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Posts posted by Jobot

  1. Just a few thoughts about the game and the Bills


    1 – Watching Gillislee, WHY? WHY? WHY? Did he not start against the 31st ranked run defense in the league last week (that is the loss the hurt, way more than today’s).


    2 – Gilmore is bad! ... I know, “Thank You, Captain Obvious!”


    3 – Speaking of bad, how about our Defense? ... Let’s see, the D gets blown out two weeks in a row now, the Special Teams Coach will be fired this week.


    4 – Speaking of Special Teams ... Why is Reggie Bush on the Kick Return team? He makes such bad decisions, but he makes up for it with his slow speed.


    5 – Back to the Defense, how many times did they convert 3rd downs when the game was still a game.


    6 – Weren’t we saying in the Pre-Season that this team had a glutton of Wide Receivers? Where did they go?


    7 – The Karma of these two organizations was never so obvious than in the last 40 seconds of the first half: One field goal clunks off the pole, the other team moves 35 yards, and their kick hits the upright and goes through. ... The game was over right there.


    8 – The contrast and lack of good coaching (and onfield leadership) and mental acumen was never so obvious when watching Brady hustle his team to the line and calling a play when he saw the Bills are trying to bring a Defensive substitute. Tyrod seems to hold up the plays so the other team can get their guys in. ... That is the difference between a great coach, and whatever it is we have.


    9 – On the positive side, we did rush for something like 160+ yards today. ... Is there a more meaningless stat in Week 8 of the NFL than that?


    10 – Josh McDaniels for Head Coach ????


    Regarding point #3


    I throw out the NE performance for hammering the D, they're just better than us. The front seven actually did a decent job stopping the run and pressuring Brady. Unfortunately he's kinda good.


    The defense all year has been a bend/don't break D. Against Miami, they were on the field way too much (plus heat) leading to Miami to pull away in the 4th. THey played alright leading up to that point.


    I blame the Miami loss 100% on the Bills refusal to commit to the run. This would have shortened the game and kept our D more fresh (remember the Bills had a 2-score lead in the second half)

  2. When did the playing well part occur ?


    How many passes were just beyond the fingertips of recievers?


    The passing game is all about timing that comes with reps. Tyrod has had a different receiving core almost every game this year. Not to mention that an injured WR will not run routes to the same precision and will throw timing off further.

  3. Somewhat unfair to evaluate Whaley against what like 6 gms before him failed to do. The drafting strategy needs to include more qbs, specifically the ones you really like. But you can't use one of your top 2 picks on a qb every year.


    Fact is we never should've drafted ej. We should've traded back, and for picks in 2014. Either we very poorly evaluated him, or Brandon needed something to sell to the fan base. I trend towards the latter


    If I recall the Bills were somewhat handcuffed into drafting a qb at the time. Consider what you will the type of pressure the Bills GM and coaches have previously been under, I'd say many draft choices over the years were the result of these guys fearing for their jobs to some extent. We've had pretty high rate of coaching turnover.

  4. Honest question. What is it about the Pats? How does a team continue to be the best team every year for 16 years, able to go on a tear whenever they feel

    victimized (talk about delusional with the treatment they get from the refs), able to go 11-5 and 3-1 without Brady, etc.?


    Plenty of other teams have had a HOF coach and HOF QB before, there are teams who had 8-10 HOFs all playing at the same time, but no one in the modern era has been able to maintain it for16 years. Most great teams couldn't even manage it for a decade in a pre-FA era? So how do the Pats continue to do it?


    Is it really just the greatest coach, QB, and organization ever? Or is it something else? Cheating, HGH, steroids, always getting the calls? What?


    I know I just sound like a bitter fan of a rival team, but honestly it is hard to fathom. Injuries don't seem to bother them, losing great players---no problem, they just fill in with another guy and all of a sudden he's all Pro. Other teams with great QBs and excellent coaching go up and down from year to year: New Orleans, Pittsburgh, Green Bay, etc. But the Pats have 11-13 wins and are contending for the Super Bowl every year.


    Just curious what you all think. Are they just the greatest footballers ever or do you think something else is afoot?


    I think in NE they run the football team like fortune500 business.


    There is accountability throughout the entire organization... the ENTIRE organization. Every coach, player, scout, administrative personnel has clear expectations. I feel like other teams hire 'football' guys who; sure they may know the game well, but in NE they fill their organization at all levels with people who have that corporate style mentality.


    In reality there is no difference between how successful football organization vs any other successful business.


    Talent is talent.... every NFL roster is filled with it which is why on any given Sunday, for the most part anybody can beat anybody.

  5. I honestly didn't think we played all that poorly. We sacked that bastard a few times, which was good. Usually we never get to him.


    We had some blown coverages, and a lot of penalties (more than deserved, especially the offensive pass interference on #85) and a few dropped passes. But Brady is going to carve up every team he plays. At one point we had #51 covering Gronk. WTH!!


    We had no shady and a bunch of second rate wideouts strolling around out there. And every time one of our wideouts got hit, he/she seemed to have to go to the locker room, presumably for a bra adjustment.


    The Pats are healthy and firing on all cylinders with the goat at QB. We should have gotten our butts kicked. And we did.....


    Who expected us to win? Who?


    At least we have an extra day to get healthy, and if anybody is questionable, give them the night off. I think we can beat Seattle next week with the team that played yesterday. I think we'll give them all they can handle. If giving Shady an extra week gets him ready for the stretch run, let's do it.




    Totally agree.


    Biggest disappointment is the lack of run commitment in the past two games.

    You should expect to win every home game. If not, why even get excited about the playoffs since you obviously think the team has no chance to advance very far. Any playoff team should be able to beat any other team at home, so if you think the Bills are a playoff team you should expect them to at least have a fighting chance to beat the Pats at home. I think beating the Pats at home was more likely than beating the Seahawks on the west coast. In any event, the losses to the Ravens and Jets likely spoiled any hope for the playoffs.


    you're totally right.. usually I don't even watch home games because I assume the winner is pre-determined!


    Defniitly nothing else goes into the outcomes of these games...

  6. I can't believe he thinks he is that good. He says look at the film and that the film doesn't lie. I know this, my eyes don't lie. He has average cover ability and he is the least physical player on the entire defense. He gets pushed around and avoids tackles every week. He won't be a Bill next season. I highly doubt it.


    He may have elite level talent whatever that means, but he puts himself before the team


    He could have dove to stop Hogan and probably would have kept him out of the endzone. But instead he selfishly slowed up and complained. He's clearly worried about getting injured so he's not engaging in any contact this year.... When he was drafted, his physicality was what put him into first round talent.


    This kind of person is not worth paying elite money to. He'll be gone after this year.

  7. Bills fan here. Just wanted to share a story.


    I drew the short straw at half time to grab my friends and I food and drinks. I was walking back to my seats in a crowded causeway in the lower bowl, carrying 2 trays with 3 cheese steaks 2 coffees and 2 beers. The guy behind me kept shoving me. I turned around and asked him to stop, there was nowhere for me to go. Something I never do, but this was actual pushing/shoving. Not sure why he was doing this. Just a guy alone.


    He says, "talk to me again and I'll punch you" I turn around keep walking. He keeps pushing me. Again I say, "dude there is no where for me to go". He tells me he has a baby. I offer to let him go Infront if it's an emergency. He tells me no and I need to not be a kitty. Again if I turn around he'll punch me in the face.


    Finally we exchange words that I am doing the best I can but I am going to drop everything if he continues. His GF/Wife walks up to me and literally punches me in the face. My hands are full, I just go to my seat. A bunch of men and women step in to tell him he was out of line and so was his lady. I continue on my way to not be involved in any altercation.



    I don't have seasons but go to 4-6 games per year. I generally have overlooked people's complaints about game day experiences because I think a football game is sometimes a vulgar experience. In my life tailgating and going to games for the last 15 years, I've never experienced anything like this at the Ralph/New Era. It was absurd and unwarranted.


    I feel bad for this fan base on all sorts of levels. But this is what we've become. Might as well be the raiders with nonsense like this. Roasting and vulgarities at opposing fans. Getting physical with your own fan base, and even instigating it is poor character for us.


    I'm debating whether or not even going to the game is worth it at this point. I was offended, and disgusted. If there was security near by I would have absolutely reported it and had him ejected. Poor look for a new father.


    Note: I had a ton to do today. I didn't tailgate. I parked and met friends at the gate. I wasn't drinking. But it's really a sad day to see bills fans react this was especially with kids. And by kids I mean his baby was about 6 months old on a 50 degree rainy day.


    I was wondering where the EJ supporters are coming from... Looks like you stumbled into a couple.


    But I agree, I have no desire to actually go to the stadium. Defining a seat at New Era is like trying to define a catch in the NFL except everyone is covered in their own pee and vomit.

  8. Alright TBD... Maybe it was a few too many Zima's over this past weekend that's got my head spinning. Either way I need your help prioritizing my battles for my own mental health.


    With the whole election thing going on already and now this anti-Tyrod/pro-EJ movement... I need to perform a self re-calibration!!! PLEASE HELP!!!


    EJ Manuel has only ever thrown more than 2 INTS in a game ONE TIME, it's the exception, not the rule. It's like saying Tyrod Taylor will throw for over 200 yards.


    He was a developing QB that wasn't nearly as bad as you guys mis-remember.


    Nope EJ is terrible.


    I can't tell if I'm more surprised by the number of EJ supporters or Trump supporters...

  10. The offenses struggles are not due to Tyrod Taylor... Let me explain...


    1- Injuries (injuries are not an excuse blah blah blah... yes they are)


    2- Continuity - Each week the personnel packages change. In the NFL, passing is all based on timing!... how many throws missed by inches yesterday? These mis-throws are resolved with more reps!


    3- Abandonment of the run game - WHY DO WE REFUSE TO UTILIZE OUR STRENGHT?!?!?! Coaches are just odd sometimes.

  11. Enough excuses.


    Tyrod is simply not a good QB.


    I don't care if he was good in college. I don't care if we have injuries. I don't care that our defense sucks. I don't care if he was in the Pro Bowl.


    All of those facts have nothing to do with his ineptitude.


    He's not good.


    He can't read a defense.

    He holds the ball WAAAY too long.

    He can't find open receivers.

    When he finds them, he can't throw an accurate pass.

    There is no such things as YAC, because he either throws behind them or the need to scoop them off of their shoelaces.

    Captain Checkdown?? Schit, he's an Admiral.


    I don't think EJ is a great QB, either. But he is better than Tyrod Taylor. Why not put a QB out there who gives us a better chance at winning, albeit not a lot better?


    The only other option is to throw Cardale in, but that would be tanking the season and I don't want that.


    This offense is embarrassing. It's pathetic. It's ineffective and it is absolutely no fun to watch.


    And it all comes down to crappy play at the most important position on the field.


    Tyrod needs to be benched and EJ should be the starter.


    Go Bills.





    Why no one respects the opinion of a Bills fan.

  12. Injuries are not an excuse.


    EVERY team has key injuries. With that said I think Rex and company will be back unless a collapse happens. But I expect an 8-8/7-9 season and everyone back next year..... Where we will most likely see another 7-9/8-8 season. Life as a Bills fan.


    ...yeah actually they are a pretty solid excuse...


    Pick any team and remove their most critical offensive and defensive player and they likely miss the playoffs

  13. Kind of an out of the box idea, but what if we made EJ the closer. Where he comes in at the end of the 4th to pull out games. In his second game he had led a come from behind TD drive against the Panthers and should of had another one against the Falcons. Tyrod can do alot of things, one of them isn't putting the team on his back and pulling out a victory in the 4th, he's not that kind of QB.




    He had 1 comeback win and should of had another??? What are you thinking!?!?!! LOFL

  14. so tyrod throws one of the best balls in the league?


    No this means that Tyrod's accuracy is benefited from his WR catching the ball consistently.


    Basically his incompletions are because the throws were not on target. This could mean many things from throw-aways, wrong routes run, etc..


    From this info, all you can really do is say that Tyrod's accuracy is not negatively impacted from drops as much as other qbs in the league.

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