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Posts posted by BigPappy

  1. I'm sorry..... who is this ass hat again? Jets have a rookie head coach, a suspect offensive line, and only a decent defense and you think the Jets AND the Dolphins will do better than the Bills. You're either high, drunk or both..... or maybe you just forgot to stop taking your stupid pills. Why are non Bills fans, trolls and all around idiots allowed on this Bills fan forum? The idiots I'll give a pass to if their a Bills fan but the rest......smh.

  2. 13 hours ago, Tatonka68 said:

    NFL live on ESPN just said that the New England Patriots are the best and most complete defense in the AFC East. What a joke. They even said they have the best line-backing core. Did you here that Edmunds,  Lo  and Milano ?  I am so tired of this, the Bills need to shut up these jerks up and SHUT OUT the Patriots in week 4. I am calling it. 31-0 whoop-ass on the CHEATS.

    Why do this? Calling it a shutout long before the game is even played makes for bad Ju Ju man. 

  3. Seriously dude, you should understand how the game is played before commenting. He has worked himself into a starting role because he has done EXACTLY what was expected of him. His job is to occupy blockers on the 0-line to free up our defensive tackles or LB's depending on formation and play and he has done that very well. Sit down and put the keyboard out of reach before you hurt yourself. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 15 hours ago, aristocrat said:

    What’s the Allen stat line look like if we want 10 wins?


    15 hours ago, Joe in Winslow said:


    now THAT is a good question.


    I'm gonna say 3600 22/12 plus 500 and 5 on the ground.



    I love that question too. I'm going with 3780 21/14 plus 430 and 4 on the ground. I don't think he will be running quite as much this year as he did last year with the improved o-line. 

  5. I read the article and the writer is an idiot. He claims that a quick google search shows that a ticket from Paris to Charlotte NC for less than 2K. Yeah for a coach seat! He offered a first class flier $1500 for a seat that costs more than 10K per my google search on air france. For a $1500 off to switch seats with him to a coach seat, I'd tell Cam to go F himself. His offer should have been 15K at least, but I doubt he carries that kind of cash and if he does he's an idiot to.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 13 hours ago, eball said:

    The old boys network in the NFL is embarrassing.  It's unbelievable this clown would ever be given any responsibilities (and a paycheck) for an NFL team.

    Totally agree. With Rex, he had at least a little bit of coaching talent (not as a head coach but a Def Co). Rob is just a joke. He's made a career off of his fathers name and reputation.

  7. 14 hours ago, KzooMike said:

    I don't think I'm alone in feeling the way I do. I think many of you feel the same way. It's hard to trust this team. It's hard to trust the QB position. 20 years of psychological warfare, unmet expectations, disappointment. This is one of the most emotionally invested fan bases in the NFL. We have been burned so repetitively we have become split between two groups of people. Ones that can let go of the past be optimistic and move forward, then another group that is just as passionate and loyal but defends themselves emotionally by lowering expectations. I'm part of the latter but always fighting myself to push closer towards the former.


    I saw things in Allen's statistical profile last year that concerned me a great deal. How often he was running. Accuracy issues. Topics discussed many times on this forum as indicators to be cautious. I spent a lot time watching film on Josh this weekend. From the eyes of an emotionally defeated, lowered expectation, pessimist, this is what I saw. 


    A kid in the shape of a giant outrunning defenders not because he couldn't read progressions or step up in the pocket, but because he was either forced to roll out or more often because the defensive line completely over pursued. He took advantage of mistakes defenses made and put DC's on notice this year. If you want to play pin the ears back and undisciplined in your pass rush he will make you pay.


    I saw this man child hit the deep middle 20 yard throw like no QB we have had since Bledsoe (who for all his shortcomings delivered that as well as anybody). I saw him often not stepping up in the pocket and delivering the ball awkwardly, but it was not because he was afraid it was because the DL was under his chin. Shockingly, he still delivered ropes all over the field from this position. 


    I saw a player that can make every conceivable throw a QB can make in this league and many the majority of QB's could not. A player that when in cadence and rhythm was decisive and accurate. Somebody fully capable of turning absolutely nothing into not only positive yardage but sometimes a lot more. Oh by the way,  a natural leader that inspired his teammates.


    You would have to have beaten Bills syndrome to the fullest level to not see the same things. Allen is a special player. He carried this offense as rookie void of any talent around him on his back last year. This year he has some weapons. So why not Buffalo, lets do this one more time. I'm on board and will put the past behind me. I think we make the playoffs this season. Then I think we challenge for what we really want in the years to come.  


    Speaking as someone who was heavily invested emotionally with this team, take each win or loss for what they are. A game. I was to the point that their losing effected my family life with my kids and that wasn't good. I say to anyone that is at or near that point, take a step back and take a breath; remember it's just a game. Enjoy the wins....and if they lose they lose.  Don't get me wrong. I still love this team, I just no longer let it control me.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Joe in Winslow said:


    I take it you haven't spent much time in corporate America.


    Almost uniformly, consultants are snake-oil salesmen and a waste of time. And, no, I'm older than you so I've had AMPLE opportunity to learn from process gurus and motivational speakers and the like in ALL kinds of different fields from sales to technology.  And uniformly, they're teachers because they cannot do. You know the old saying, right?


    Stick to your wheelhouse, friend...being wrong on football messageboards.


     I have spent ample time in "Corporate America", unlike you however.... I never turn down the opportunity to learn. Even if it's to learn what NOT to do. You speak like a close minded imbecile, but leave it to an imbecile to to tell someone stating facts to be wrong. 

  9. Just now, Joe in Winslow said:


    Invited by WHOM?



    Do you know?


    You know what I hate at work? When the boss brings a consultant in for a daylong presentation on how to do my job, when I don't really need the advice. That's what this is, unless Josh asked for it. Then it's a different animal altogether.


    He was invited by Josh and Daball per Daball and JK. I noticed you completely ignored the age question, probably because I'm right. And if your boss brought in a consultant for a day long presentation on how to do your job it's probably because he wants you to learn how to actually do the job correctly. Never mind the fact that you apparently are threatened by the idea of someone showing you a better way of doing things when it comes to your job (a millennial trait). Some of us actually appreciate it when others have good ideas and welcome them, especially if it helps us be better or more efficient and our job. It's called L-E-A-R-N-I-N-G.

    • Like (+1) 2
  10. 56 minutes ago, Joe in Winslow said:


    Because that sounds like the words of someone who's worried about losing relevance, that's why.


    Forced advice is bad advice.


     Settle down, pops. I wouldn't want you having a stroke over this.


     Forced advice? are you a moron? He was invited to come and speak to them. That is not forced advice. Can i ask how old you are? You must be under the age of 30 because you sound like one of those whinny millennial morons.

    51 minutes ago, Gugny said:


    How do you know what Kelly is telling Allen?


    How do you know Allen even cares about what Kelly has to say?


    Isn't this why Beane and McDermott acquired/retained Barkley?  For veteran presence?

     I know what Kelly told Allen because he told reporters what they discussed. SMFH. You guys claim to be Bills fans, but yet you don't pay any attention to the news or read.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 32 minutes ago, Joe in Winslow said:

    perhaps you missed the part where I mentioned that Jim was a great QB.


    This isn't about trivializing his accomplishments. It's about having the franchise not mess with the current occupant of the position.


    Sorry but no. No. No, and no. They are not trying to mess with the current occupant. The fact that you fail to see the value in educating someone in your own mistakes beyond the standpoint of athletic ability is......well....astounding to me. Being able to apply what you learn in others mistakes is a key value in LIFE not just football and if JA can take what JK has to say for what it is (a point of view from someone who has played the position), there are no downsides..... period. He's not telling his how to run the offense, he's not even telling him how to do anything. He's telling him...this is where i made my mistakes, where i messed up and if you can apply that to what your doing today, great.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Joe in Winslow said:




    People like you, people like DaBillzwhatever1973, people like vorpma IDOLIZE Kelly to the point where they're blind to his obvious weaknesses. And that idolization carries some really awful expectations, like somehow Jim's gonna lay hands on the kid and turn him into something THEY want Josh to be. Let the kid be himself. Let him grow into the role himself. Don't put an unnecessary albatross around his neck.


    Jim was a great QB. It's time, though, that he faded off into the sunset. He's had his day. Let this guy have his.


     WOW dude! You are pretty cynical not to mention over reaching in your statement. I am guessing because you are reading way to much into what YOU think was going on in those meetings. He was INVITED to talk with Daball and JA so that he could speak to his own experiences of what worked for him and what didn't in the scheme he ran while calling his own plays. They were looking for incite from someone who played the position and called his own plays, seemingly that it appears that JA may be calling his own plays (in what i am going to guess is) in certain game situations. I SERIOUSLY doubt that our current coaching staff wants to turn JA into a replica of Jim. More likely is that they want to take some of the strength that he had as a play caller and see if he can instill in JA some of that knowledge. 

      As for your idolizing of Kelly comment, people can idolize someone for the memories they have from watching one of the greats play the game of football without overlooking their weakness's or flaws. It's called having respect for something some accomplished doing something they loved. Try showing some.

  13. 17 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    Hmm.... no offense to Kyle on this topic, but has he ever seen a real franchise guy up close in his own locker room? 


    The guys a bills legend legend to be sure and he’s sacked a bunch of franchise guys, can’t think of one he’s shared a locker rooom with..... PRIOR TO JOSH, of course...

    You are correct. So really if anything, he knows what is NOT a franchise QB because he's seen a lot of them. So if he knows what is not a franchise QB based on experience, his intelligence should be able to work out what is a franchise QB thus knowing what he sees in JA is a franchise level QB.

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. 11 hours ago, McBean said:

    I still crack up how Anderson signed here last year to hold a clipboard, but then got thrown to the wolves because of Peterpick.

    Yeah, it was terrible to watch. It was like watching a pack of hungry wolves tear apart a kitten. Utter blood bath.


    • Haha (+1) 1
  15. 12 hours ago, Boca BIlls said:

    Why does every player have to become a coach? 

    I don't think everyone believes every player has to become a coach. But in Anderson's case, there was a significant uptick in JA's playing after Derek arrived. He was mentoring the kid and it showed. He was reading the field better and making quicker decisions with the football. I would not be apposed to DA staying on as a mentor to Josh..

    11 hours ago, #34fan said:

    I feel like Gore makes it as far as TC, then calls it a career.

     I would not be apposed to this either. That MoFo is old as dirt. Yes he was a great player and might have a mile or two left on the treads but i just see his as a brittle old man as far as football is concerned.

  16. 12 hours ago, MAJBobby said:

    And to the coaching booth with him. 

    Yup! They really need to keep him on as staff for Josh. You could see a real change in his play after he spent some time with D. A. He read the field better and faster. it would be a good thing to do to help Josh's mental game continue to grow.

  17. 12 hours ago, BringBackFergy said:

    Ok, hear me out. 


    * The kid scored a 36 on the Wunderlic (compared to Jimbo’s 20 or so...no offense)

    * He obviously has legs to call his own number.

    * Defenses will not be able to substitute in quick enough to account for Beasley, Brown etc.

    * He is growing with the job. He can handle the duties.


    Would love to see Josh call his own plays (like Jimbo) and have Daboll coach him up.  

    The kid is smart for sure. That said, maybe we could let the kid play a bit more and learn to read a defense better....you know, get his feet under him per say before we throw everything at the kid including the kitchen sink.

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