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Everything posted by Billschinatown

  1. You 100% could if it's one of the colleges that qualify. Easily. https://verify.sheerid.com/sunday-ticket/ Is it one of the schools on the drop down? Also just as an aside you obviously need decent internet. I think his daughter wouldn't be using it. Put in an apartment complex nearby and see if it will let it go through. If you're creative you can make it work. I moved houses from the address I was at and it still worked. I don't think they really track/care about that. Also technically my university discount is from California and I don't live there. So seems pretty lax.
  2. You can get it online as well if you're a renter and supposedly can't get direct TV in your house because of land lord. Even if you don't rent it might work! The house we just moved into does. Also...If you put an apartment complex I don't think that the billing address has to be the same as the address you are checking if it's eligible. Best to just check to see. It's OK streaming. Seems better this year. Better than chappy illegal streams or not watching the game. It's tough being out of town. There's a student discount too. I'm not a student but.....The student discount verification process is pretty simple. So hypothetically if you googled your name, found a student that shares it at an eligible school and entered their birthday you could get all games not locally broadcast and red zone for 200$. Or you could just use a nephews or sons or something if their school is valid. https://nflst.directv.com/student It doesn't have to be the student one. It works for general population too. https://nflst.directv.com
  3. Say what you want about bills mafia, but the players seem to all know and love it. Every player we trade for seems to know to tweet out a #billsmafia when we get them. https://mobile.twitter.com/p_lewis30
  4. I will say this. There is racism and segregation in Buffalo; but definitely not any worse than any American major city. The author was pushing for Buffalo to sound like a KKK wonderland. That was a bit irritating. Bills fans are idiots. But they love good Bills players of any color. They also for the most part love Tyrod. That anonymous Bills employee quote was bull ****. They also love Cardale. EJ....well.. The racism about "thugs" came out when SJ13 was here. But even the loud mouth goofball was loved by a large portion of Buffalo. I think the article is BS.
  5. I know it's not really related...but I loved me some god dawn That Lewis. I swear if he wasn't injured he would have beaten the saints and KC. Kid played with so much heart.
  6. I don't have the heart to get involved in another political debate on a bills forum. Ready for football. So what I'm saying is: Hands up don't shoot.
  7. 11 more days till season opener and we win another one for black QBs!!!!
  8. You should post the article on those..so we don't give the half assed article a ton of clicks.
  9. I'll be discussing in the other thread. Nothing further to add to this bs post!!
  10. This was already posted. Please close this thread. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/188044-lerentee-mccray/
  11. Talked to a skins fan friend today. He was raving about Lorenzo's ST play.
  12. It's mostly poverty and the problems that breeds. I never had to try hard to make it. If I were in those places I never would have made it out either. I'm not special. I don't think any big civilization has ever solved or cared to solve the problems with poverty lol. I honestly don't think we will ever either.
  13. Oh god. Lol. Sounds like somebody is upset about unequal treatment!!! It's so upsetting that 26CornerBlitz is provided advantages and freedom from punishment that you aren't isn't it? Maybe there's a way you could protest these feelings of oppression you're feeling? Ideas? Hahahhahahahahh. Hah. Amazing.
  14. Such a savvy debator. You know what else was wrong and illegal at one time too? Women voting.
  15. This only applies to normals like us. People with rare skills and talents are often provided more leeway with which to express views that would get us fired. We're often a dime a dozen. Kapenick kinda sucks now. Maybe he will get released because of it. If it were prime years Tom Brady saying this-- No Way They Cut Ties With him. Likewise if you were jailed for animal abuse on the level of Vick and fired, do you think your job would have ever ever ever hired you again? NFL knuckleheads are just as dumb as us. They just happen to be valuable knuckleheads and if they aren't....they get fired just like we would. See Dareus/Karlos outcomes.
  16. I deleted it because I'm over getting worked up over politics on a football forum. There are good cops. They risk their lives everyday. They deserve to be respected. There are some bad cops. It just so happens that their position of power allows them to wreak havoc. Black criminals are not all innocent victims. Commit a crime = be punished. It just so happens that if you commit a relatively minor drug crime and you're black that you're going to get the felony foot of the law shoved so far up your ass that you are !@#$ed for a lifetime. It's a cycle of creating desperate people that can choose a life of abject poverty working at places that will hire felons OR trying to get ahead by committing more crimes.
  17. You're not going to explain the nuances of algebra to the people here struggling with addition. It's a lost cause man. Just let it go lol.
  18. Edit: I honestly regret posting this pic; I think i still have PTSD from that game.
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