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Posts posted by 4th&long

  1. 15 minutes ago, Gene Frenkle said:

    So Republicans are pro-dog killing now? Good luck with that! 🤣

    Who would have thought that if you want to be VP to write about killing your dog? Didn’t she have someone along the way that would tell her this might not be a good idea? This is man’s best friend! Then she defends herself by talking about killing another dog? And she is Governor of a state. Do we really need two Dakotas?

  2. 21 hours ago, B-Man said:


    Keep lying about the "recovery"




    U.S. job growth totaled 175,000 in April, much less than expected,

    while unemployment rose to 3.9%








    Nice spin. 40th straight month of growth! Unemployment still 2% lower than when trump was in office! People see thru this bull *****.


     The stock market is doing great? why is that? figure that out and you will have your answer to why prices are so high. I laugh because people think if the re elect trump prices will automatically drop. But keep your head in the sand, that will solve everything.

  3. 39 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    He probably should have, instead, he treated his protection detail like chew toys. 


    Oh great, a new name added to the mix.  @4th&long CLEAN UP ON AISLE 2!  

    Alright you convinced me, you can say what you want about anyone in this thread. But we all know Biden is a dumb ass. Just post pictures of Kristi if you have them. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. 1 hour ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    You can do what you like, 4th&censor, this is still the greatest country on earth!  I choose to be unencumbered by stale thoughts and the dreary existence of an automaton. 


    Frank's post referenced the actions of Kristi Noem being "self-disqualifying"!   My point is simply that  Joe B... another person's extreme/absurd actions over several decades in the public eye were not, in fact, self-disqualifying, beauty will be in the eye of the beholder.  If she propelled Trump over the line, her comments are irrelevant.  If she can't, and I'd agree at this point she can't, then it takes her out of the race.  


    To your comments in bold, you rascal, you started off going out of your way making a point about keeping this Noem-esque, then slippery-dipped it back around to Biden the other person that should not be mentioned in this post limited only to critiques of Kristi Noem.  Of course, that made my point about "self-disqualification", but that's a discussion for another day, or, God willing, a thread where people are free to speak without fear of recrimination from self-nominated topic bullies.   










    “Topic bully” is a good one. 

    It’s got to do more with I can’t stand when you are talking with someone and they deflect. That’s not what the point was. Just a pet peeve of mine. We already know Biden is a dumb ass and there are 10 threads on it. This is the kristi is a dumb ass thread. The point was made about her being a milf which was valid and at least gives her a redeeming quality.

  5. 1 hour ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    At the risk of repeating facts known to all, we have a president who has lied about where his son died. We don't need secret sources, intrepid investigative reporters, hidden cameras or spies walking among us.  All we need is a google search and this fabrication is readily apparent.  


    That's before we get to lies about his education, class ranking, dead people he has met with, driving trucks, working in his son's business, handling of top secret information and just about everything else. 


    Biden is known for astonishing, stupid and self-disqualifying statements delivered over decades in public office.  Kristi Noem can't hold a candle to JB, and he's THE standard bearer of democrat politics over the last 20+ years.  





    So, not arguing with any of this, why post this here? I thought there was a Biden is a dumb ass thread already? This is the Kristi neom is a dumb ass thread. Can we keep it separate? Neom will never get to President or Vice President of the USA she is such a dumb ass. At least Biden lies well enough to be President!

    • Like (+1) 2
    • Haha (+1) 3
  6. 4 hours ago, Tommy Callahan said:

    Nice strawmen.  If anyone's ***** bites people the vet, cop or pound will put it down.  



    No *****?! She’s lying about the dog biting now. Don’t fall for it. In the book she said she hated the dog, it was useless, she couldn’t train it. Note of those are reasons to shoot a 14 month old dog. Again the reason there are animal cruelty laws in this country, because this country is full of dumb asses!

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 24 minutes ago, Tommy Callahan said:

    Lefties both harassing her and showing how out of touch they are. 



    Nice try buddy. She’s getting hammered from both parties, trump won’t make her his running mate now. What will be your excuse when he excludes her? Will trump be out of touch to? 

    No surprise there are people on the right defending her, there are sick bastards in all walks of life. This is why there are laws against animal cruelty. 


    tells me all I need to know about people that defend her, but then again we should expect that because they already support trump!

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  8. 7 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    uh huh.  she apparently doesn't train dogs well.  Maybe she should just do those harvest hunts down the road.  Leave the dogs to them.  Just gotta say, watching bird dogs work is awesome.  They're fearless and will hurdle steep ravines, go thru thick briars and smile bringing back a bird.   The author of my linked piece gets it.  Im sure many S Dakotans do.  I just don't see a seasoned hunter doing what Noem did...

    It’s obvious she doesn’t hunt much. She’s not much of a farmer either. Any farmer I know wouldn’t shoot their dog and brag about even if they did. All these people talking about farmers like they know something. I never met a farmer that put an animal down and bragged!

    She’s nothing but an ####### and people defending her…? Two peas in a pod.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 35 minutes ago, Pokebball said:



    I'd bet on her vs you 24/7/365. This is further proof for me that you don't have a clue of the cultural differences.

    This is just dumb. Do better.

    7 minutes ago, Pokebball said:

    Cultural differences because you don't think she's an accurate shot. You haven't a clue

    She did ***** yup killing the goat. Don’t be so sure.

  10. 14 minutes ago, boyst said:

    It's no different than cows, chickens, pigs, or such. Pigs are smarter than dogs, too. Donkeys are arguably smarter, too.

    I wasn’t criticizing. Every culture is different. I have had dogs that are smart. Right now I have a dog that is dumb as a stump! I’ve heard pigs are smart.

  11. 1 hour ago, boyst said:

    she only has to resonate with her community. in my community i would bet more people have shot a dog than not shot a dog. and most of them have shot more than 1. some in the dozens.

    Well when it’s what you eat for dinner that’s a  whole different story. Some cultures do that.

    55 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    The thing is not so much that she shot the dog (if she even did). It's that she somehow thought this story would help her.

    It hasn't, and it won't. It was a ridiculous own goal. I can get "taking that old dog out back and shooting it to put him out of his misery." This is not that.

    Exactly. People are so quick to defend her they don’t get this. And now we are supposed to believe the dog was attacking everyone? Right!

  12. 23 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:





    Any, ANY other sources, especially when it comes to all things orange man, is far more likely to be accurate than legacy media where it receives its programming 


    The iron law of dem/useful idiot/commie projection is absolute. 





    Right on Q. Easily influenced by stupidity. Stupid is as stupid does. LOL 

    • Eyeroll 1
  13. I see that phrase “at all costs” being used by the right also along with the country is doomed or you’re not going to have a country anymore. 

    I think it is obvious that outside sources are trying to influence the election for both sides depending on their priorities. People just need to be able to make a wise decision based on their own beliefs and knowledge and not be easily influenced by a lot of this stupidity. 


    these outside sources are dividing this country and the saddest part is people are falling for it and it’s working.

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