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Everything posted by gr8billsfan

  1. Trade our first round pick and Tyrod for Wentz. The guy is a winner. End of story.
  2. Not sure how i feel about this pick. I called for the firing of Rex, Tyrod, and Whaley. However, Is Tom the best answer? Teams know his strategies. I think a new face with a proven track record should be the replacement HC. However, Idk who that'd be. The two decade mark of no playoffs is approaching just a few years down the road. You'd think the Pegula's would have invested in a few candidates, not just settling for the next big name like we did with Rex.
  3. I posted awhile ago now, Fire the Front Office. End of Story. That includes Russ Brandon, Doug Whaley, and Rex Ryan. Boom. Next?
  4. Don't think we or anyone else should take Lynn as a HC. He just became an OC. Keep him there. Keep him here, but NOT as the HC. We need a GURU Why don't we get Jeff Fisher?
  5. We have -2 Yards on Offense for Passing. LMAO That's why TT SHOULD NOT BE OUR QB. Nuff said.
  6. Wow got away with the face mask penalty by L. Alexander. The browns are running all over our D. Sorry but FIRE REX!! YEAH!
  7. Loving the boo's from the crowd against TT. He ran it twice. I know one was designed that way, BUT the other he should have attempted to throw to someone in the endzone. Also he totally was off at that TD attempt to Hunter. Should we be worried that we can only get 3 on the first drive? If the Browns score a TD then I'm sorry but something is wrong here.
  8. Rex is the HC, plain and simple. If Rex can't override Thurman's play calling at any point then he's just a big, loud, and a BS of a fan that needs to go. Rex called for the "bully" and instilled a degree of hope w/ his words saying "...well get ready we're going there [playoffs]".
  9. No he shouldn't. I don't know how many coaches have 27 assisting coaches. "No NFL coach can match the size of Ryan's staff of 27 assistant coaches." "Mike Tomlin on has 17" Geez Rex, 10 more coaches and you still look like the team has none. http://buffalonews.com/2016/12/13/vic-caruccis-bills-wake-call-rexs-resources-heart-undoing/ I mean as a Head Coach, do you really need 27 assistants? I mean really, I thought we hired a HC, but it does look like the Bills in the last two years have only learned from these assistants. I'm not taking away from the fact that assistant coaches are important, just don't think we need a HC who's so lousy at coaching that he needs 27 assistants, AND has 2 straight years of regression from Doug Marrone. Was Rex really an upgrade for the team? No. Doug Marrone went 15-17 in his two years here, with one season being a "winning" record, despite no playoffs. BUT I MEAN COME ON! Rex is 14-15 so far. I bet if anything Doug Marrone looks like a better HC than Rex does when this season is over. This my friends, is why the Front Office should be fired. Plain and simple. It's like the same repetitive moronic decisions, one after another.
  10. lmao go have fun with Goff and that horrible O-Line. I mean we're in the same situation with a sub-par, at best, QB and a moderate O-line. Is Lynn really the best we can do for our organization? If so, great. But interview at least 15 people
  11. Gilmore got cocky and gave up a huge play by playing soft coverage on Brown...
  12. Agreed! Don't get how you reverse if you supposedly have a "better" coach lol.
  13. Yeah and Carpenter is part of the reason the Bills Suck. He has one job and misses extra points wtf
  14. That displays why TT isn't a franchise QB. Can't read defense or deliver on a medium distance throw
  15. How many passing attempts did it take TT to complete passes over the middle to fulfill a drive with a passing TD?
  16. LOL only the BILLS would push the other teams player into the endzone
  17. I can't wait till people blame his poor play on the snow. But 3 straight games under 200yd passing wasn't all cuz the snow
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