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Posts posted by 4th&long

  1. 5 hours ago, B-Man said:




    Ha ha. You believe these things? They are bots from foreign countries. They have been showing up all over Twitter. Some come with that disclaimer at the bottom.  I’m not saying people won’t vote for trump but don’t be so gullible. 

    3 hours ago, BillStime said:


    Same *****. Don’t fall for it!

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, daz28 said:

    The problem here is that the maga clowns are forgetting that even if this evidence was tainted, it was never shown to a jury yet, but somehow that equates to mistrial and TOTAL EXHONERATION!  Fantasy land.  At worst, Jack Smith should be replaced IF true.  It's basically the same ad Fani slept with a coworker = TOTAL EXHONERATION!  Funny how they are rooting for the criminal to get off on technicalities here, but every black guy wrongly shot by police was a dirtbag anyways.

    That’s all they got. All these cases trump did what they said he did. Like I told my brother once “are you going to try to tell me I didn’t hear what trump said on that phone call to the Georgia Secretary looking for 11,000 votes? “ I’m just happy teeter are some republicans with some morales. 

    • Eyeroll 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, daz28 said:

    Apparently, an old guy with poopy pants dozing off at his criminal proceedings is better than some other old guy with poopy pants sleeping in the oval office.  They're both HORRIBLE options.  

    This i agree with totally! 

    5 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


    Oh so he didn’t have all these docs at his house? Right!

    I don’t need left wing stuff to destroy trump. People on the right say it, especially those who were closest to trump. 

    just like I’ll beat you with my team then I’ll take your team and beat you again! 

    • Eyeroll 1
  4. 2 hours ago, JDHillFan said:

    It’s ok to hate Trump and not feel the need to make excuses for Biden. They’re both awful. Breaking out the “sharp as a tack” routine makes you seem as dumb as Tiberius. Do you really want that?

    I didn’t say he is sharp as a tack, I said the people I know are. I’m not a doctor, I never met the man. But to say he’s a bumbling idiot who lost it and can’t run the country? That’s quite the stretch. Every president has a cabinet they take advice from. Just like Biden, I hope trump listens to his.


     I’m not making excuses for Biden, if you don’t like his policies more power to ya. You don’t hear me saying anything about trump and his age related issues, and his are showing also. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Irv said:

    It's "you're" not "your".   You're funny.  Supporting Demented Biden.  What a mess.  

    I know what it is I don’t care what my phone types. I’m not supporting Biden. I’m not defending his policies. I don’t care if you like them or not. 

    3 minutes ago, B-Man said:







    Typical trump supporter. Dumb as a stump!

  6. 4 hours ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    You're fooling yourself.  I've had the unfortunate experience of witnessing and caring for a parent suffering from Parkinson's, a degenerative illness that is both physical and mental.  Other conditions like Alzheimer's share similar traits.  I wouldn't wish that on anyone.  I see Biden's gait and listen to his speech, his consistent mental  and verbal slip-ups,  He's far from "sharp as a tack".  He's suffering from one of those conditions and his condition has degraded to the point that he's almost incapable of reading a scripted remark.  In a few month's he'll be much worse.  At that point they won't be able to hide it any longer. 


    The staff make continuous adjustments in attempts to hide his condition.  Because he fell down the steps of Air Force One they've move the stairway from the upper deck door to the lower deck door.  When he walks across open spaces like the White House lawn they surround him with staff to hide direct views of his walking gait.  He makes absolutely no unrehearsed and scripted public appearances.  He can't remember the names of country leaders.  He tells amazing stories out of left field such as his uncle was eaten by cannibals during WW2.  There certainly won't be any Presidential debates. 


    I think the people around him and his family should be ashamed of themselves for using him to present the illusion of a President when he should be residing in a more comfortable environment to live out the remainder of his life.



    So your a doctor and have examined him. Good for you. I don’t know Biden. I do know many older people, even tho words don’t come out it doesn’t mean they lost it mentally. I do not make fun of old people. You will all get what you deserve.

    • Haha (+1) 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    And people supporting a President that is obviously mentally impaired and incapable of making the decisions required of the commander-in-chief which leads to a logical conclusion that somebody else, an un-elected person or group are making those key decisions, running the executive branch of our government, which is an affront to democracy and a violation of Article II of the Constitution are geniuses?  And you're worried about democracy?  The guy we elected is merely a figurehead brought out for a few minutes to read some prepared text like this is some third world palace coup.   

    In your opinion. Many old people I know (church) slow down in speech and movement. Their mind is sharp as a tack! One thing I don’t do is disrespect old people. You will all get old if you are lucky enough to get that far. You will be worse than Biden I hope. That’s what you deserve. 

    You are assuming someone else is making decisions for him while I’m I KNOW trump is a piece of crap!

    • Agree 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    The judge's ruling is certainly a blow to the Empire of Chaos.  It removes the most serious of the legal actions off the board until what is expected to be after the election and my guess is even if Trump loses the DOJ will not pursue the charges.  What's the point? 



    We shall see? I don’t think they will drop anything unless they are forced to. Trump is trash. Unless you are one of his TDS supporters it’s obvious he is a piece of *****. They will prosecute him so no one comes along again like him. If you let go we will be in this position again. With the dumbing down of America all you need to do trump and you get a huge following. 

    I follow along with what’s going on because it blows my mind how stupid  America is. You got to be a real *****en moron to support this guy. I can see voting along party lines maybe. But even that comes with a risk to democracy.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Really deserves its own thread.

    She's still testifying.

    Trump's wingman invites her to "dinner" with the boss.

    She meets him in his hotel room. He answers in satin pajamas. 

    Starts asking her about her life and career, whether she's tested for STDs, etc.

    Trump: "you remind me of my daughter." 


    Yeah, that's normal.

    You know if he thought he could get away with it he would ***** HI’s daughter.

    • Agree 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  10. 16 minutes ago, ComradeKayAdams said:


    THANK YOU. Someone had to say it. A more understated approach to makeup application might serve her well.


    We actually knew Kristi Noem was a sociopath two years before news leaked of her dog-murdering ways. She is on record for defending abortion bans even in cases of rape. If you’re someone who thinks the state should force a 10-year-old girl to carry her rapist’s child to term, you’re also very likely to be someone who won’t think twice about blowing a puppy’s brains out for the crime of acting on its canine instincts.


    I doubt Trump was ever seriously considering her as a VP candidate. He may be a lot of things, but he’s not nearly as dumb as your stereotypical MAGA supporter who still believes Trump is fighting The Establishment (i.e., corporate oligarchs and their political puppets). Trump probably understands Noem’s limited demographic appeal. If he wants to get re-elected, he needs to expand beyond the simpletons clinging to their God, guns, and supple Ned Beatty a** cheeks in some nondescript forest parcel located in flyover country.


    Speaking of pig squealing…I implore all the dog-loving omnivores in this thread to look up Yulin’s “Lychee and Dog Meat Festival” and then to ponder the intrinsic differences between pets and farm animals. Spoiler alert: there aren’t any.



    We are not living in China. An animal is an animal. In this country a dog is man’s best friend. Every culture is different. 

  11. 12 hours ago, Pokebball said:

    Yep. MSM is lapping it up


    It's always interesting days later when the other side of the story and/or the context is heard

    It’s always the media’s fault LOL. Weak.


     It’s been more than 10 days, what’s the other side of the lies, I mean story?

  12. 3 hours ago, JDHillFan said:

    So, no thoughts on Biden sh*tting himself. That’s all you had to say. Would’ve saved you some time and possibly a few brain cells. I’m sorry you had to look all that up.

    So if you read any of my posts you know I don’t care about Biden. I’m not left, I’m not right. I just don’t like trump. And neom now unless you got pictures of her you can post. 

    i just found it ironic you talk about Biden when maga is posting that stuff. 

    we have two old men who crap themselves, wonderful. Never trust a fart.

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 1 hour ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    I thought we already had two Dakotas?! 

    We do. Do we really need two?

    2 minutes ago, dickleyjones said:

    No, my uncle was the experienced hunter/trapper so he would do it. That said I don't remember any dogs getting put down but he would have done it. Cows, pigs, a hurt rabbit, raccoon or skunk. It was the humane thing to do.


    But i never ran for politics and wrote a book containing such things because that would be stupid.

    Putting an animal down to put it out of its misery is different than what the B word did. These people will try to spin it like it’s the same. (Not taking about you) I’m sure your uncle did what needed to be done. That is not the problem. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. 15 minutes ago, Gene Frenkle said:

    So Republicans are pro-dog killing now? Good luck with that! 🤣

    Who would have thought that if you want to be VP to write about killing your dog? Didn’t she have someone along the way that would tell her this might not be a good idea? This is man’s best friend! Then she defends herself by talking about killing another dog? And she is Governor of a state. Do we really need two Dakotas?

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