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Posts posted by Jobot

  1. Tyrod's throw to Hunter on the TD was really well placed and just the type of throw I criticize Tyrod for not making!


    Hunter wasn't really "open" per se but it didn't matter. Tyrod saw that he could put the ball in a place where Hunter could catch it and the defender could not...he then had the guts to make the throw...and he threw the ball accurately.


    The entire thing had Tom Brady written all over it.



    He made a similar throw to O'Leary that sailed just high (a little behind too). Just goes to show how slim the margin of error is in this league as well as what a talented receiver can account for.

  2. 27 starting QB have a 3:1 TD:Int ratio or better.




    So, it kinda looks like not turning the ball over isn't necessarily an indicator of a solid NFL starter.


    It looks like it's a quality just about EVERY qb has.




    THere is no context given. This would actually prove that this ratio is meaningless as 27 teams do not have a winning record!

  3. Unless we pick up Romo, it is very dicey to expect the qb position to be upgraded overnight. We're going to be drafting best case 15-20 range (or worst case depending how you look at it)... so don't expect a top draft pick qb. This equals a multiple year development project if we select a new qb.


    I shouldn't have to say that hitting on someone like a Dak Prescot is unrealistic.


    If Tyrod's rushing numbers were converted to passing statistics are we suddenly in love with Tyrod as a franchise qb? I feel like people have forgotten about the past 15 years of Bills qb play.

  4. Why not try the 2 Point Conversion all the time . If you make it 50 percent of the time you break even . It sure would be better than missed point afters !


    I don't think you can blanket 50% all the time.


    In the first half of today's game, the Bills offense played terribly and it made sense to not push their luck on their first score.


    If you're offense is rolling and guys are winning their battles, then I think you start going for two and passing up the PAT. But blindly going for it all the time and I don't think you get the 50% success rate.


    The game is called "Football" and you want to take one of the only relevant parts of the game involving a foot out? lol


    Sorry, but XP's matter, and they make the game more interesting especially now with the further distance no longer being a guarantee and the ability to also go for 2. And its a 52 man roster...all positions should matter. So lets get rid of Kickoffs too by your logic because heaven forbid someone return a kick because now the game depends on a kicker making a game saving tackle.


    Kickers have been a very important part of this competitive event since the invention of this game. Now that they have increased their value and worth you want to get rid of them...makes no sense to me.


    PS: Case Example: One of the most daring and exciting moments of the whole season was when the young upstart Raiders went for 2 against the high powered Saints team with future HOF Brees on the other side waiting to try and win the game in OT against that terrible Raiders D. Rather than try for OT and hope they get lucky with the coin toss and not have to hold the Saints from scoring, they went for the win right then and there. Great and gutsy call that was awesome to watch.




    Really your argument is because the two words that make up the name of the sport are 'foot' and 'ball'?


    You can't argue past the fact that you're excited for someone (a kicker) to screw up.... He misses it > he's a bum... He makes it > he did what he was supposed to do (hence the yawn)


    Well considering many many games have come down to whether or not the kicker makes the XP to either win or tie for OT, I would say your assessment is inaccurate on whether its exciting or not. I used to sit back and care less, now every time Carpenter lines up for an attempt I am anxious.


    Big Kudos to the NFL for finally making a rule change that adds value to the game rather than make it boring.


    I'd rather make touchdowns 7 points.


    These are the most competitive events in the world and now they come down to the kicker making an error. Thus making the game worse.

  7. After careful consideration and putting the bow on the box after hearing his press conference today, I officially want the BILLS to go after Romo next year. I love looking at Tyrod Taylor when everything is humming but your record says you are who you are.


    I know ROMO back is messed up but if he sits out this year which it looks like is going to happen that will give Romo a whole year to heal up. Can you imagine our offense with a healthy Romo and us upgrading a OL in the offseason.


    I know its a risk and I'm not Whaley but who would you rather pay 20 million dollars to next year. Tyrod or Romo. I'll give Tyrod a chance to finish the season but if he does not look like a top 10 QB by the end of the season I would talk to Dallas to see what they want for Romo.



    I love blindly using cliches terms to justify nonsense! ... "but your record says you are who you are." LOL This comes from Dennis Green (I think) all pissed off following a loss. So yep sure why not make a franchise altering decision based of it :w00t::doh:

  8. I would say any excitement generated from these blocked PATs is the result of the NFL not defining what's allowed by the defense and not in the rule change itself.


    Don't line up directly over the center BUT.... you can have two guys line up just offset of the center and barrel him over...


    Don't leap over the line BUT.... just don't make TOO much contact if you do and you're okay...


    Don't false start and annihilate the kicker.... BUT just do it before the ref has time to put a whistle in his mouth to blow and it's okay...

  9. So I only watched some of the games yesterday as I'm finding each week I become more disinterested if the Bills aren't playing.


    Everyone (I guess just the NFL and ESPN) is now raving about how great this new rule to push back the PAT. I don't see it. As a fan, I could care less if a kicker can make 30-something yarder/or not to win a game. I want to see a team drive down the field and make it's way into the endzone! THAT SHOULD DETERMINE WHO WINS! Not the smallest guy on the field that comes in to do what no one else bothered to care enough to train for!


    The way Denver won was total garbage especially since the player ALSO stepped out of bounds! It wasn't exciting it was more frustration watching these games, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the NFL even called down to intervene with the correct call to stay up on their high and mighty horse and say 'look at the excitement we've given you.... ALSO - this steals a historic comeback from Drew Brees against one of the leagues top-defense. Comeback drives will no longer go towards a qbs record with this crap.



    ....side note if anyone saw the roughing the passer on Big Ben when he was hit from behind and simultaneously connected with a fore-arm to the face from the defender in front of him. Not sure if the NFL thinks we're idiots, but guess what... the NFL's Andrew Pererra guru is a joke and we know it. The NFL must think they can trick us by dressing up an old guy in a suite and telling us what's right and wrong. It is very clear that Commentators calling the game were recently instructed to start agreeing with officials... Just add it to the list of NFL frustrations.


    I know it sounds silly, but hamstrings are often an issue of neurological compensation patterns.


    As in, the athlete sustains some type of lower-body injury at some point in his athletic career, and the brain alters the timing of the muscle firing pattern to avoid triggering a pain response. Over time, the muscular imbalance gets exaggerated due to compensation, and the slower-firing muscle takes the brunt of the force.


    Cool thought, sounds like a spark plug firing within an engine analogy

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