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The Frankish Reich

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Posts posted by The Frankish Reich

  1. Looks like they passed on him again. I wonder if this was a payback game. It sure looked like it. Welcome to the Bills dude.

    And I learned that his first name is pronounced "Marcus." Which seems like an awfully complicated way to go if you want to call your son Marcus (no apostrophe needed!) But he looks like a good athlete who may find a position with the Bills, so I'm all for giving him playing time.

  2. I'm excited to see his next set of guys we should've cut to keep moeaki- maybe a coach or scout will make the list since we've already hit practice squad and IR.


    There could've been an argument to keep him as your 53rd if you were confident in the injuries timeline but if trainers were (in hindsight accurately) saying 2+ months it's hard to complain

    OK, OK, I didn't want to go there, but you leave me no choice. Jordan Gay.

  3. Yikes - well that's not something you like to see from your owner. Harbaugh was asked about it in his post game but didn't address it.


    @JedYork: Thank you #49ersfaithful for coming out strong tonight. This performance wasn't acceptable. I apologize for that

    The sound of the window of opportunity closing ever so slowly. You wake up one day and all of that amazing young talent isn't so young anymore, and it's kind of expensive to keep around too ...

  4. Let Moeaki play more then 3 games successfully in a 5 game stretch. He is on a team which plays to his strengths, short yards and no long ball behind a game manager at qb.


    Big difference here in buffalo is we are a Ru. First team. So is Seattle but that is at the distaste of Carroll and Co who want to gunsling it and don't value runners.

    But Moeaki was regarded as maybe the best blocking tight end in his draft class. I think folks are missing my point here (maybe my joking was to blame): the point is that bringing Moeaki in last year was a good idea even though no one had any expectation that he'd be able to contribute last year. And the fact that he didn't make it back in preseason shouldn't have surprised anyone either. It was a longer-range play, and a smart one. But it isn't smart when you give up on that longer-range play too soon, which is what happened here. If they'd stayed the course with him that would've meant injured reserve time, and yes, it would have meant losing someone else. But sticking with Moeaki made some sense since (1) tight end is an exceptionally weak position on this team; (2) and even knowing that, we chose not to draft a tight end other than Gragg very late in the draft last year (while drafting two WRs) or this year (while drafting one WR). Given all those new WRs, signing Mike Williams was probably the mistake that drove some other mistakes. Williams won't be back, Goodwin likely won't be back, Lee Smith (I hope) won't be back, there'd be nothing lost if all of them weren't on this year's team at all.

  5. I would think practice squad players are there for a specific purpose and to think they are interchangeable is very naive. These are players that learn our system and are very close to being on the active roster. I don't think you want to be changing that roster too often.

    I don't deny that. But we've also kept Jonathan Meeks on the roster even though he missed 3/4 of last year and has not played at all this year. The idea that you can't keep an injured/talented player who fills a need on injured reserve for half a season is belied by many, many examples every season. Look, I started this thread half seriously, half jokingly (in another thread it was pointed out that every former Bill who has a good game immediately gets a thread like this one). But the serious point is Moeaki was drafted as one of the best blocking tight ends in the draft back in 2010, and he can catch the ball a little too. He wouldn't have made a big difference this year given his injuries, but he would be a more complete tight end right now than either Smith (all block, and not so great at that either, and no catch) or Chandler (all catch, and not so good at that either, and no block). And we're also carrying Mike Williams and Marquis Goodwin all year because they look good in the team photo or something.


    That is right we could have kept him on active roster by letting go a practice squad player Jeff Tuel.

    Or Travis Harvey, another practice squad player.

    Or Caleb Holley an injured practice squad player.


    Where did you get your GM lessons in a Cracker Box?

    Very appropriate!

    OK, I give you Jonathan Meeks.

  6. He was injured again this year. He would've been carried in the 53 hurt for like half the season. Not crazy, but seemingly not realized by you? Seattle gotta sign him once healthy, in November. A luxury we didn't have.

    I guess I stand corrected. We would have risked losing Caleb Holley! (Question: who the hell is Caleb Holley?). Or Jeff Tuel. Or some wide receiver named Travis Harvey. Are we certain that Caleb Holley and Travis Harvey are actually 2 different players? My point: there's always fungible practice squad guys out there. They're like the utility infielder AAAA guys in baseball. You should never worry about finding them, and you should never let actual talent go to keep one of them. Or Lee Smith for that matter.

  7. But that's something he usually does very well. This is a bad game for him, no doubt, but I refuse to believe that he is the main culprit here.

    Bad game for Kap, correct. But sometimes all you have to do is not make mistakes. If Kap plays like Alex Smith, this is a very competitive game down the stretch, and when that happens, who knows whether they can pull it out?

  8. You knew it was coming. The Why Didn't We Keep Moeaki thread. But this time I think it's a damn good question. Why sign a guy coming off an injury at the end of last season unless you were planning to keep him the following season? What exactly was the point of bringing him in last year, having him do (and be unable to do) exactly what any reasonable football mind would have thought he'd do immediately after the injury, and then dumping him while you keep a Lee Smith? It's almost as if Bills management thought they were so close to being a playoff favorite with the current (Lee Smith) lineup that they couldn't afford to take a chance on a higher risk/much higher reward player. Wait a minute, it's not "almost as if" anything. IT'S EXACTLY AS IF. That's what they thought, they were wrong, Moeaki is no great player, but right now he'd be the best tight end on our team and he's making a big contribution for the Super Bowl champs. Which is perhaps why they are the Super Bowl champs and we're, well, something else ...

  9. I'll take the bait. I've lived in Colorado for a long time, and I think I know the following about this edition of the Broncos:


    1. They are a really poor bad weather team. Early December (unfortunately) is generally a pretty low-risk month for really foul weather. But it can be cold, and Peyton don't like cold. At all.


    2. They don't do well against teams with a dominant defensive line. They've had all kinds of O line trouble. Hey, they even waved the 2014 version of the O Line Desperation Flag: they brought in Richie Incognito. The line looked a lot better against Miami last week, but it's still shaky with a big musical chairs thing they did with the existing starters. If you can generate pressure on Peyton without blitzing, he's a completely different (and very beatable) QB. And our main strength is definitely the DL, lining up across from their main weakness.


    3. The defense was much improved this year. Was. Past tense. Miami moved the ball really well against them, and I wouldn't call Miami some kind of offensive juggernaut. Even the weak STL offense moved the ball pretty well. (And of course the Pats destroyed them, but that's not so relevant since, well, Kyle Orton is not that guy with the hair plugs and Scott Chandler's resemblance to Gronk starts and ends with his height.)


    So even looking past Cleveland (which I'm not) and even given that the OP was obviously trying to stir things up here, I'll say this: the question is relevant because sooner or later we have to beat an actual GOOD team (not just a marginal contender like ourselves) to move to that next level, and because the Broncos are no shoo-in to beat us, much less dominate us. I'm gonna be there, and the last time the Bills visited Denver, Trent Edwards and Co. pretty much put the final nail in the Mike Shanahan era with a surprise win.

  10. Vick just gave up on Monday after making the tackle on the almost-pick 6. He limped off the field, never made an attempt to move around to work out the bruise he probably got from Williams, then looked fine on the sidelines but never even asked to be put back in. We just witnessed the end of a once promising (and sometimes downright electric) career. Mike Vick, victim of his own stupidity. At least Geno tries. Too hard sometimes, but he doesn't give up.

  11. We trade stevie for a 4th string rb, we trade for Mike williams who doesn't play, we trade 3 picks (2 1st) for a rookie wr in the deep wr class ever.

    I like Sammy, but when you put it that way ...

    ... Gotta admit you have a point. And that's the problem with the desperation "need" drafting we've done the last couple years. Everyone but the Bills thought there was no 1st round QB last year. Sure we traded down to get EJ, but still drafted him at least a round too early, passing over more talented players. And then because EJ needed playmakers to cover for his lack of accuracy we panicked and traded up to grab Sammy in what has turned out to be (as you said) the deepest wide receiver class ever. Two rules in life: never try to time the stock market; never draft for need, always draft the best player left on the board.

  12. No way is that true. Although Foles had a great season last year, his track record is very limited. Rightly or wrongly, many view him as a system QB. And if the Eagles are willing to part ways with Foles--despite having no notable QB prospects in the pipeline--then it is a clear signal to the rest of the league that they don't think much of him. If they are truly ready to move on from Foles, the Eagles will probably try to get a second rounder for him, but would be happy with a mid-third rounder, or less.

    That's why you adapt the system to fit the QB, rather than the other way around.

  13. U might be right they might not trade him. But if he becomes available I say we get it done. Foles is like I said a better much better option then anyone else we have a chance to trade or draft next yr. If these rumors are true bout the Foles losing favor with Chip, he will be available for trade for sure.

    Agreed. I start from this point: this club is built to compete now. You'll lose a few guys to free agency this offseason (I'm guessing Spiller/Hughes/Spikes), but you've got Kiko back and really, it shouldn't be that hard to replace Spiller's "production" and while you'd miss Hughes, resigning Jarius Wynn for cheaper would still leave you with a really strong front 7. And they already committed to making a run in 2014 (oops)-2016 by trading for Watkins. So a draft-and-develop 2nd/3rd rounder doesn't work well with that timeline. Free agent QBs are not an inspiring lot -- expect Jake Locker, Mark Sanchez, etc. So that leaves a trade. There's always the possibility of Cutler, but other than that, I see Foles as maybe the best choice. Unfortunately, I don't know if we have enough to get him. My thinking is Chip Kelly will try to trade up for Mariota, but want someone else's high draft picks for Foles to replenish his own draft. No, Foles was never as good as his stats looked in 2013, but really, when's the last time a Bills QB did anything remotely similar to what he did last year?

  14. sign blount! dude runs hard.

    Agreed. Plus remember, we're in mid-November, which on the Bills calendar is the traditional Sign a Troubled And/Or Post-Steroidal Past His Prime Player Period. Blount follows in the big footsteps of Shawne Merriman and Tony Moeaki! Sign both him and Richie. Blount vs. Incognito would be a hell of a lot more interesting than Boobie up the middle for 2!

  15. The Bills are offering $10 per hour and game tickets for those interested in shoveling snow in and around Ralph Wilson Stadium. Call (716) 636-4840 for details.

    Darren McKee is out here in Denver doing his annoying shtick, and he finished the show today with a story (no doubt embellished) of being in Buffalo in 92 and showing up at the stadium to shovel snow thinking it would be a kind of Bills fan bonding experience ... said it was nothing like that, just him and a bunch of homeless guys who couldn't care less about the Bills. Actually a pretty funny story, ending with him getting T-boned in a parking lot by a pickup truck that skidded.


    Hang in there Buffalo! And by the way, talk in Denver makes it sound like the Broncos O line is the biggest disaster in the NFL.

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