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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. HMM....no injury to Ray Lewis yet.... Madden curse this weekend?
  2. Now they're going to behead a woman who is there to HELP the Iraqis and has been for over 30 years! http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,136304,00.html
  3. I missed the first 15 min...there was no Bills news in the other 45 min.
  4. Anybody watch it last night? I caught the end of it where Marnio apologizes to Buffalo and Jim Kelly about his comments (which I think he really does hate Buffalo) and Chris Carter gave the city props. I didn't see the beginning...did anybody? I know they talked about Buffalo...
  5. Economic Left/Right: -0.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.38
  6. Seeing him in person I couldn't believe how big of a guy he was. For a second I thought Metzalaars was out there! Minus the red hair and his twin.
  7. I'd trade every draft pick for proven players. The draft is over-rated.
  8. Well, at least our tailgate was a great time! Drank 4 kegs of Labatt Blue and ate 3 packages of Sahlen hot dogs. Anyways, the game. I was seated in the corner of the endzone where the winning field goal was kicked. I didn't see it because I remained sitting because we were lucky every time I stayed in my seat when the Jets fans stood up. Also, I had Wayne Chrebet's parents next to me, and Josh Evan's wife (or girlfriend?) 2 rows in front of me. - why are Reed and Shaw always in the huddle, then run off at the last minute? Is it because you need to have 11 men on the field at all times? - I'm sorry, but Travis Henry does NOT have the speed to run outside. When he ran outside, he had so much room I almost thought it was a Jet breakdown. Of course, as soon as he got to the sideline the Jets would meet him for little gain. If Henry was a tad faster, he would have had some HUGE runs as the field was wide open for him. - The dumpoffs to Shelton were great, the Jets were never looking for those. I hope they keep this up, of course it be better with Centers. - On one play I saw Sam Aiken lined up outside, guy sitting near me says "there's Aiken, here goes a Bills running play for no gain!"...exactly what happened. - I have to say, that in that 4th quarter, I had confidence in the Bills offense and Drew Bledsoe for the first time in 2 years. Maybe you had to be there is person, but the offense in the 4th quarter just looked and played different than they have since the 2002 season, they actually were marching down the field with confidence. I know that had the Bills had an extra minute and not had to go into desperation mode, they would have won that game. Whatever Mularkey said to those guys to charge them up will have a lasting effect in my opinion, and we will see the offense start to produce more. Couple this with the return of Milloy and Vincent, and I still am holding out for a possible run in what is a very winnable 2nd half of the schedule. GO BILLS!
  9. You know....I've heard about them and have tried contacting them to help promote them, but they never get back to me. We never try to stomp out other clubs, we try to work with them to give fans options. Why should a fan travel an hour to get to McFaddens when they can go to a place 10 min from them? Its not a competition.
  10. I called after the game. The bartender said there were at least 100 Bills fans there! I thought there's be 10-15!
  11. This is exactly why I'm saying they want Bush re-elected.
  12. Lets say there is a huge terrorist attack now, lots of Americans die on our soil. How will Kerry look if he says "Look at Bush, he can't even prevent this from happening. If you vote for me, I'll take care of these guys" He'll be viewed as an insensitive power hungry a-hole and un-American challenging the President right after an attack. Basically, his hands will be tied, and Americans will look to their president for leadership, which you have to admit Bush was pretty damn good at in Round 1 the months after.
  13. No way. Terrorists don't want Bush as president, and if they do something before the election, people are going to get behind Bush exactly like they did after 9-11 and Bush will win a landslide election. It would also prevent Kerry from doing anything, since you can't not support the president after an attack like that.
  14. Looks like they just killed the British captive the same way: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,134840,00.html
  15. Just found out this was in the NY Times...interesting.
  16. From my brother in London..I don't have a link: What I Really Said About Iraq By L. PAUL BREMER III Published: October 8, 2004 n recent days, attention has been focused on some remarks I've made about Iraq. The coverage of these remarks has elicited far more heat than light, so I believe it's important to put my remarks in the correct context. In my speeches, I have said that the United States paid a price for not stopping the looting in Iraq in the immediate aftermath of major combat operations and that we did not have enough troops on the ground to accomplish that task. The press and critics of the war have seized on these remarks in an effort to undermine President Bush's Iraq policy. This effort won't succeed. Let me explain why. It's no secret that during my time in Iraq I had tactical disagreements with others, including military commanders on the ground. Such disagreements among individuals of good will happen all the time, particularly in war and postwar situations. I believe it would have been helpful to have had more troops early on to stop the looting that did so much damage to Iraq's already decrepit infrastructure. The military commanders believed we had enough American troops in Iraq and that having a larger American military presence would have been counterproductive because it would have alienated Iraqis. That was a reasonable point of view, and it may have been right. The truth is that we'll never know. But during the 14 months I was in Iraq, the administration, the military and I all agreed that the coalition's top priority was a broad, sustained effort to train Iraqis to take more responsibility for their own security. This effort, financed in large measure by the emergency supplemental budget approved by Congress last year, continues today. In the end, Iraq's security must depend on Iraqis. Our troops continue to work closely with Iraqis to isolate and destroy terrorist strongholds. And the United States is supporting Prime Minister Ayad Allawi in his determined effort to bring security and democracy to Iraq. Elections will be held in January and, though there will be challenges and hardships, progress is being made. For the task before us now, I believe we have enough troops in Iraq. The press has been curiously reluctant to report my constant public support for the president's strategy in Iraq and his policies to fight terrorism. I have been involved in the war on terrorism for two decades, and in my view no world leader has better understood the stakes in this global war than President Bush. The president was right when he concluded that Saddam Hussein was a menace who needed to be removed from power. He understands that our enemies are not confined to Al Qaeda, and certainly not just to Osama bin Laden, who is probably trapped in his hide-out in Afghanistan. As the bipartisan 9/11 commission reported, there were contacts between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein's regime going back a decade. We will win the war against global terror only by staying on the offensive and confronting terrorists and state sponsors of terror - wherever they are. Right now, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Qaeda ally, is a dangerous threat. He is in Iraq. President Bush has said that Iraq is the central front in the war on terror. He is right. Mr. Zarqawi's stated goal is to kill Americans, set off a sectarian war in Iraq and defeat democracy there. He is our enemy. Our victory also depends on devoting the resources necessary to win this war. So last year, President Bush asked the American people to make available $87 billion for military and reconstruction operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The military commanders and I strongly agreed on the importance of these funds, which is why we stood together before Congress to make the case for their approval. The overwhelming majority of Congress understood and provided the funds needed to fight the war and win the peace in Iraq and Afghanistan. These were vital resources that Senator John Kerry voted to deny our troops. Mr. Kerry is free to quote my comments about Iraq. But for the sake of honesty he should also point out that I have repeatedly said, including in all my speeches in recent weeks, that President Bush made a correct and courageous decision to liberate Iraq from Saddam Hussein's brutality, and that the president is correct to see the war in Iraq as a central front in the war on terrorism. A year and a half ago, President Bush asked me to come to the Oval Office to discuss my going to Iraq to head the coalition authority. He asked me bluntly, "Why would you want to leave private life and take on such a difficult, dangerous and probably thankless job?" Without hesitation, I answered, "Because I believe in your vision for Iraq and would be honored to help you make it a reality." Today America and the coalition are making steady progress toward that vision. L. Paul Bremer III, former chairman of the National Commission on Terrorism, was the administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq from May 2003 to June 2004.
  17. You sure he's not there to get a Welding degree? one RAM two RAM three RAM FOUR-DAM FORDHAM FORDHAM FORDHAM!!!!
  18. Email I received from Giants Stadium this afternoon: -----Original Message----- From: GuestRelations [mailto:GuestRelations@NJSEA.COM] Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 2:28 PM To: Kabel, Matthew Subject: RE: Arena & Stadium admissions & entrance policies There are no set rules for opening the parking lots. The lot will open at 9:00am on Sunday even though the game is at 4:00pm. >>> "Kabel, Matthew" <KabelM@HSS.EDU> 10/07/04 11:28AM >>> Even though it's a 4pm game? I thought the rules prevented that? -----Original Message----- From: GuestRelations [mailto:GuestRelations@NJSEA.COM] Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 11:03 AM To: Kabel, Matthew Subject: Re: Arena & Stadium admissions & entrance policies Parking lots will open at 9:00am >>> <kabelm@hss.edu> 10/07/04 10:39AM >>> Matt Kabel kabelm@hss.edu Comments: What time do the parking lots open for tailgating on Sunday, October 10th for the Bills/Jets 4:00 game? Category: Arena & Stadium admissions & entrance policies
  19. It doesn't matter to me...I plan on being there at 11am to start drinking!
  20. I just realized the teams we lost to scored: 13 13 31 What are the odds that all 3 would use those 2 particular digits...
  21. 4:05 We are getting word the parking lot is open at 9am...not sure how that is possible with the NFL rules. We have been calling/emailing Giants Stadium all day and getting 9am as an answer from everybody.
  22. Sneak Peak about what will be posted on BB.com: http://www.buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=2787
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