounds silly doesn't it ? Do me a favor and take a look around the room you are currently in...how many thing you see are made in China vs made in the USA...?
  12. I disagree...they can survive and even prosper without us...they would simply change their current ways of doing things....we are the # 1 market in the world, but there's ways for them to go on without us....it's not ideal for them of course, but it is possible...already, we see bilateral deals without us happening in response to the tariffs hikes.... The world needs us...yes...but we need the world as well....and Trump criticizing and dumping of our allies is not, IMO, the way to go...he can and should fix things behind close doors... Can you imagine the reaction here if May, Trudeau, Macron , Merkel etc...would act like Trump....getting on twitter or in TV interviews and slamming the way we do things...saying they would do much better...we would flip out and telling them to stuff it !....Well, the rest of the world will eventually tell us the same.... As far as China...what can they offer ?...Only the largest market ( population wise ) in the world.....As I said earlier, I do not think this would happen...but it's something to be aware of....China has more power than some think....we owe them over 1.19 trillion.....they could start cashing in, instead of buying more debts....they can also flood the markets with US $....that would result in inflation etc.... We are not untouchable as some think...again, we need our allies...and telling May that the way she is dealing with Brexit would likely end hopes of a trade deal with us is no the way to go...Why are we telling them how to deal with Brexit ? Or the trade adviser telling Trudeau there's a special place in hell for people like him..( I know the administration has since apologized ) for him simply saying the same things at the G7 summit that he's been saying for months.... That's the stuff I would like to stop..it's unnecessary and makes Trump look like a complete !@#$.......
  13. Let me ask you this...how often to you travel outside if the country? I'm lucky to have the opportunity to do it quite often because of work.....So yeah, I do think about the way we are perceived..... Selling their soul ?...that's a bit dramatic.....my point was we are not indispensable for them to progress......Trump's act will be wearing thin with the other world's leader.....
  14. What stops the EU + Canada + the UK to simply keep moving without us....they need us, but absolutely can go on without us....what if they get " friendlier" with China ?.....China would love to take these guys off our team and on theirs ....Now, I don;t think this will happen.....despite what Trump is saying, our culture and values are much closer to those countries than China....But acting like WE don't value our allies, economically and militarily, is not good IMO....we are a huge market, but the world can go on without the good ol' USA...I don't want us to piss off our allies to the point where they say enough, and gives us the " Trump " treatment....And I truly believe, that time will come sooner than later....Hopefully I'm wrong...
  15. I didn't agree with Obama.....on anything....but I liked how he wasn't pissing off most of our allies....despite what some think, we need allies...the us vs the world philosophy doesn't really work in the 2018 reality...
  16. 100% spot on....I like what he's doing overall...I really disagree about the way he goes about it.....The President of the United States is acting like a prick and our image it taking quite the hit...now, if you do not care about our image around the world, then you don't have to worry about it...I do...so I completely disagree with his methodology...especially the way he goes after our allies....they have to answer to their citizens and insulting their leaders is probably not a good thing to do...just like we don't like being told electing Trump was a big mistake, it's the same for them......Imagine May or Trudeau telling the world how Trump is making bad decisions after bad decisions and telling the world they would have done it differently and with much better results....it wouldn't be a popular move.....I love " America First "...but I do not want an isolationist President....
  17. Last night in Lisbon, Portugal....Friday the 13th + Fear of the Dark...yep...
  18. Monday night in Milan...this never gets old...my all time favorite ! And Tuesday Night , their 2nd show in Switzerland...this time, Zurich....
  19. As a moderate Republican, I qualify as a Trump critic. I have to admit, I don't mind that pick at all. Trump did surprisingly well on that front ! Give credit where credit is due....
  20. Does this qualify as the yearly " Pats are done " thread ?....I believe it is the 10th edition...It started in 2008 when Brady got hurt for the year...........Before then, they won 3 SBs, and 6 division Championships....Since '08, the won 2 SBs and 9 division crowns..... At this point, who knows...Odds are if Brady plays, they'll win it again....He just won MVP last year, so I don't see where the optimism about him " showing his age " comes from...He is still playing at a elite level...
  21. I got a thing for Sandra Bullock....Hot and funny....
  22. It's not just the US Media... https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-44732754
  23. Freibugh Germany on Saturday night.... And Arnhem, Holland last night...this gives us an idea of the size of the crowds on that tour...when it's all said and done, this European tour will have been seen by more than 1 million fans....
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