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Posts posted by Buffalo716

  1. When it gets to the media, it'll be "Clearly he idolized Hitler, he read Mein Kampf." People won't think about it, they'll react. Emotionally, and stupidly.

    Why I dont tell anyone I'm German.


    I told my Syrian orthodontist that I was German years ago and he just looked at me and said "huh, I hear they're pretty racist people"


    My only response I could muster was well.. my grandfather did leave the Rhine to fight the Nazis with the Americans.

  2. Hell I'd listen to him politically even as a KKK leader and white supremacist. Are we afraid to even listen to those we disagree with now??

    I was referring to Bob Byrd.


    A United States senator. KKK leader, hero to Hillary Rodham Clinton, and friend of Barack Obama.


    And a lifelong democrat

  3. -Provided their font is approved.

    Can I ask you another hypothetical question?


    If a man was a KKK leader and a white supremacist but in his old age asked for forgiveness and admitted he was wrong would you accept him as a colleague or listen to him politically?

  4. CJ will be lucky to every start a game in the NFL. I don't care what you think he did in college. What did Tebow and Manziel do in the NFL? They were college heros.

    Manziel use to show up 2 hours late to practice in shorts, just to run the 2 minute drill and end practice.


    That's ******* balls


    College hero is right


    This is all after he won the heisman in his defense

  5. Quit hating. What level? TT has been playing to level football dating back to V Tech and he is still a giantic question mark?? At least CJ. Did not and has not lost a game he has started. Just to mention CJ is coming from a winner pedegree.

    Not to say these make TT a good pro


    But he is a 3 time ACC champ, ACC player of the year and won an orange bowl

  6. Add this to Yolo's response to our "vanilla" offense in the "What I Haven't Seen" thread and we have both sides of the ball covered in the yearly "why so basic in preseason" threads.

    In my defense I do say i expect that Dennison is not showing his cards.


    But the execution still isn't great

  7. 716, if 50 white guys are walking down the street holding giant Nazi swastika flags, and publicly identifying as Nazis, -I'd take them at their word...







    These two idiots think you can only be a TRUE terrorist if your Black or Muslim.


    The KKK is protected from that label by the first Amendment. :lol:

    Thank you for answering.

  8. There is a curious correlation between the condition of this board and the demise of bbmb. Any regular on tsw can spot the difference in heartbeat.

    That's a good trade. I bet that pinto shows up at every game and puts on a show!

    Or BBMB was getting infiltrated by lots of trolls and that forced its demise


    And they were coming here and arriving at the same time.


    Lot of good posters came over. I don't even want to name them because if I named 2 I'd have to name 10 and I wouldn't want to leave any out.

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