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Posts posted by Buffalo716

  1. I don't know if 205 Live is a demotion for Enzo. Those guys are his size, and the show needs an attraction to get more viewers.


    Don't get me wrong, seeing him ragdolled by someone 6-14 inches and 50-100+ pounds heavier every week is fun, but eventually he needs to do more in the ring against wrestlers who he can be considered competition to.






    I agree with you guys on Cena. He's a great performer, but most of his matches are the same. He gets his ass beat for 85% of the match, turns into SuperCena, does his 5 moves of doom and wins. The guy should never have been booked to look like he was struggling to overcome perennial jobbers like (pre-Miz) Damien Sandow.


    I will give Cena credit in trying to do different things though, like when he was working into his move set the springboard stunner (though his opponents generally botched it for him). The US Open challenge was the best thing going on Raw for the better part of a year.


    Ellsworth brings easy heat to Carmella. He's getting the crowd reactions for her segments, which is why he still has a job.



    Ellsworth is a great heel character. Gets a lot of heat for Carmella


    But I still dislike his character lol

  2. i think the hate is in how he handles his matches....he is clearly an elite talent, yet every single damn match is the same thing, comes out on fire, starts getting his ass handed to him completely...goes through the 3 arm raise and fall routine then out of nowhere regains his momentum and wins.....


    why is james ellsworth a character?


    Still can't stand shitstain....


    Yep I agree in both parts.


    Ellsworth is a loser and Cena gets a lot of heat In ring by hardcore fans because they are just immune to his shtick

  3. I love PJ Fleck. I think he's the real deal. It will take a little while to build up the talent there to really compete in the B1G but he's a great coach imo.



    Gonna build a nice offense out west

  4. August 31st UB Bulls take on Minnesota at Minnesota.


    Minnesota has a new coach, PJ Fleck, from western Michigan. They also have 2 starting quarterbacks...


    And you know the adage about if you have 2 QBs... you really have none.


    Tyree Jackson is back as the QB of the Bulls. The tall 6'7 QB has a lot of promise but it must translate to the field first. As of today, more of a running threat


    Johnathan Hawkins is now the starting RB for the Bulls. The talented JR out of Georgia will look to carry on UBs tradition of great running backs. Look out for him, he is gonna be a good one


    Should be a good one out in Minnesota look for UB to pull out a close one

  5. gentleman I said Florida period. That are legends. I'll help you out Warren Sapp, Rey Lewis, edgerin James, Micheal Irvin, Alvin Harper, Dion Sanders, Sammy Watkins, Santonio Holmes, Vince Wilfork Clinton portis and a lot of HOFamers. I do not even the players that played there like Jim Kelly Ed Reed, regie Wayne. Don't even count any HOF from your states they would never even come close no comparison. Butch Davis coached 28 first round draft picks in 5 years from the U of M. Now tell me about evaluating talent. Talk about some other sport but football, no other State can even come close. No Imo, Fact.

    I played D1 ball.


    I coached varsity ball.


    I scout.


    You watch games in Florida.


    FYI I'll take Texas for talent


    Florida has 12 HoF lol


    Texas has 30

  6. Well if you don't wanna answer Fan 4 it's ok. I'm from the state of Florida. Where I grew up watching NFL legends once again legends. I'm not just talking about the college program success. Like Micheal Irvin said the best football players ever were breaded in the state of Florida. You name them. So we in this state know more about evaluating talent than any other state. I'll put that in everything I own. Other coaches or programs throughout the country could not match our evaluation of talent. We do not give away positions they earn them. Everyone gets a fair evaluation. They don't ticky tack about he seems better. They earn it and every year is up for grabs. Like belicheck, doesn't care who got picked in what round he will bench a first rounder if he is not better than the man in front. You keep the better player not who might be. That is the difference of winning constantly not guessing, fan favorite or the ban wagon like it is in Buffalo because of people that think like you. By the way Antonio Gates a first Ballot HOF is praising CJ. Anthony Lynn a Superbowl Champ sees the talent CJ has. A great coach who coached with Bill Parcels is saying it. But you say he is sorry. I believe you. You win. Just don't let me down on what your writings have read. I'll be waaatching.

    Lotta garbage in that post


    Sure Florida might have some of the best ball in the country but that means jack **** about the evaluators of talent down there.


    Damn, recruit in western and central New York where you really need to find gems . That takes scouting ability.


    A blind man can recruit in dade county

  7. insanity continues to bloom



    Colorado man stabbed for haircut


    stabbing.jpgAre you one of them neo-Nazis?



    This is what happens when you combine the lefts Nazi panic with the idea that its okay to use violence against certain people.


    A man named Joshua Witt was pulling up to Steak and Shake to get a milkshake when he was stabbed by a stranger who shouted something about neo-Nazis.



    2nd amendment people.. Will keep you from being stabbed.


    Never bring a knife to a gun fight

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