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Everything posted by SWATeam

  1. Someone prob asked him about the Atlanta defense, so he tried to change the subject...
  2. I love threads like this. We should've known this was going to happen based on the reaction of our resident QB expert
  3. John, he saw it "LIVE." My god... I guess it's a good thing that these are the discussions that we are having after the first game... If Gilmore's our biggest problem- look out
  4. The freak out about Darby is hilarious, he actually looked better than I expected. He got beat by two perfect passes and a push off that could have been offensive PI. Get a grip people.
  5. As stupid as it is I wanted to win the !@#$ing game
  6. When I think of Swordfish I think of one thing... Halle Berry's rack. Thank you
  7. I will no longer listen to that station, ever
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