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Posts posted by timekills17

  1. 13 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:


    The only reason I can see feeling insulted by that is if you think it might be true and feel embarrassed.


    if you like where you live than someone not liking it shouldn’t matter to you.


    in fact in the case of buffalo the fact not everyone want to live there results in fantastic housing costs 


    I didn't say whether you would be insulted. How you feel is on you (our ultra-PC required living be damned.)

    But I don't think you can debate that one is complimentary, even if self-complimentary, while the other is derogatory.


    Let me try it this way:

    "I have enough world travel experience to understand when someone is trying to get under my skin with snide comments."


    "@Over 29 years of fanhood you're too ignorant to see it."


    Which of those compares more to people asking if Buffalo's crappy weather/lack of social life/etc. bothers you  - the first statement or the second?

    13 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:


    The only reason I can see feeling insulted by that is if you think it might be true and feel embarrassed.


    if you like where you live than someone not liking it shouldn’t matter to you.


    in fact in the case of buffalo the fact not everyone want to live there results in fantastic housing costs 


    I didn't say whether you would be insulted. How you feel is on you (our ultra-PC required living be damned.)

    But I don't think you can debate that one is complimentary, even if self-complimentary, while the other is derogatory.


    Let me try it this way:

    "I have enough world travel experience to understand when someone is trying to get under my skin with snide comments."


    "@Over 29 years of fanhood you're too ignorant to see it."


    Which of those compares more to people asking if Buffalo's crappy weather/lack of social life/etc. bothers you  - the first statement or the second?

  2. 2 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:


    Why does it bother some people that some other poeple would much rather live somewhere other than than where they live. 


    I grew up in the Buff, couldn’t wait to move elsewhere and in fact love living where I do now.


    I’m sure there are plenty of those who wouldn’t want to live where I do. 


    Why its its such a raw nerve is curious to me. 


    You already answered that.

    It doesn't bother you because you left. And you left because you don't like it - so why would it bother you.

    If you hate the place you work, and somebody calls it a terrible place to work - you're likely not going to be bothered by it.

    It's not being bothered by someone wanting to live somewhere else (or work somewhere else.)

    It's the comments that make them sound incredulous that anyone would want to live in Buffalo.

    There is a difference between saying "Where I live is great" and saying "Where you live is a dump." Only one is straight up insulting.

    Why you don't understand that is curious to me.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. Are we really discussing whether Pittsburgh/Mason or Cleveland/Garrett started it?


    I thought the point was none of that matters in regards to a head coach of a team perpetuating discussion about an incident that was wrong across everyone involved.

    It's one thing to blame the coach for players getting heated on the field. That can happen.

    But the actions of the coach and team afterward - they can and should be held accountable. 

    That's why they're the COACH.


    As we debate "who really started it"  - it's moot. Even if you 100% agree that "Pittsburgh started it", there is NO WAY a senior team rep (i.e. non-player) should ever be initiating that discussion in public. Ever. 


    The fact it's the head coach...wow.

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Shaw66 said:

    One of the very best football games I've ever seen, in terms of entertainment, was the Monday night loss to the Cowboys.   Incredible game.  And it was going to be a signature win.   


    Finally, when the signature win happens, it's the Cowboys again, on national tv again.  


    I was deployed when that MNF game aired. I remember being in a state of euphoric shock that the Bills managed to take the ball away so many times and were going to win. All while actually getting to watch instead of waiting and hoping AFN would air a replay or at best portions of the game. A huge game on MNF. Then - they lost.


    Fast forward 12 years, and I'm deployed (again), the Bills are playing the Cowboys in Dallas (again) on a nationally televised game (again). They're winning, and have a couple amazing turn-overs that are helping (again).


    Dear God, please don't let everything be the same this time.


    God is great.

    • Awesome! (+1) 3
  5. I'll tell you what - if the Bills somehow find a way to beat the Ravens (even at home) and the Pats away, I couldn't care less who or how they get into the playoffs.

    We'd already know we can beat anyone then, and it just comes down to how they play the game.

    Right now, even with how the dominated the Cowboys, I'm not confident we're as good a team as the Ravens, at least until their offense is "figured out."

    But beat them next week - who cares who we beat in the playoffs to get to the Super Bowl, because they will.

    I'd see the WC weekend as just one more game we get to watch and enjoy.

  6. 1 minute ago, sven233 said:


    I don't care if you're up a couple scores or not.  IT'S DUMB and a professional football coach needs to know that no matter what the situation.


    I think it was the perfect call. And I'm glad if you can't see why taking the time to recognize Gore on the field is more important than another score...that McD is the coach instead of someone with a different opinion.

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    • Thank you (+1) 1
  7. At first I wasn't sure why I should even care, but something made me click. 

    Let me say I do not watch even Bills-fans related YouTube drivel.


    But this guys is funny. Even his erectile dysfunction ad. "Finally a penis improvement ad on a podcast that talks about penises more than any other"

    On the Pats not taking AB back "It's almost as if a team doesn't believe a player who just told the NFL to go f*!# themslves two weeks ago."

    "Say the name of any Bills D-lineman and they're pretty damn good. Rookie Ed Oliver...pretty damn good. Jerry Hughes...pretty damn good and he will fight a referee..."


    He just has he semi-dry, acerbic humor I enjoy. And flatter myself by saying I attempt to employ myself although is often lost on people (*cough* nextmanup *cough*) in print. 


    I can't believe I'm actually saying this about a YouTube fan show, but if this episode is indicative of the quality, I may watch again.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  8. 6 hours ago, WhoTom said:


    As long as we're being sticklers for detail, let's remember 1) that the NFL is not the military and 2) most of us knew what the OP meant by "AWL," especially after reading the article.






    6 hours ago, klos63 said:

    I wasn't referring to the  military, was referring to Woods situation where he apparently was given permission to leave the team. But I really don't care that much.


    6 hours ago, WhoTom said:


    As long as we're being sticklers for detail, let's remember 1) that the NFL is not the military and 2) most of us knew what the OP meant by "AWL," especially after reading the article.







    Concur. Was speaking to the people who were debating - some incorrectly - the discussion of AWOL. If the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it.

    Woods, as far as we knew/know, was away with team approval. The only reason I can see why the discussion of whether he was "AWOL" was because that term is misunderstood.

    If you understand the term, obviously he wasn't absent without (leave)/authorization.


    Assuming you've burned enough brain cells to have read the entire thread (and I apologize to you if you have), you'd probably understand why I attempted to correct people's misuse of a term that they obviously aren't familiar with. 


    However - there is no AWL. That acronym doesn't exist. And I didn't know what OP meant. I initially assumed it was a typo for "AWOL" as well.

    And if we're being "sticklers for detail"  (i.e. correcting people's misuse of a term so we have a shared understanding) I didn't say AWOL or any other military definition has any bearing on Woods NFL career. I was correcting the use of the term - which, I agree, is not applicable as I would assume the NFL does not follow the DOD judicial system.


  9. 14 hours ago, klos63 said:

    Even if he has permission to be absent?


    There is no "permission to be absent", per se.

    Certainly if you have a formation/meeting/etc. your supervisor can approve your not being there - but that's for a part of the day.

    If it is a whole day or more, you'd need a pass or leave form. Even if retroactively.

    ---Note this is based on Army regulations, specifically AR 630-10. The Manual for Courts Martial (MCM) and other components may differ slightly, but not significantly.

    Even when traveling between job locations (Permanent Change of Station) you are on a leave status signed by your commander.


    It sounds rough, but it actually protects the military member in case of an incident. They're covered under military medical and/or insurance because they're on authorized duty - even while on leave or on a pass.


    Anything other than a short term (i.e. few hours vocal) or officially on leave or pass signed by their commander, and they are AWOL.

    AWOL greater than 30 days can be classified as desertion, and have significantly different consequences if during peace vs. war.


    Not to argue semantics, but as stated earlier there is no "AWL" (Absent With Leave) in the military. Also as stated - that's leave. Your duty status is "Leave" of some sort.

  10. 7 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:



    Yes Sir... i did my best to acknowledge that. 


    I took your comment to mean the current award was the first since then.

    I'm not even certain last year's was the first  "of the week" since then - I just knew this recent one wasn't, so didn't look any farther than I needed to.


    But I do know Fitzpatrick won AFC Offensive Player of the MONTH in 2005...




    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 24 minutes ago, Nextmanup said:

    Can't believe no one has started a thread on this.

    If I missed it, I apologize.




    During Bills-Dolphins game, Adam Archuleta says he could “squeeze out…a Dirty Sanchez” mustache, which doesn’t mean what he thinks it means


    Well, that comment has been mentioned in quite a few other threads, albeit in passing when discussing the commentating in general.

    Dedas and Archuleta were going at each other jokingly most of the second half. Archuleta retorted that his $50 emergency tie was better than Dedas' $50 mustache, and Dedas asked if Archuleta could even grow one...

  12. 5 hours ago, MAJBobby said:

    I think I am coming up for this game.  As long as work complies and doesn't send me on some international trip somewhere.  I missed the Eagles and Skins game because of work (only two missed this year).  So lets go work leave me alone, and I will be back home to Buffalo watching 


    You can come join me in SWA.

    I'm sure I could come up with a good reason for the TDY. Since I approve it anyway.

  13. 20 hours ago, elijah said:

    Give me a B+. 


    Tremendous game, but A is an elite performance and he didn’t quite touch that yet.  Left a couple throws on the field and he still needs to throw with a bit more touch


    You sound like my PChem professor.

    "You got 95% on the main part of the test which would be an A but since you attempted the bonus question and got it wrong it results in a B+"

    I legitimately started laughing and walked out.

  14. 47 minutes ago, Shaw66 said:

    The TV announcers made a big deal out of the fact that the defensive stop was aided by a questionable holding call against the Dolphins, but they ignored the fact that the Bills actually had just forced a three-and-out but for an even more questionable spot on third down. 



    Drove me nuts when they talked about the "big swing" that play was.

    I do agree - it looked more like a nice pancake block than a hold, and they do seem to be calling those holds now for some reason. But it's moot, because they should have been punting on that play anyway.


    Kind of like if you're driving without a license and someone hits your car. They might have hit you, but in the courts you're not going to win because you shouldn't have been there in the first place.

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. On 11/15/2019 at 6:36 AM, Watkins101 said:

    Freedom of speech?

    Pretty clear you don't understand the legal definition or Constitutional intent behind that portion of the Bill of Rights if you're using it for justification here.


    Regardless of the fact "freedom of speech" is Constitutionally protected, your job can place legally enforceable restrictions on what you publicly divulge.


    I suppose the plays for the next game can just be put out on Facebook too?

    Or the code to an encryption system for a financial institution?


    None of those are protected under the Constitution if the job you've chosen to accept restricts its release.


    And besides - it shouldn't HAVE to be restricted. He should ask in advance for the time when you're making millions/per year (or less - doesn't really matter, but that amount of $ does increase the expectation of execution) and quit being a B word afterward.

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