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Posts posted by timekills17

  1. 2 minutes ago, Seven-N-Nine said:

    Mayfield is actually capable of throwing TD passes...



    We get it. You don't like Allen.

    There is NOTHING you can point to this year that shows Mayfield is better than Allen.

    Whether Allen is or becomes good is tiresome enough from you, but to seriously try and explain why passing for TDs in this game is somehow worth more than running for them is ridiculous. And to say Mayfield can pass for TDs while Allen can't - have you looked at their season's stats?


    At least use realistic and worthwhile arguments, please.

  2. 13 hours ago, Limeaid said:

    Lots of people have serious mental issues and are able to get repeated chances despite them.


    I worked with a brilliant engineer who was extremely asocial but was able to do what no one else could do.  He was able for us to keep contract despite contract officer constantly passing our work to competition because "customer paid for it" but he was able to stay ahead of the competition despite this.

    Since I was only one who could work with him I became his handler.  I was rewriting his documentation making it capable of being understood by someone not so brilliant and doing technical editing. I also become person who did interaction with him with anyone who he had issues with which was almost everyone.

    I went on vacation for 2 weeks and when I came back I asked "Where is Bob?" and found out he had a blowup on a corporate big wig and was thrown (almost literally) out.


    I worked at a government job and there was a task item which was not getting done so it was handed off to me.   On my first day on task the government point of contact, an E14 or E15, came to lab and started screaming curses at me as being incompetent and when he was tired of yelling at me I said "Jack, I was just assigned this task this morning. I will get you a report on completed and uncompleted items by end of day."  He was really shocked not realizing that they person who he was screaming at was just assigned task an hour ago and he said "Oh good, carry on".  I later found out he acts that way to all contractors getting some fired (Technically told by prime "your services are no longer required.") and some physical acts which were settled by insurance with him recommended for consoling and protected by union from being fired being given several paid hiatuses.  That is right he got paid for time off and a contractor got let go at no fault with 2 weeks notice.  This had been going on for 15 years with him being moved from program to program and once to different agency.  To me it sounds like Catholic church and defrocked priests.


    Does he deserve to be able to play and who decides that?  Teams do based on what the player is able to perform and how having him affects locker room, sales, etc. not sanctimonious media people and fans who could not get a job working in locker room.  If it bothers you that much then don't buy tickets and gear, do not watch football and go create a blog.


    Ostroski seems to need the physical bonding of football and a locker room with both strong leadership in teammates and coaches to do and be well.  He probably also needs more contract requirements including oversight than NFLPA would allow and hopefully his agent is recommending he get privately.  I hope he will stay on medications and find some outlet for his issues.



    Not that this has anything to do with Ritchie, but I feel compelled to expound on some of what I feel are misconceptions that you expressed.

    One - minor, but there is no such thing as an "E14 or E15" DoD employee. I assume you meant their pay grade, which typically is "GS" plus their number - which can go up to 15 before reaching "Senior Executive Staff" or SES level. Although they are NOT the same, there is a pay grade to military rank equivalent to assist with appropriate position where a GS-15 is equated to an O6 (Colonel or Captain in the Navy), a GS-14 is equated to an O-5 (LTC/Lt Col/Cmdr) and an SES sits at the O7 (General officer) level.


    Two - A contractor is never fired or let go by the military. It's illegal. If a contractor was let go with two weeks notice that was completely on the contracted company. The only time the government can impact is when something was done illegally by a specific person working for the contract (typically sexual harassment or assault) and then that person can be banned from working at a location or country due to US agreement with said country (if a SOFA [Status of Forces Agreement] is in place) or US law. It is still up to the contracted agency what is done with that person however. The only exception to what happens to the person is if they are arrested (of course.)


    If your contracted company told you one of your fellow contractors was "let go"/fired by the military/DoD/government - they're lying. It's one of the biggest challenges with hiring a contracted agency. The government pays for the SERVICE. How the service is provided, i.e. how many people they decide to hire, where they put them, etc, can't be dictated by the government.

  3. Choosy mothers choose Jif.


    But people who understand acronyms in the English language say GIF as in game, gone, graphics.


    Tell me you didn't know who John Brown and Frank Gore were before they came to Buffalo, and I'll bet you call it "JIF" because you get your education from Twitter and FaceInstabookgram.


    P.S. Nano over vi or Emacs. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 1 hour ago, BruceVilanch said:

    I didn't get to get the entire experience that I wanted because my trip was delayed due to an elderly gentleman turning in front of me and totaling my car on the way to the airport but that's neither here nor there...

    .... I honestly didn't run into one person who wasn't genuinely nice.



    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. 2 hours ago, stuvian said:

    running Gore 3 x in a row on the goal line was real innovative


    I realize this will come across as homerism, or typical fan optimism trying to find good in the darkness but...


    After some further time to consider, maybe there was more than one reason Dabes tried to pound it in three times (or five times if you include later 3rd &2 and 4th down failed attempts.)


    Sure - maybe be it was because after they tried once, he knew that they knew we wouldn't try again. And then the third time, no WAY we'd try again.

    But I don't believe that (trying to out think the Redskins defense) was the reason.


    I think it was actually BECAUSE we knew that's their (Redskins') strength. We were stressed as fans because we've seen these games go south too quickly. But if you're a non-emotional observer, besides running for a bunch of yards in the first half, this game was never in doubt. 


    This was an opportunity to evaluate his offensive line in a couple of groupings in a game and time where it wasn't IMPERATIVE that we score/make the first down. It did eventually show what most people assume works actually worked - the QB sneak with a 250 lb 6'5" QB. He called it when we had to have it, and we got it.


    Additionally, it sure fooled the Skins on the play with Motor. After pounding our way up the middle multiple times throughout the game, and running JA, that half second delay in the read before he gave it to Singletary got everyone going the wrong way for his TD scamper.


    Again - I readily admit I'm probably reaching. But these guys, regardless of our opinion, aren't idiots. This was a chance to evaluate that you never get in practice, and prepare for when you REALLY need it.

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  6. Apparently the Raiders saw him in the 3T role in their 4-3, more along the way he played as a DE in the 3-4. Raiders fans seem to think he was decent when he played, but really best as a run stopper (!) which they didn't need as much as a 3T type penetrator.


    He was suspended for the first four games last year (2018), and then had an injury, but was still the Chargers "Walter Payton Man of the Year" nominee. Was due for ~$10M (resigned by Chargers in 2015 for 5 years at ~$11M/year.)

    Picked up by the Raiders in FA but released about a week ago.


  7. 44 minutes ago, Don Otreply said:

    Reporters that ask BS questions like that need to be banned for two games as punishment. Just sayin...


    Sal to Devin "Did you know you'd be as big a part of the game plan?"

    Devin: "No, just same approach; stay ready be ready..."


    Next reporter to Devin, very next question: "Did you know coming in you were going to be this big a part of the game plan?"



    • Thank you (+1) 1
  8. 10 hours ago, SJDK said:

    Oh man Augie, if their is one thing I’ve learned in California, it is that everyone is a victim... except me. That is enough info for you to know exactly what demographics I fit into!



    Hmm, female of Asian ethnic background, member of GLAAD, no spouse, vegan, democrat, making ~$40K or less annually.


    Something along the opposite of that?

  9. Drew Bledsoe always worried me when he played against the Bills.

    Drew Bledsoe always worried me when he played for the Bills.


    Jokes aside, he made Peerless Price look like a 1st round WR, and EMo like a HOF'er. And that was after he was sent packing by the Pats.

    I believe the Pats would have made it to and won the Super Bowl the year Bledsoe got injured if he'd remained the starting QB. I honestly believe he was a better QB than Brady at that point. Brady was...more cerebral? Maybe, although Bledsoe was/is a very smart person and football player. 


    Regardless, Bledsoe's career was not in any way a disappointment. I guess Marino was a disappointment too, then.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:

    I personally think the "trade deadline woes" will be if the Bills don't make a move before the trade deadline.


    Joe B gets this part right IMO:


    The primary responsibility of a one-technique defensive tackle, as a bigger-bodied player, is to occupy blockers when facing double teams. If he’s in a one-on-one matchup, he needs to prioritize holding his ground and beating the block. Lotulelei and Peko have not been good enough in these essential facets of the position. 


    "The problem is not an easy fix. The Bills likely won’t find their answer on the roster — and they probably won’t luck into it as they did with Jordan Phillips on the waiver wire last year. The Bills need to look outside the roster to address the issue, which sets the stage for Tuesday’s trade deadline. If the Bills feel like they are in a winning window — which they are — general manager Brandon Beane must be proactive to find a solution from someone else’s roster. The good news for the Bills is that the market for one-technique defensive tackles isn’t a hot one. "




    If they can't find someone in trade, there are still options. Maybe better than trading, because opponents won't have tape to evaluate.


    I'd go after Gerald Willis III.
    He went undrafted, then signed and later released by the Ravens.
    Then the Dolphins picked him up and he's on their PS.


    Sure you say - undrafted, can't even make the Phins' roster.
    But his fall was largely due to off field issues leading to his departure from Florida, and really playing only one full year at Miami (FL) after an MCL tear where he had 59 tackles with 18 tackles for a loss, four sacks and two passes batted.
    That was as a 6'1" 302lb DT with limited time.


    I think the Bills should give him a shot. We've got the locker room to bring him in to the team concept, and the defensive coaching to get the best from him.
    If nothing else, he's a good size dude.

  11. If you wait about six hours you can get them on my site:


    https://news.timekills.info/buffalo-bills-video/ (newer site/may be faster in Europe)

    https://www.timekills.org/bills-video/ (older site, probably faster in US)


    For live, you can get NFLGame Pass Europe for a discounted price (and probably a free trial) as long a the IP is out of Europe.

    You do not have to have or use a US billing address for credit card.

    That is how I watch from Afghanistan (when I have internet good enough to actually watch them.)

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  12. 3 hours ago, buffalo2218 said:

    The problem with saying the Bills would have beat the Pats if Allen had finished is that by that standard, the Jets would have beat the Bills if Mosely hadn't got hurt. Idk if Allen would have been able to pull off the win or not


    Actually, I'd tend to believe both were possible if they'd happened that way.


    Since I'm a Bills fan, I'm actually more likely to believe the Jets would have won if Mosely hadn't gotten hurt.

    Or if Sam Darnold hadn't been kissing Fireman Ed at halftime.

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  13. You can't deny that a good offense playing complimentary football helps significantly.

    Forces opposition into a more one-dimensional attack, provides favorable field position (no "gimme" FGs or one-shot TDs), and no turnover based points.



    You also can't deny that teams down by 2+ TDs are more likely to air it out and gain yards if not points.

    So the minimal yards allowed is potentially even more impressive.


    Given the rules changes over the years favoring offense, the idea that the Pats' defense is even comparable, and in many ways outperforming the "other" all time great defenses pushes them squarely into the discussion. Denigrate their opposition all you want. I don't recall the amazing offenses the '85 Bears had to contend with every week either.

  14. 1 hour ago, SlimShady'sGhost said:


    Pssst ....  

    I have 2 permanent points , 1 each 6 months apart.   the last given 1 year ago 


    When warned you need to learn from it.  ...  


    I just want to add that I have no points, so I'm clearly doing something wrong.

    I have been told off for posting my site with replays of the games though, since a mod thought I was a third-rate journalist trying to pimp my stuff.

    Does that count?


    (P.S. the site is https://timekills.info in case anyone wants to vote for my Pulitzer.)



    • Haha (+1) 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    I don't know where to start with this.


    Of all the games Allen has played, to say this is the first time you're concerned about him or the combination of Daboll and Allen is a total head-scratcher for me.

    Not the Jets game where Allen had 2 picks and 2 fumbles in the first half, 1 of each unambiguously a boneheaded play on his part.

    Not the Pats game where Allen threw 3 INTs, all of them bone-headed decisions, and decided as Smith put it to "run head first into human beings" and get knocked out; he only completed 46% of his passes for 153 yds and on film, he left quite a few plays on the field.




    I really ought to merge this as the topic of whether or not Josh Allen will be a successful QB is being flogged thoroughly in several threads, but *cough* I don't want to derail them from such discussion as is taking place, so I'll just leave this out there.


    While I agree with your premise that this week was probably not the best one to express concerns about the performance, I think you're missing the salient point. 

    OP wasn't complaining about Josh's performance as much as how or OC - Daboll - is forcing that performance. His concern is if Daboll is trying to force Josh to be a QB he's not, and losing some of his special ability as he attempts to fit the round QB into the square QB mold. LBSeeBallLBGetB


    I don't share @PlayoffsPlease's concerns yet, but I can see where he is coming from. My belief is more along @LBSeeBallLBGetBall's take, that the long game here is to have JA be a successful QB whether through his arm in the modified WC offense, through a longer ball game, or through his legs - depending on what the defense gives him. The focus has been on improving his weakness in reading, reacting, and the quick game. The legs are already there. I hope once the short game is up to snuff they'll return to the long ball but I'm optimistic.

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