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Punching Bag

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Everything posted by Punching Bag

  1. The Saints’ NFL salary cap doom spiral, explained The Saints are in NFL salary cap hell, with no way out. https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2024/2/23/24080361/new-orleans-saints-salary-cap-hell-situation-explained-nfl-rules It is often said there is no real salary cap in NFL and that it may be true but the salary cap becomes a low ceiling for teams which over due it. I wonder when New Orleans starts trading picks for future picks just so they can have less to pay now.
  2. $1800 is a lot of risk for storage locker which may just include surplus clothes, extra furniture and papers. I helped a buddy load a storage locker when he needed to move I asked "Is it worth keeping this stuff for amount you are paying each month?" and his response was "It will only be until I get my new place paid for". it sounds like he buys unpaid storage locker contents regularly and it is like gambling where sometimes he may have some inside information occasionally like someone working for storage place.
  3. Mazi Smith’s unpaid storage locker auctioned off and it was full of THOUSANDS of dollars in stuff https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/forum/1-the-stadium-wall/?do=add What is a good finder fee besides the costs to pay off the money if the person who bought it legally decides to sell it back? https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/dallas-cowboys/mazi-smith-82304/ Cowboys' Mazi Smith wants his stuff BACK! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nfl/article-13119353/Cowboys-Mazi-Smith-Michigan-Storage-Unit.html
  4. Yes but WFAN forgives him for all the scandals which generated ratings. Glad he is not working for WGR anymore. He is fungible with a pile of dung being used as a sex toy.
  5. Probably marketing pushing for release not allowing time for testing. I had a marketing director (salesman, he one only one in marketing) move the release of X-Master, an X Windows benchmarking tool, to end of August because customer requirement so my team needed to work extra hours. I had conversation with customer and he told me the hardware would not be received until October and he did not want software early. I found out that it was a way for him to get a bonus and surprised him in meeting when he told company president that software would be done by end of August telling him customer told me he did not want software yet. The president then knew he was moving dates to make more money.
  6. Correct. Would the 90s zebras make up a truck rule to allow Teflon T*m to get away with as much stuff? No.
  7. Marino was a good THROWER but not s great QuarterBACK. He was not even good at fakes and got his RBs demolished frequently.
  8. Yes and you can get info at Superman museum in Cleveland. Costume and cape do get wrecked often in physical battles especially his cape. Surely you saw Death of Superman covers with torn costumes and torn cape being hung.
  9. Seriously it helps broadcasters more than NFL unless she is driving jersey sales. I am surprised the KC Kings do not have a pink jersey with her name on it with her share of money going to a charity she designates like "Girls without WIFI".
  10. Having worked for Verizon and seen some of the business documents (when they could not support one customer with contracted support they changed the definition of the words in contract) I think this is more appropriate for Verizon:
  11. Original article had more info. https://www.tsn.ca/rick-westhead-argos-qb-kelly-accused-of-harassment-in-wrongful-dismissal-lawsuit-1.2079719 Canadian coaches are also paid a lot less in Canada just like players. This was for first female coach in CFL which there were a number of articles on Dana Beattie, the Toronto Argonauts Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach, who joined the organization in 2018 according my article database. There were similar articles on first NFL coach and first NFL referee. Most of the articles previously indexed have been locked down or removed although I do not know reason. If I have time I will check wayback.
  12. A site not as brutal to browse: https://www.kctv5.com/2024/02/22/clyde-edwards-helaire-receives-heroism-award-protecting-teen-during-kansas-city-parade-shooting/ One of men charged in Union Station shooting had just completed probation on gun-related charge https://www.kctv5.com/2024/02/21/one-men-charged-union-station-shooting-had-just-completed-probation-gun-related-charge/
  13. He always has had an issue of control. The question is what evidence does she have and does Toronto Argonauts have evidence against wrongful dismissal. I think this will be a case with wrongs on both sides but not going to "try it" until case is complete.
  14. Baker was not ready for NFL and was rebuilt by Alex Van Pelt. They took away is ability to ad lib restricting offense until he learned how to read correctly. Looked for article on it but cannot find it now. Former Browns OC Alex Van Pelt is now OC for P*ts. Baker would be a good addition for them. Bucs interviewed Van Pelt for OC and choose someone else which might hurt them. Patriots Offensive Free Agent Targets For Alex Van Pelt Ft. Mike Evans, Tee Higgins & Baker Mayfield https://www.nbcsportsboston.com/nfl/new-england-patriots/new-patriots-oc-alex-van-pelt-reveals-traits-he-values-most-in-qbs/589860/
  15. https://comicstadium.com/toonholes-cartoonist-reveals-the-secret-behind-his-hilarious-comics/
  16. Put them in cities abandoned by NFL - St Louis, San Diego, Oakland and Milwaukee then they could add cities which wanted teams but NFL choose other than them like San Antonio. I went to see the CFL Baltimore Stallions once. https://www.justsportsstats.com/cflinamerica/balt.php
  17. Well you are called Success and @Failure was taken and they could not take it so they just took the meaning.
  18. Is Albany Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Eaters better? Sell the name to make money and be official snack of the team.
  19. NFL Europe developed a lot of talent for NFL with a number of players including QBs which are some of the hardest players to develop. Its model worked for NFL and being short sighted they ended it.
  20. Sounds very strange. Never heard of it but watch very little main broadcaster shows other than NFL. Series seems to be on YouTube free. Burt Reynolds in it makes it bizarre enough I may look at it. Worst part of streaming series is dealing with opening credits repeatedly. Watched "The Legend of Prince Valiant" that way and got so used to skipping opening credits with a certain amount of time I started doing it with other videos and needed to back up on them.
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