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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Gee Billy I don’t know but I bet it has something to do with drag queens and Catholic priests.
  2. I’m obsessed with it? Go back and read my edit. You think I’m obsessed because your psychotic addled brain is telling you that. You’re one ***** up man child. Later dude.
  3. Apples $1.69 a pound Monkey Wrenches $22.50 each The REAL issue?? What's the REAL issue Billy? The psychosis is strong with the on this morning.
  4. Try drinking a 12-pack first. Also check out my edit. So you weren't drunk? You made your correlation sober? Yikes.. BTW what am I defending myself against?
  5. So let me get this straight. I was curious as to what benefit goose felt the kids were getting from them being read to by drag queens seeing he said it was a benefit. Then you jump in to compare kids being read to by drag queens to kids being abused by the church? And you somehow think that was you getting one over on me? I can see you thinking that last night if you were drunk from watching football all day but to come back this morning sober and STILL thinking that is kind of sad. Unless you’re still drunk from last night. 🤷🏻‍♂️ EDIT: BTW I think the whole drag queen's reading to kid, though kind of bizarre, gets a meh from me. Anyone who abuses a child should be taken out back and have a bullet put in their head. Especially someone who is looked up to in the community such as a priest. So your GOTCHA fell flat on your psychotic face.
  6. What?? There is no correlation. See a good lawyer ties the leading questions together to make his point. Yours was just ***** gibberish. LOL I think you need to take goose’s lead here. He either passed out drunk (you seem drunk too) or he realizes he had lost and went to bed.
  7. Ha. You asked me about stats for daytime drag queen crime. That didn’t go the way you expected so now you’re talking about child abuse by the church.
  8. Dude….you are all over the place. You can’t even keep your arguments straight. 😂😂😂
  9. It’s about the same. 😂😂😂😂😂…..no 😏 Can you cite some violent rhetoric from the GOP against the LBGTQ community?
  10. Didn’t find any. Now what in the world does this have to do with what goose and I were talking about?
  11. Quite the leap from what you’ve said above to them wanting them gunned down. But you know that. Carry on hyperbole boy.
  12. Sure. Couple questions first. 1. What types of crimes? 2. Any particular cities/geographic areas?
  13. That the GOP want them gunned down in the streets? 🙄 You’re in Billy Boy territory. Not a good look.
  14. You’re on a roll tonight man. Too many beers watching the games?
  15. Ha! How would the person benefit them by being in drag vs not being in drag? If you don’t know and you blew it by saying it benefits them just say it. Nothing wrong with admitting you made a mistake.
  16. So are you saying the LGBTQ community is vulnerable? That they cannot take care of themselves? What exactly do you mean by this? And with regard to people using vulnerable children for political gain? I’d point my finger at people who like to post pictures of children killed in a certain elementary school shooting to make a political point. Hmmm now who could that be? 🤔 And lastly do us a favor a point to where this law you’re talking about says “don’t say gay”. Don’t bother. Because it doesn’t, and you know it but that doesn’t seem to mean anything to you. Why so angry Billy Boy? Can’t be because the Bills’ game. I heard they won. Is it because you’re losing here…..again?
  17. Awesome story bro. Now answer my question. How is it BENEFICIAL to have drag queens read to children?
  18. How is having a drag queen reading to children beneficial? BTW clowns freaked me the ***** out.
  19. Yup. You spewing nonsense and when you’re asked to clarify you dodge. It’s very telling with regard to the points you try to make that fail time and time again.
  20. My grandfather was the staunchest of Democrats and would roll over in his grave if he knew I voted for Trump. So I gotta know. What’s your point? No seriously who are you referring to when you said “our most vulnerable populations”?
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