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Everything posted by SWATeam

  1. I would love it but don't think we are in position to outbid Cleveland.
  2. I think we will definitely pick up one of the top TE's and G's in free agency. Then I see us using our top two picks on a big WR and a RB. Clay and Lupati plus Jaelen Strong and David Johnson?
  3. I'm intrigued by Hundley, I think he has the talent to succeed
  4. You know who has the best training staff in the league? Maybe he will want to go there?
  5. Man, our defensive players certainly create a lot of job opportunities for whoever is on the staff at the time.
  6. That is hilarious! Watkins apologist! You have to be trolling, please go away. Yes, Watkins was just so terrible this year! I am going to hope against hope that he shows some improvement next year!
  7. Wow! Really? Have we ever discussed any of these? Let's do it, it's fun!
  8. Does anyone know that we actually could have drafted Beckham and kept our first round pick for this year!
  9. I had the same thought about Schopp. He could institute his amazing no punt offense and go for it on every 4th down. HIs supreme intellect and mastery of analytics would take the league by storm!
  10. I watched both of their college careers pretty closely. Sammy is better. Played hurt in a worse offense. Barring injuries Sammy will have the better career
  11. This is BS. I clearly remember the interviews with Sammy after the draft. They would ask him if he had any idea that the bills would go up and get him. His response was that he had an idea after a pre draft meeting with Marrone. Sammy said Marrone had a big grin like he knew something and kept asking him if he wanted to be a bill. Clearly just spin and damage control
  12. Smart move by Pegula. Every prospective coach would want that channel of communication
  13. No way Alonso and bradhan are olb's in his scheme
  14. What a lucky man, gets to live out so many of his dreams
  15. This is my pick. Young, bright and he rode Tebow to the playoffs
  16. Doesn't anyone remember marrones pre draft meeting with Watkins where he was giddy over him asking if he wanted to be a bill? All of this speculation being passed off as information is getting ridiculous...
  17. Man, remember all that BS about wanting people that wanted to be here? What a loser joke
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