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Posts posted by HappyDays

  1. I mean, I just said that.


    Clearly when you have Sammy taking up 40% of the snaps then ditching for 8 games, it's gonna throw everybody off. Goodwin was the #3 who turned #2. Woods turned #1.


    Furthermore, I have no reason to believe we ran 3 WR sets as much as some of the other teams in the league. That also throws off the snap count.

    Woods turned #1... except he was constantly injured. Maybe he officially started 13 game but he sure didn't take snaps like a receiver that started 13 games. In a lot of those he was extremely limited. So I don't know where you're getting this idea that Woods took snaps like a normal #2. He didn't, it really wasn't even close based on that chart.


    There were numerous times where our top 2 was Goodwin and Powell. Anywhere up to 40% of the time actually, but it was probably slightly less than that. Even if 1/3 of all snaps we were missing Woods and Watkins, you don't think that would have a detrimental effect on ANY quarterback in the league? There were also times where Goodwin was injured in addition to Watkins and Woods. I mean come on, Tyrod isn't a top 5 elite QB, he needs more than that. It's perfectly reasonable to argue that most if not all of Tyrod's drop off from year 1 to year 2 was because of receiver depth.

  2. The only passing related stat that truly correlates with winning and losing over the long term is passer rating differential: http://www.si.com/more-sports/2011/06/23/most-importantstatpasserratingdifferential


    The two teams with the best passer rating differential in 2016? New England (1st) and Atlanta (2nd).

    Hahaha this is great because so many people have told me passer rating doesn't really matter, or it's easy to manipulate. Turns out it's easily the most important stat to look at when evaluating a team's success.

  3. The problem with Marronne was they had a dreadful offense. The defense played fantastic under Jim Schwartz. This in fact has been the sad story..


    Gailey ran a great offense, but had a poor defense under George Edwards and co.

    Marrone had a great defense under Schwartz but had an underwhelming offense with Nate. (They had the talent, but poor coaching and game planning)

    Rex had the # 1 rushing offense two years in a row and had the lousiest defense

    Can Sean put together all phases of the game and succeed. As the Dolphins showed this year, ti does not take much to get to the playoffs.

    You think Marrone and Hackett had talent on offense? I don't agree with that at all. They went 2-2 with EJ starting!! Think about how impressive that is. Rex and his staff couldn't win ANYTHING when EJ was in, not even against crap teams like the Jags and Jets.

  4. I remember Doug Marrone did that whole blah blah blah culture change. How'd that work out?

    Considering the poor guy had EJ Manuel and Kyle Orton as his QBs I'd say it worked out pretty well. The team played hard week in and week out. They overachieved based on the talent level, whereas Rex's teams here underachieved. Marrone still doesn't get enough credit for what he did. Everyone thought it was a positive that the players were happy to see Marrone go, well there was a reason they didn't like him.

  5. @AdamSchefter

    NFL Network draft analyst Mike Mayock has emerged as a candidate to become Washingtons general manager, sources tell @FieldYates and me.


    Wtf is going on.

    I love this actually, I wish more analysts got to play NFL GM for a couple seasons. See what the job is like when you're not behind a broadcast booth.

  6. Look - you Crusher and JM can all go round and round - it certainly happened enough everywhere else.


    You both have thoughts that are partially proven, but TT did say specifically when one of the reporters asked and TT had him repeat the question - he started to talk about "informal" discussions and then dropped that line and said I know what you are doing. To me that implied exactly what Crusher said about his agent had some discussions with other teams - be it tampering or not - he got a feeling for his market value.


    Point two in that was he specifically stated his decision to restructure was made 2 days ago - so although he had been meeting and talking with the coaching staff - something clicked 2 days ago that made him realize a restructure here was better than the open market. I think that had to do with two thing: money and team.


    I think he realized from his "informal" discussions that his value was less than he thought and he realized his best fit and chance to start was in Buffalo - so they blinked and he restructured to a significant pay decrease that pays him comparable to his passing position in the league.

    I think this is largely accurate. Wouldn't surprise me at all if Tyrod realized his only chance to make more money was to go to Cleveland and that would basically end his career. I originally thought he had a good shot with the Bears, but I forgot their management is clueless and wants to make Glennon the next Osweiler-sized mistake, so good luck to them. So when weighing all the options, coming back to Buffalo where he is familiar with the players made the most sense.


    I believe the downside for the Bills is that if Tyrod ends up performing well, we will no longer have him on the cheap in a couple years. So Tyrod is betting on himself again IMO. There is truth to both narratives.

  7. I love Hooker, Adams, and Davis. Any one of them could be a game changer. I think of the three, Davis has the best shot to still be there and I will be mortified if we pass him up for a CB or something like that. A part of me half expects that to happen.


    I also like Foster if those three are all gone at 10, I'm just not sure I like the idea of taking essentially 3 LBs with 3 top picks in a row (Lawson and Ragland last year).

  8. The only unfortunate thing is the way we are paying him we are projecting him to something bigger than his actual skill set.

    I think this is just how free agency goes now. $6 mil per year is what rotational players get now, especially if they can rotate to multiple positions.

  9. Can you and the bbmb crew leave the "root for a new team" nonsense at your now defunct site.

    I don't use that with people that don't like Bills moves. I use it with people that actively root against the Bills. I'm sure the difference will fly right over your head, doesn't take very long around here to see who the dumb trolls are.

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