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Everything posted by Security

  1. Did he mean the players or blacks in general? His players are his employees, who sign contracts, to some degree they are his property. Not in the sense of go wash my car and do my laundry, but he owns their contracts. I would have to hear all the context.
  2. Well, the NFL itself is a not for profit, is the NBA like that too? If so, then you have no choice but to do this to Sterling.
  3. Will they ban Larry Johnson for life saying there should be a black only league and others who say things like this? Will they allow the players to call themselves slaves like he did and use the N word?
  4. This gives the Clippers team more motivation to win IMO. To win and not let him touch the trophy
  5. Well......they did give them Chris Paul, this was their plan along!!!! Larry Johnson, AKA Grandmama, is a Knicks executive, has long time said the NBA players are slaves. He thinks the players should start their own black run league with all black players. Bet this never gets mainstream.
  6. Hahahaha, The Wire says it is funny that Trump and ALex Jones come to the defense of Sterling..... http://www.thewire.com/politics/2014/04/of-course-donald-trump-and-alex-jones-have-joined-the-defenders-of-donald-sterling/361319/ HOWEVER, their conclusion is that Sterling must have been Republican all along...............awesome...........
  7. Silver: The Clippers must only use white players on the court of Jewish Origin.
  8. Well, they did do some games together, I believe, but to hear that conversation back at that time, it would have been something. If Walton did not get hurt that team could have been a dynasty too.
  9. Just a joy to listen to him speak.
  10. Basically told his girlfriend to keep her relationships with black people private. She posted pictures of herself with black people on Instagram and he must have people watching what she does because he knew she had those pictures. He says he likes black people and has nothing against them though.
  11. Eeek. State Farm is "taking a break" from the LA Clippers. Cowherd thinks they should make all the Clippers players be free agents. That would be the thing that would actually force him to sell.
  12. This is one of those situations where the kid will be given an opportunity to kill himself when people are looking the other way. The reality of it is this kid will not survive in jail. He really deserves the death penalty. I don't understand murder. Killing this kid is not murder though.
  13. I don't know, if a guy gets offered twice as much to play on the Clippers, you think he is saying no to the extra 4 million or whatever it is? I doubt it.
  14. Sterling is up for a 2nd very big NAACP award. Just goes to show people really only care about money. How else would he have received an award from NAACP in the first place? Everyone knew before he held these views. This has crossed the line though. The other owners will have to force him to sell, or force him into Steinbrenner land, you can write the checks but we never want to see or hear from you.
  15. It's not Pro Scout!!!!! We hired a Jamaican guy!! http://sports.yahoo.com/news/buffalo-bills-hire-gerald-dixon-221939213--nfl.html
  16. Last time the Bills had a winning record they were 6th against the run. BEfore Kyle Williams. The one constant of this crappy team is the inability to stop the run and Kyle Williams being congratulated for anchoring the worst team in the NFL against the run.
  17. I would demand a trade if I was as good as some think Kyle Williams is. 8 years of being on the worst run defense in the NFL. I bet there would not be many takers. Not in a trade. He has not shown to be a leader either. He has Dareus next to him.
  18. No, he is just not that good, like Fitzpatrick not that good. When everyone said he was good, I said he was bad, and people like you asked me if Fitzpatrick actually shat on my lawn. Kyle Williams is the most overrated player in the NFL. Led the league in going offsides 2 years ago too. What does that tell you? He guesses a lot. He guesses wrong a lot. Dude, running up the middle just does not get the most years. It is a simple fact, it is where the most people are. He does not demand double teams. They run the ball where the double teams and extra blockers are. Kyle WIlliams is easily handled by 1 guy.
  19. Poor choice if he was, he is an average player. It is clear he has no impact at all. Stats don't lie, with or without him. He has no added value at all. There is no way to show he makes the Bills better. Not one way. He is classic, hard to play against, but easy to beat type of player.
  20. He actually sucks, he gets Ruben Brown love. IT is silly to even think he is serviceable. Rank against the run: 2013 - 28th 2012 - 32nd 2011 - 27th --> Kyle WIlliams only played in 5 games this year, funny how the best in the last 4 years was when he was not playing 2010 - 32nd Also, in 2011, the Bills averaged 138.4 per game with him, 139.2 without him. He has no impact at all . They actually had 2 games without him where let up less than 100 yards that year, and then numbers got drastically inflated by a 254 yard game at the end of the year when the Bills gave up. It is clear they were better without him.
  21. Hilarious calling Kyle Williams dominant. He gets dominated almost all game long except for guessing right a few times. He is too small and has been the anchor of the worst team in football stopping the run over the 8 years he has been a Buffalo Bills player. They would better by cutting him. Addition by Subtraction.
  22. Do it now, before the big contract!!! She might be able to fit a football in that mouth
  23. Stevie would fit on a team with a guy like Josh Gordon, or even with the Houston Texans. I could see Stevie being traded to the Texans, along with another pick, to perhaps have the Bills take the number 1 pick in the 2nd round if they liked someone.
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