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Posts posted by bbb

  1. There is nothing, I repeat NOTHING as exciting as ovetime playoff hockey.  I bite my nails to the bone.  End to end action with one mistake or one great play and it's all over in a split second.  I fuggin love it, and having the Sabres in makes it that much cooler.



    I agree it is incredibly exciting - edge of your seat the whole time. I have vivid memories of 20 guys crammed in a college dorm room watching the Bruins-Sabres Game 7 overtime, and the tension was unbelievable. Brad Park broke most of our hearts, except for the two Bruins fans.


    But, it's the split second thing and it's over thing that takes away from it a little for me. The payoff is not as good as the big hit in baseball............Think of the Carlton Fisk home run and the drama of how long it took to see if it was fair or foul. Andre running in the touchdown against the Oilers in '89..........These things give you a little bit of time to savor it..........Split second and it's over I don't like.........But, I have to say the entire time before that is riveting. Just not the payoff.

  2. Yeah, the father/son thing, the feel - I just watched Field of Dreams for the first time in 15 years, and that's what that was all about...........There's all that plus it is so dramatic. Much like another favorite activity, it has it's foreplay with a single, then you get to second base.....The tensions builds and the crowd stands up.........Every pitch gets more intense..........The odds are still against the hit being made, but when it does it is the greatest climax in sports.


    I can go on about just the Indians being down 14-2 in the 7th inning to the Mariners in '01.........They get a few home runs, but they are still down by three runs with two outs and nobody on in the bottom of the ninth..........They get three guys on, and up comes Omar........Not the greatest hittter..........Get a hit and some runs in and you're still down with two outs......He goes deep in the count, and then lines a bases clearing triple down the line to tie the game!...........That was one of the greatest moments in sports I have ever seen. It was after midnight and I was jumping around my living room like the Bills just won the Super Bowl..........Then, they win the game in extra innings.

  3. it's true. nothing comes close to postseason hockey, not even the nfl.



    I know that I may be the only one on here to think this, but I think postseason baseball is the greatest of all sporting events. Even when I didn't care much about the regular season, I loved the postseason. Now I'm dialed in from Opening Day, anyway.


    But, there is just so much drama in baseball. I loved tonight and the building absolutely rocked, but to me it doesn't match the drama of how every pitch is huge in the postseason, the buildup of a big inning, the strategy, etc. I've always said there is nothing better in sports than the big hit - not a touchdown, and definitely not an overtime goal - it happens too fast and you rarely actually see it live. I sure didn't tonight from the other end of the rink.

  4. You should definitely look for the Thanksgiving Turkey Promotion episode. It featured Les Nessman giving a live report, and he completely imitates the dude who gave the radio report when the Hindenburg crashed. You can track down a WAV file of it. One of the funniest scenes on TV ever.




    I actually did see the Turkey one, and many WKRP episodes (I loved Bailey, too)........It's just that damn Who one that I have to still see!

  5. I still remember the episode they did after the fans at The Who concert in Cincinnati crashed the gates, killing eleven.




    This is the weirdest thing. That was the first episode I thought of when I saw this thread (besides the turkey one, of course)..........I had never seen that episode, and really haven't watched much TV since the 70s..............I was in the hospital after an industrial accident in '83 and it was the only time that I watched a lot of reruns..........So, the Who episode was just about to come on and I was really into it. I saw The Who the very next night at The Aud, and Time Mag took their cover story photos from my section in the golds.


    So, anyway, a friend of mine comes in to visit me in the hospital, and I couldn't say "Hey, not now - I want to see this episode."...........So, I have never seen it and I was that close and that is probably the one show out of any show out there that I would want to see.

  6. WTF - Marv is back, Malarkey is staying, damn - then that means all the guys he alienated will be going or gone - Moulds, Adams, Williams, Losman, McGahee.......wait, no he quit, so those guys should be back on board.........Marv is coaching.........No, he's not.........Moulds, et al, are gone anyway, or on thin ice.........we're doomed because the league is going uncapped...........no, wait we're saved.........Willis shows up for workouts to everyones surprise - a fresh start..........Willis doesn't show up for mini-camp............We're doomed because of the new CBA, but Ralph is going to fight for us to the end............No, Ralph is stabbing us in the back, and it's a ploy to move out of town.............Peerless is back.

  7. Cool - I really want some playoff fever around here. I put my deposit down for next year, mainly to get this year's playoff tix..........I remember going to that first playoff game in '97 after a few years of missing them, and the place was at a fever pitch before the game.

  8. he is the one gap type of defensive tackle that fits this defensive scheme the best?


    many sources say the bills do not like Haloti Nagata because he is a two type hold the line guy while this defense needs one gap penetrators.


    the mention Sam Adams as the prototype one gap penetrator and we just let him go :D


    so either this is typical pre-draft babble  or the bills just shot themsielves in the foot again.


    Adams was a team problem because the Bills would not let him play one gap under meathead.


    now they are installing a defense that fits him and they cut him so they can try to find another one.


    i did not think he was that big of a cap hit.



    I asked this same exact question earlier in the week in the thread that said we won't draft Ngata because of this one gap two gap stuff. Sam seems perfect for this setup.

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