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Posts posted by 4th&long

  1. 8 minutes ago, njbuff said:


    No one cares if you are or if you aren't upset.


    But you shi!tlibs bring race into EVERYTHING and you expect to be taken seriously?

    I don’t bring it into everything. Just this. She it’s trash. I am a sports fan, I was not against Vick facing the music for what he did. But now looking back on it? These are the same thing and why is she not at least being questioned about this? When you say you people you better know who you are talking to. I’m not black and not into the whole race thing blm etc. that was quite the assumption to make. But whatever.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Pokebball said:

    I stated this a couple of weeks ago. Mike Johnson risked his position on Ukraine funding. I was hoping house dems responded this way. Maybe there is some hope in DC?

    Somebody needs to take the first step to bring back some civility.

    • Like (+1) 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Doc said:


    Because what Vick did was illegal and what Noem did wasn't. 

    Same thing, killed a Dog needlessly.

    2 hours ago, wnyguy said:

    Growing up my neighbors had a sheep farm, they noticed some of their lambs we're getting killed so they watched the fields where the sheep were and eventually saw two dogs attacking the flock. they shot the dogs but didn't kill them. The two dogs belonged to us and they both ran back to our property. The neighbors recognized that the dogs were ours and came by and explained the situation to my dad. We had to find the dogs knowing they were wounded and when we did find them my dad, with tears in his eyes, had to put them down. It was truly a sad day for my family and also my neighbors.

    I can see what your dad had to do. The quickest way to put them out of their misery, it needed to be done. That has to suck!! Sorry to hear your family had to go through that experience.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, KDIGGZ said:

    I would never do it myself because I'm privileged enough to not have to but I have neighbors that cut off their chicken's heads and eat them and they stay alive for a period of time with no head. That's where the term "chicken with it's head cut off" came from. You would think there would be a better way to do it but that's life I guess. I try not to think about that kind of stuff because I eat chicken every day of my life

    My wife read stuff on how animals are killed and processed and became a vegetarian years ago. I can’t do that. I still need to have some chicken or hamburger sometimes.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, LeviF said:


    A hunting dog that's aggressive with people absolutely needs to be put down.


    The method is what it is. 

    Sorry dude. I live out here with hunters farmers, a farmer I knew who hated his dog! He found a home for him that cold handle and train him. You E an idiot and a jack ass if you need to shoot a14 month old puppy. I don’t believe that B word that the dog was that aggressive anyway. She rounded her career. If you are defending her it’s only because she is on the right and so are you and you like her. 

    10 minutes ago, Doc said:

    The dog would have been killed one way or another eventually.

    So why did Mike Vick go to jail? No wonder black people B word! She getting away with it because she wa white B word?

  6. 1 minute ago, KDIGGZ said:

    I'm just telling you that's how they do it out in the country. They don't drive an hour to a nice animal hospital to pay $300. Is it humane to raise a cow from a calf and then cut it's head off and eat it? Because they do that too.

    Dude I live in the country. That’s not how we do it. We call the vet. I had a dog that got hit by a car , he got back to the garage and laid down. The vet came and said his hips were broke pretty bad and they put him down. Not with a gun. All my neighbors have dogs, no one shoots them!

    1 minute ago, LeviF said:

    Tell me you’ve never been within 50 miles of a farm without telling me you’ve never been within 50 miles of a farm. 

    But I’m thankful for the hand wringing over this because she would have been an awful (and likely) VP pick for Trump without it. 

    Nice try. They are all around me. I have friends who are farmers.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, KDIGGZ said:

    I love dogs and personally could not imagine doing this, but things are different out in the country and it sounds like she didn't break any laws. People kill their our own chickens, livestock, deer, etc every day. Would it be better if she let the dog run off and starve to death? My neighbor had a hunting dog that lived outside in a pen even in the winter and was pretty much neglected. Now that is cruel. Our dog is like a member of our family so very different. I could see why people are upset and I can also see why people are like that's just how it is sometimes 

    There is no defense for what she did buddy. So it would have been ok for Mike Vick to kill dogs in her state. It wasn’t just dog fighting he got charged with, they killed dogs that were of no use to them because they couldn’t fight. 

    The only way this could have been remotely acceptable is if it was an old dog who was suffering and needed to be put down. Even with that there are more humane ways! 

    Because your ####### neighbor neglects his dog doesn’t make this right

    16 minutes ago, wnyguy said:

    Funny that the killing of a dog gets people riled up but the killing of unborn babies just a shrug of the shoulders.

    Where do you come up with this? Plenty of people pissed off over the killing of babies by abortion. They are changing laws everyday because of it! Bout time to! 

  8. 10 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

    Trump is a co-conspirator in Michigan's 2020 false electors plot, state investigator says


    "Michigan prosecutors consider former President Donald Trump and some of his top aides co-conspirators in the plot to submit a certificate falsely claiming he won Michigan's 2020 election, an investigator for Attorney General Dana Nessel's office testified Wednesday in court.


    Howard Shock, a special agent for Nessel, said Trump; Mark Meadows, who was Trump's chief of staff; and Rudy Giuliani, who was his personal lawyer, are "unindicted co-conspirators" in Michigan's false elector case. In total, over the last two days, Shock has identified 11 conspirators who haven't been charged. That means prosecutors believe they participated, to some extent, in an alleged scheme to commit forgery by creating a false document asserting Trump had won Michigan's 16 electoral votes when Democrat Joe Biden had won them.


    Shock's testimony came on the sixth day of preliminary examinations in Ingham County District Court as Nessel's office pursues felony charges against a group of Republican activists who signed the certificate of votes claiming Trump won."


    On a side note, was there some memo that went out on the right telling everyone to use the word "lawfare?" It's like the "collusion" BS all over again.

    Arizona also is charging people close to trump with the fake electors scheme. No charging trump yet tho.

  9. Outside of that I wouldn’t really argue with anything you posted. With all that being said I still don’t see trump winning because people hate him. Yes he’s got his base (I’ll be nice and won’t call it a cult) and he’s got people that will vote along party lines. But it’s that enough to win?


     I see at least 3 different groups on Twitter that are republicans against trump in there title in some form or another. I have not seen a  “Democrat against Biden group “ and y Twitter feed is open for both sides. I see stuff that supports trump no doubt but how big are these Republicans against trump movements getting? 

    and I said it before on here and I’ll say it again if you missed it. I’m not telling people to vote for Biden and not for trump. I know I won’t change anyone mind and I am not trying to. I get that people will vote party line and I don’t blame them. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Tommy Callahan said:

    The thing is the MSM and DNC scrip worked when he was in office.


    Right now, most people have almost 4 years of feeling how Bad his foreign and domestic policies are, and how the DNC caters to everyone's needs, but Americans.



    when people have money to spend, its natural economies Vs this Tax and spend policy that goes directly to the very top.  and creates huge and artificial bubbles.




    again, it's the economy silly. and this one suck bad. 


    I read your story about the person with all these toys and that's the minority in this economy. Most are not doing anything near that.  eff, younger generations cant even afford to move out, better yet start buying all those things you mentioned.


    Republicans anymore, are funded by the same group that funds the dems. and no matter who is in power, the rules are created and maintained for the very crust that openly buys them.



    Why people voted for the unknown Obama over Hillary, and the Non establishment trump over the establishment GOP or Hillary in 2016


    Funny how the media stated that if the orange dude won in 2020 it would lead to WW3, economic collapse, inflation, with only the very top doing good.


    but here it is the establishment pollicies that are driving just that.  


    And again, what's your idea of what replaces this?  you a REVCOM.US person?  Anarchist?  Libertarian?














    I don’t even know what revcom. Us is? And no I’m not the other things. I don’t recall saying either of them are going anywhere or away at this point. Personally I just want peace, don’t like Biden much, I like trump a lot less and I never trusted the govt. or anyone involved. Do you want to get into the biblical aspect of what I believe will happen in the future? I doubt it. I know I don’t care to on a message board all I’ll say is the US is the last major world power prophesied about in the Bible. And these morons comparing anything trump does to Jesus?🤦

  11. 39 minutes ago, Tommy Callahan said:

    That made more sense when trump was in office. Now people feel Bidens agenda that's negatively impacting the majority.  


    whats the old saying, "its the economy silly" and the economy sucks for most out side of the very top. 


    the abortion/lgbt youth wedge topic is dominating the folks on the left.  and in turn because DEM PACS are targeting them. 


    , the ones that are not responsible for things like wealth, bills and taxes.



    And what is the solution to both parties like you stated above?







    And those people just lost their memory right? 

    If people can think for themselves and reason they remember who was in office when the economy started sinking. Or are you trying to rewrite history? They know why gas prices tanked under trump. 
    I’m not trying to say Biden is blameless but people do have memories and can think for themselves. 


    all these prices going up sucks but I bet you didn’t miss a meal. You have all the clothes you need. Probably a few cars in the driveway? Sports car in storage? Boat? I have friends who have 1 of everything and I mean everything, horses, one has a bus he’s converting to a camper. Vacations multiple times a year. And then gripe about the economy. I just laugh inside.


     Yes people don’t like Biden they also don’t like trump. It is a race to the bottom unfortunately for this country. 

    and that lgbtq and abortion stuff is why you don’t see me commenting or even talking to the Dems on here. Stuff I could never support. 

    My guess is the republicans would be better for the country and they will be better off when trump is gone. I’m sure the policies will be the same under a different Republican leader. I think republicans would have been better served with a different nomination other than trump. If they could put forth someone who could walk and chew gum at the same time Biden wouldn’t have a chance! Wouldn’t even be a conversation. But as it is I can see republicans are worried that trump will lose again by all the name calling and other childish behavior going on on here. And of course democrats are worried, look at who their leader is. This election is about who is hated least.

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