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Posts posted by bbb

  1. We got a 2nd rounder for Wilford? I could have sworn we never got anything - they kept putting it off and it never happened.


    I was pissed at Wilford about that one. What good did it do him, except get him off the Bills? Since nobody on the Colts made more than him, I don't think that escalator ever made him a dime. So, why did he sign it?

  2. It was his constant bitching about the FCC that got old.


    This is exactly right. It got very old. It is just like GR all football season bashing the Bills because of the way the Bills were treating them. I really didn't care how GR got treated by the Bills. I wanted to talk about what the Bills on the field issues were, and I also could care less about Stern's FCC problems.

  3. That was a great article, and you were right - it was really well written. Good stuff - I didn't know much of that..........I was 7 at the time, but do remember how good that last Bisons team was - I see on that site that Guy Trottier had 55 goals - that is unreal - how was he not playing with the Rangers that year!! I remember Villemure getting called up a lot and then for a few years he shared the Rangers goalie duties with Giacomin.

  4. When i used to catch Brad's show I was assulted with rettata like guys betting "Riter Bucks" and some little kid (or a recording of a little kid) making picks for the games...nonsense like that.

    I'm told, however, that he doesn't suck.



    It was for the Riter Cup!........At first, I was like do I really want to hear people make picks - that is horrible radio, IMO.......But, they were actually very funny and clever.

  5. I love how GR says they don't spit out the company line - meaning the Bills company line - when each and every one of them obviously got the memo that the company line this past season was to bash the Bills every chance they get.


    Shoop would turn things that had absolutely nothing to do with the Bills into a bash of them.


    That crap seems to have stopped. I actually think he is pretty funny, and I enjoy listening to them again, instead of wanting to put my hand thru the radio and strange him.

  6. My luck - every time I like a station or a program it goes away!.......I just started having real late hours this past year, and got to really like Todd Wright on ESPN Radio All Night. And, I figured for once when I like something, it's going to stick around because he had been doing it for a decade I heard...........Of course, he soon got canned!

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