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Posts posted by Ridgewaycynic2013

  1. 12 hours ago, Augie said:


    We had a friend who recorded a bunch of stuff with Neil Young. He said Neil was super cool. This is the music, but you play it how you feel it. 


    Same guy recorded with Clapton and the message was “these are the notes, and that is exactly how you will play them.”  Very different, but both iconic musicians. 


    Sorry for the tangent, but he was a great guy and I loved hearing those stories. The world was a better place with Donald Duck Dunn in it. RIP

    Reading this, I conclude you were personal friends with Mr. Dunn.  One of 'the band'?!

  2. 4 hours ago, MRW said:

    Aw man, so now our opponents just need to see who sends in a play. If it's Dorsey they'll know it's a pass.


    1 hour ago, YoloinOhio said:

    If it’s anyone, they’ll know it’s a pass


    "Tired of not knowing what the opposition's offense is going to do?  Buy my video 'Successful Coaching Strategies' for some timely (if a bit shady) coaching (and electronic) tips!"

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