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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Actually...a better example is relying on Ted Williams' son to judge a baseball player's talents.
  2. HAHAHAHA!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? This has as much substance as voting for Kerry because Ted William's son endorses him. Who cares what the offspring thinks?
  3. Dumbest arument I've ever heard...if that was the case, 90% of the wars in history wouldn't have been fought. This includes Desert Storm I.
  4. I just became a season ticket holder too...and I live in NYC!
  5. HAHA..we had a stripper in our room once with 20 guys...RA's did a bust just before the show and made us pour out all our booze....they asked who the girl was and my buddy said it was our cousin..RA's left...and the show went on!
  6. Oh...and O'Reilly also asks "have you seen any evidence that supports Saddam is a terrorist?" Kerry replies "no, i have not" Kerry is all ready to go to war and topple Saddam ALONE, without any evidence.
  7. Thats what i was thinking. Right before Bush spoke at the convention, they should have aired that clip.
  8. Every time somebody on this board, including me, brings up that Kerry supported the Iraq War and now his major campaign issue (other than Vietnam) has been how we were mislead into war by Bush and he is against it now, they come back with the same response. ALL the Kerry supporters say the only reason Kerry ever supported the war is because George W Bush mislead him with false WMD information, and Kerry is an innocent bystander who was just supporting the President at that time. Well folks...Bill O'Reilly put that argument to rest last night. He showed an interview he conducted with Kerry in December of 2001. The topic of our buddy Saddam came up, and O'Reilly asked Kerry what he thinks the US should do about Saddam. Kerry says that "Saddam is a Terrorist, he's used WMD before on his own people, and we have proof he tried to assinate the first President Bush"...he also went on to say "He's a threat to our country and can't be trusted, and we need to take him down any way we can as soon as we can" O'Reilly then asked how he would go about that... Kerry said "First we should go to the UN and try diplomatically" and O'Reilly interjected saying "sactions and all that aren't gonna work against Saddam, He's a...a...not nice guy." Kerry siad "Well the UN then, we should build an alliance..." O'Reilly says "NO...the UN is a bunch of 'nannies', if Saddam is to be overthrown, its gonna be done by us, and only us....do you support that Mr. Kerry?" Kerry - "If it comes down to that, we have to do that, we can't please other countries, we have to do what is right for us" They went back to O'Reilly live who said "Interesting huh?" and cut to commercial. You guys have to see this interview. Kerry sounds EXACTLY like Bush...and this is before Bush was ever discussing Iraq, which means these are truly 100% Kerry's views. The ONLY reason Kerry is anti-war now, is because its the only issue he can can support over Bush on...and that disgusts me. Give me a man who stand by his word, NOT flip flops to make people like him.
  9. WHOOPS! Thought I was in Politics...please forward to the other board...
  10. Not sure if this has been posted http://www.citizensunited-interactive.org/c41.11/
  11. Arizona over the pats..emmit will have a big day.
  12. This will be a second half of the season team...mark my words. The Bills will drop a few at the start, but thunder through the end of the season and into the playoffs with a 10-6 record.
  13. agreed the prez debates will be like watching two monkeys arguing over a banana
  14. I base this on the fact that this guy has lived and breathed politics, warfare, and business, and is as strong as a rock when it comes to debating/interviewing. Saying his best quality is smugness is as valid as saying Edwards best quality is that he's young. Being a trial lawyer may make Edwards a quick thinker, but its not enough to cover up all the holes in Kerry's platform.
  15. HAHA....this just gave me a great mental picture: Cheney - "Your running mate voted for the war, then spoke out against the war, then says he supports the troops, then votes against their funding. Where does he stand?" Edwards - "I OBJECT!" Moderator - "Umm...Mr. Edwards, this is a debate, you must..." Edwards - "MY CLIENT WISHES TO TAKE THE 5TH!!" Moderator - "Mr. Edwards, can you please just answer the question....." Edwards - "I HEAR AN AMBULANCE...I GOTTA GO!!!"
  16. A few years trial experience is no match for a guy who was chief of staff, secretary of defense, a congressman and a vice president. Lets not forget his business experience either. Plus he's an excellent interviewer with years of experience. Add to the fact that Kerry/Edwards really have no strong stance on any isues, and I'd say Edwards will get eaten alive.
  17. Yet ANOTHER historical building in Buffalo to be torn down to make way for a parking lot. Here is a link to a petition to save this historical house built in 1894: http://www.petitiononline.com/1089elm/petition.html Info and Pics of the Atwater House http://bfn.org/preservationworks/bam/elmwood/1089/index.html
  18. Didn't she bang a bunch of guys that week or something?
  19. Could the news of Milloy being out 3 weeks be a smokescreen so Belipuke doesn't gameplan around him?
  20. I love the debates, especially the VP ones. Personally, I think Cheney will destroy Edwards. It will be like an old man patting a little boy on the head saying "good try son"
  21. didn't he break his finger in a game and have it cut off so he could play?
  22. I just got this email at my nycbbb address...does it have anything to do with this Hi Matt, I'm intereted in being on your email list, especially because there are always a ton a pix of my friends and I on the site. My email is pixiestixx@hotmail.com. Thanks a lot! Pixie Seth
  23. I had this on video....Kelly was top 20 I think
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