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Posts posted by SinceThe70s

  1. 5 hours ago, Canadian Bills Fan said:

    For me its Wonderful Christmas Time by Paul McCartney


    An innocuous song from a timeless vocalist for a happy time of the year. I'm not getting the hate. This one was for the kids not the #9 crowd.


    Eurythmics butchering Winter Wonderland is nails on the chalkboard for me.



  2. 2 hours ago, Chris66 said:

    What situation was it meant for. It was called against the pats earlier in the srason on a Testeverde fumble. I think most Pats fans watching new it was going to be the tuck rule.


    That was always my question and I don't think I ever heard an answer that made any sense.  The QB makes absolutely no attempt at a pass but it gets called incomplete. 

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  3. 11 minutes ago, Heitz said:


    To your point, a contract is law, and a player is really only owed what is written into a deal, but be a human and have some compassion, man.  And don't act like teams (or even corporations that sponsor athletes) don't go above and beyond the deal points all the time...


    Regardless, the fact that NFL players don't have great health care for life, is laughable and a huge failure on the part of the league and player's association.  NFL players generate billions of dollars in revenue by putting their bodies on the line, they should be taken care of and taken care of well, IMO.


    Not calling you out or putting this on you, but your statement made me wonder what the players association stance on Gronk/White is. Did they support Gronks appeal of the suspension? Or put another way, what's more important to them in this case, player safety or compensation?

  4. 1 hour ago, NewEra said:

    Meanwhile Gronk tries to decaptiate a defenseless and unaware player and gets a ONE GAME suspension.  Shazier is fighting for his life.  Shame on Gronk and the NFL for only giving him a one game suspension.  His attack should’ve gotten him multiple games if not the season.  What a cowardly league and patriot Tight end.  Disgusting 


    Well put. The juxtaposition of these two events has bothered me all week. On one hand we have a potentially catastrophic outcome that's the result of the violent nature of the game, on the other hand a defenseless player went into concussion protocol due to a completely unnecessary blow to the head well after the whistle. 


    IMO the NFL missed an opportunity to make a strong statement regarding their concern for player safety with Gronk/White.


    On a side note, a few years ago Belichik sat Welker for the first offensive series against the Jets after Welker's hilarious presser where he made multiple references to Rex's foot fetish. I'm not expecting it after the 1 game suspension but it would be a nice gesture to do the same to Gronk in his first game back.,

  5. 1 hour ago, GETTOTHE50 said:

    has more losses than mcdermott will ever have wins? wtf is that ****


    A silly statement. 


    1 hour ago, uticaclub said:


    A realistic possibility. BB has lost 125 NFL games, you think McDermott is going to have 12, 10 win seasons?


    Actually highly probable, but something you could easily claim about any rookie coach and most coaches in general. 


    1 hour ago, Badthingsman said:



    As per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_National_Football_League_head_coaches_with_50_wins there are plenty of great coaches with less wins than Belichiks 127 losses: George Allen, John Madden, Sean Payton....not to mention Bill Walsh and um, Vince Lombardi. 








  6. 1 hour ago, Doc said:


    To each his own.  I can't stay up until midnight trying to get home from a show. 


    What's up Doc?....sorry for that...I'm a big Bugs Bunny fan and couldn't resist.


    I'm with you on this. Me and my concert bro regularly make our way towards the exit as the concert winds down. But far less likely to do so if we don't know what's coming.

  7. Bad. I prefer the spontaneity of not knowing what song is next. And yet I check setlists obsessively the days leading up to a concert.


    For bands like Umphreys checking the setlist only tells me what they won't be playing that night.  For a band that plays the same thing night after night it lets me know when the lull in the set is so I can grab another beer.

  8. That guy was a die hard Cubs fan who got caught up in the moment and prevented a possible out. Moises Alou's reaction made it worse.  The Cubs had a 3-0 lead in the game at the time (disclosure:I just looked that up)  and completely collapsed. Bartman (a fan!) was crucified by the city of Chicago.


    Compare that to Norwood who missed the game winning FG, came back to Buffalo and was cheered by the city. Thumbs up Buffalo!


    As for the ring, the Cubs gave everyone rings...including past players like Ryne Sandberg. It was a nice gesture to players and at least one fan of a long suffering franchise.


    Personally I think giving rings to ex-players is too close to the participation trophy mentality, but for Bartman it was a nice gesture to a guy who took the blame for the teams failure.

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  9. 15 hours ago, Gugny said:

    "If I stay like this for the rest of the game, I'll still have better numbers than Tyrod."


    5 hours ago, Gugny said:

    Pretty classless, if you ask me, to joke around about a serious injury.


    I don't care who the player is, I never want to joke around when they tear up their knee like Brady did.


    Typical Bills fans, though.  Can't be happy about our own team, so we celebrate when players on other teams get injured.





  10. 59 minutes ago, The Bills Blog said:

    The Bills win the division. I know beating NE twice is unlikely, but if we win on Sunday, this will suddenly become a realistic topic of discussion.


    i like the way you think.


    53 minutes ago, Bangarang said:

    1 week at a time

    But I like the way you think more.


    Very few (myself included) gave us much of a  chance going into KC last week. Now we're home and the safe money is on NE.  Except for the CoTers (that's Cult of Tankers!) this could be considered playing with house money. Lets go out there Sunday and shock the board!

  11. 10 hours ago, row_33 said:

    another 80s 12" 45 masterpiece.



    Saw this at a New Years' Party Dec 31, 1979 and realized the 80s were going to be very different and awesome with a new British Wave.




    The Specials spawned some great ska punk.


    Not sure if the Scoflaws got much play outside my home town but they were great:



    And as I mentioned a few pages back I'm a big fan of Goldfinger who crushed a cover of Nite Klub:




  12. 1 hour ago, Mr. WEO said:

    How is it possible the ownership is OK with this?  And is because they are "too classy" that they haven't fired this truly awful HC?


    These are both good questions.  Maybe ownership is done with Eli and more than happy to let McAdoo fall on the sword. I'd say two birds with one stone but really even before today McAdoo was a dead man walking IMO.

  13. 2 hours ago, billsfan11 said:

    What a jerk Ben McAdoo is. They are 2 and 9 and he benches a guy who has an iron streak in the line, who has won 2 superbowls, and has given everything he had to the organization. If they were in a playoff race I would understand it more. But they are 2 and 9....


    Very low thing to do. I can't stand McAdoo


    McAdoo lets Odell run wild including having no reaction to Odell saying he could care less for about his 15 yard unsportsmanlike after a TD.


    Two of his DB's get suspended for a game each ...and one gets to play the entire game against the 49ers with no effort (Jenkins).


    And now he sits a franchise legend and complete stand-up team guy who has started every game dating back to 2004 and who bested Tom Brady in the Super Bowl. twice (including the nearly undefeated season)...for GENO SMITH!!


    Nice job coach there will be some lovely parting gifts on your way out.

  14. 16 minutes ago, zonabb said:

    No one likes to see the Bills lose. But don't confuse your homerism and need to always be positive as proof that the realists here wrong. With a 17 year sample size of apathetic football, we've seen enough bad teams with bad players to know when we see another. If you see improvement, across the board as your statement implies minus specifics, you're looking through rose color glasses. TT is still TT, a mediocre, conservative QB who can't read the field; is wildly inaccurate, and prone to being owned by teams that make him beat them with his arm. The DL is still a problem, even with today's showing. Sorry but a 3 game stretch giving up 200+ yards on the ground is not improvement nor cause for Celebration (a great beer by the way!).  The LBs need at least 2 new starters is Milano keeps up the decent play. The DBs are good but depth is a problem, Wright is a bust. The OL is a trouble spot, still. They have no deep threat, amplifying the TT problem because they can play man on man and can stack the box and make him less than mediocre. McCoy has lost a step and his best days are behind him as he digresses. The only improvement, unquestioned, is Hauschka. 


    But hey, if you want to think somehow this 6-5 team is good and better than the prior 17 versions of mediocre, all power to you. But don't try to validate your homerism but undercutting the analytical realists on this board. We are fans, we root and buy seasons. But not everyone drinks the koolaid. 


    I'll bet right now they beat Indy, Miami once and lose to NE twice... 8-8. That's improvement?


    Count me in the optimist group. If I wasn't i'd have thrown in the towel long before the Kelly era.


    But I did wake up this morning expecting a 4th straight beating...optimism has its limits. If todays win (or any win for that matter) isn't cause for at least some optimism, well, OK.


    There was a lot of talk this past week that the coach had lost the locker room after the Peterman debacle. Does anyone still believe that? I don't, and that's my biggest takeaway from today


    To answer your "That's improvement?" question (and without any regard to how many more wins we get this year): I see a more disciplined and resilient team than last year. I don't see either Ryan on the sideline. Complain all you want about TT, but at a minimum they have not taken a step backwards at QB (yeah I get it  - no improvement either). I'll remain optimistic on the coach and GM for now.  I think we're in a better place than we were last year and not just treading water waiting for Rex Ryan's contract to run out, so yup "That's improvement".  Not enough,   but improvement all the same.




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