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Everything posted by Playoffs?

  1. The Bills have a way of making Zach Wilson look like an all-pro. Unreal what is happening.
  2. Who’s getting that familiar old feeling that this is not going to end well for us tonight?
  3. This would be an awesome time for a 7 min drive that puts up a Bills TD. But I’m terrified of a pick 6…
  4. I’m really souring on him. For all the talent we have, our O just looks so boring. Or maybe it the Jets D… or maybe it’s execution..
  5. Great tackle Tre. If I’m the Jets, I’m doing handoffs and screens for the rest of this game.
  6. This is maddening. For all the amazing plays Allen makes, he just can’t help himself sometimes, and they’re killer. That should’ve been at least a 3 point drive.
  7. You beat us last year in NJ… with Wilson in. I love my Bills, but this game is far from over.
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