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Posts posted by BigPappy

  1. 13 hours ago, JerseyBills said:

    I'm saying it now, Lamar and Roman are going to struggle heavily with our back 7.  

    Look, I'm not going to take anything away from Lamar right now but once their scheme is figured out, ala vs SD Wildcard weekend last year , I don't see him being able to recover from that and I'm certain our defensive personnel is their kryptonite. 


    That's when you'll see Poyer/Hyde/Tre/Edmunds/Milano at their best, our back 7 is phenomenal and after we handle them at home , they'll be praying they don't cross our paths in the playoffs. We have the personnel to shut them down on a consistent basis. 


    And like alot of Bills fans , I'm taking the Lamar love and Josh snub a little personal. I think we have the superior QB , I think when the 4th quarter hits and we wrecked Lamars running ability, he's going to FOLD like a lounge chair and I truly believe Allen is going to rise. I respect Baltimore heavily but I truly think Buffalo is their antedote. We are built to shut them down. And if the offense keeps progressing to the level I think it's capable of, sky is the limit.

    SB or Bust, ya I said it!!!






    I'm guessing that you're probably one of the #BillsMafia group members on Facebook that says that Lamar is not a real QB and that he can't read a defense. I can honestly say that your brain is mush if you think either of those things. You don't give that young man the credit he deserves. He is an excellent "option" offense quarterback. He has the skill set to excel with that formation. What you fail to see (out of ignorance or just plain blind) is that he is nearly equal capable being a pocket passer as well. It is true and I will agree that one day soon someone will figure out their offensive scheme and make things tougher for them on offense and i certainly hope it's the Bills and their staff that does it, but to think they will fold like a lounge chair is absolutely ridiculous. Stating such nonsense just plain makes you look stupid. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Dan Darragh said:

    I remember the 8-0 snow game where Moorman had a snap go flying over his head and he kicked it out the back of the end zone for a safety.  First 8-0 game in the NFL since something like 1927.


    I remember the 6-3 game where Derek Anderson won the game for the Browns by completing 2 passes all afternoon for all of 23 yards.  Bleacher Report called that the "worst game ever" https://bleacherreport.com/articles/270428-worst-game-ever-buffalo-vs-cleveland-review


    Weird stuff happens against the Browns.  I'm already losing sleep over it.

    I was thinking about this on my drive into work today. This game scares me a bit. Like you said, weird $**t seems to happen when we play them, and they always play us tough.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Mark80 said:

    Jerry Hughes is not a "very good" player.  He's had one season of 10 sacks.  A DE getting about 5 sacks per year is not a "very good" player.  At least he isn't getting stupid penalties any more.  I agree with OP.  His contract is insane and he is invisible on the field.  His only really successful years were when he also had Mario, Kyle, and Marcel (who was good at the time) taking much of the blocking.  He was 4th best of those guys during those years.


    27 minutes ago, Socal-805 said:


    I have watched, hear, and read multiple times how the Bills defense gets very little pressure and almost no sacks from either D end position:  Hughes and Edwards COMBINED 

    have like 3 sacks, and the Bills have been playing a powder puff schedule.  They have also been giving up large number in the rush defense area.  







    many of you including the OP are forgetting you all have no idea what is being asked of them on any given play. Yes, a DE's job is to create pressure and get sacks but if he is getting asked to fill a gap or seal an edge his job isn't to go full tilt towards the QB. In obvious pass plays, yes he is probably being told to do that, but unless you are right there in the coaches and player meetings none of us know for certain what his job is each play.

  4. 2 hours ago, Billsfan1972 said:

    This team finished 9-7, 8-8 & 7-9 the prior three years to Coach McD & we've been forced fed the process in 2017 & on.....  Yep 5-2, with a cupcake schedule and still we hear particularly on here about the Process.....


    Sorry I want more & hope that is the sentiment of most fans & ownership.  

      So the team has started to make it's turn around and has a winning record and you're complaining? In his first year coach McD led this team to a winning record while unloading some very expensive "talent" and backed us into the playoffs with some help from Dalton, takes the necessary step backwards last year to make the big step forward for this year and the future. What most people call progress, and you B word and moan like a silly school girl on her period. smh.



    2 hours ago, Joe in Winslow said:


    We get it. You don't like the team's direction and winning. You're happy with losing. Now piss off.

    What he said!

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  5. 19 hours ago, SlimShady'sGhost said:


    Lets not throw out blanket statements.  If you look at some highlights Josh DOES have pocket presence.  He will step up into the pocket and he can escape from the pocket.


    Edit - Name 1 QB that has not been sacked from his blind side / Edit 



    Again I must remind people that Jim Schwartz is NOT some hack.   



    I didn't say he has no pocket presence. I said he needs to get better at it..... and he will. He is still young and barely has a full season of games under his belt. Agreed Schwarts is no hack and is probably one of the best DC's there is currently in the NFL.


     Like I said in a few different forums, Josh is not our biggest problem. Feliciano is a huge problem right now. His penalties are untimely drive killers and they happen WAY to often. The O-line struggles at times and Josh tries to do to much and ends up getting into trouble. Throwing a pick or getting sacked and fumbling the ball.  A lot of people are crying that the sky is falling when we are 5-2 and it's not. This team is searching for its identity. They are a solid team with some key components that are still missing to take that next step from solid\good to great\elite. 


    The important thing is we are progressing as a team....getting better (having a better record....so far). They do everything as a team, there are no individuals. I think that if they picked up a few more key players for the offense before the trade deadline, we could potentially be steam rolling into the post season. A Top # 1 receiver and top tier RG to replace Feliciano and this team could be great.

  6. 2 hours ago, row_33 said:


    gotta stop Allan running for his life after half a second dropping back....



    Agreed. He needs to get better at pocket presents. He had a quite a few plays were he had a while to throw and just to off when there had been a receiver coming open. That said, i'm not sure that his running is the biggest issue at this point though. Feliciano is killing the offenses progress. He constantly is getting flagged for false starts, unnecessary roughness, holding...etc. He kills drives before they even start. Next, they need to stop starting Gore. He is old as F*** and should not be a full time RB. We definitely need another big receiver as well. The D will be fine. They just got gassed at the end of the game from playing to much.

  7. Most everyone was talking all kinds of shiz about walking all over the Eagles forgetting how good of a team they really are. Far better than the 2-3 record they had. They were banged up yes, but a far better team then most everyone here was giving credit for. It's a loss, it's done and over. Move on to the next game. We are getting better but were not quite there yet...but were close. Stay the course and enjoy the ride. 

  8. 5 hours ago, May Day 10 said:

    If the patriots start to trip up, this season could go over the top with excitement.  We could be talking about home field throughout.

     Lets not get ahead of ourselves here. That is one mighty big IF. Would love to see it happen but don't count on it. Especially when Kraft/Bellicheat/Brady have the zebra stripes in their pocket tossing them off any chance they get.

  9. 11 hours ago, MJS said:

    Stafford and Dalton are in the same category for me. Stats monsters who aren't winners.


    I'd rather have a winner. Allen might have a lot of flaws, but he's a winner. When the chips are down he gets the job done.

    BINGO!!! We have a winner here folks. Hit the nail on the head. Allen for sure has his flaws and as his game progresses he and the OC will be able to mitigate those in how they game plan for him. It will just take some time. What Allen has going for his is.... He's a Winner! When his team is down he lays it all out on the line to get it done, and I think that is why he is so loved and respected by his teammates and his coaches. He doesn't ask anything of anyone that he doesn't already expect from himself. And this i think is what is different about this team vs any other of our previous teams since JK retired. 

  10. On 10/14/2019 at 8:07 AM, Sundancer said:


    Goff yes. 


    Mahomes threw for 373 yards and 3 TDs yesterday...and threw his first INT--in 20 minutes time of possession. 


    He's averaging 350 yards/game, with 14 TDs and 1 INT. 


    Every team wishes their QB was falling apart like that. 



    My point is, they are figuring out his game. Yes he is getting the yards but a lot of it is YAC with short routes right now. Yes there is the occasional long ball but not as often as before. And he is getting banged around A LOT. His one ankle right now is so messed up he can barely play on it. His o-line is not holding together that well. As for Goeff, i see your point, that he isn't elite, but i will add the word.....yet because he is still very quite good. better than 75% of the QB's in the league right now.

  11. 5 hours ago, MJS said:

    The hope is that the past couple of drafts have finally brought some good QB's into the league to replace the elites who are on their death beds (Brady, Brees, Roethlisberger, Rivers, even Rodgers who is already 35 and has been dealing with injuries the past couple years.)


    When those guys go out there's going to be a big gap until the next crop of elites can get to that next level. Looks like Mahomes and Watson are the young guns, with Wilson already established. Hope Josh Allen can join the ranks of the up and comer elites.


    The lack of QB talent might be another reason why Brady can still win games at his old age, because there's no opposing QB's that are good enough to beat him.

     Totally agree with you and I will take it a step further. I'm not sure it's just QB talent that has been lacking. In the past 5 - 10 years there has been a significant drop in the level of quality talent at all of the positions. At least in mho anyway. To go even further, we may want to hold our breaths a bit longer with Mahomes and Goeff, probably even Watson. Both Mahomes and Goeff seem to be falling apart at the moment. 

     It may be that Football on a professional level may have hit its peek. I am seeing less and less parents allowing their kids to play the game as youngsters or even at the HS levels. The lack of talent getting fed into the system due to all the CTE fears (rightfully so) and long term health issues to the body the players have as they age is having an effect on parents decision to allow their kids to play.

  12. 2 hours ago, Billsfan1972 said:


    How about being entertained? As a Bills fan they are winning so yes that makes me happy, but if you are just watching the game as a football fan, the games are not that much fun.  

    Win or lose it's entertainment. It's just MORE entertaining and enjoyable to watch when they win.

  13. 10 hours ago, BringBackFergy said:

    You guys need to look at it from Beane’s perspective...it’s a business. 
    1) We have $88 million in cap space

    2) We have three or four 5th round picks in the next two years

    3) We have a backup QB who has demonstrated some success, team player, smart, athletic (Preseason and Jets game last year). 

    As a business decision, would you not acquire Eli (if he approved) for his base salary and two 5th round picks (one in 2020 and one in 2021)? In exchange some team gives us a second or third rounder for Barkley? This is a QB driven league and Barkley is better than the QB in Pittsburgh, Possibly SD and NO. 

    Glad Beane is thinking all the time. I’d love to have Eli in the QB room. 


     You had me right up until you said "in exchange some team gives us a second or third for Barkley". That would never happen in a million years. I'm guessing a low fourth round pick would be the very apex of expectations for Barkley with a more realistic spot being a fifth or sixth rounder. Your other points are well taken though. I can very easily see this being Beane's train of thought.

  14. 9 hours ago, whatdrought said:

    I always thought the spleen was essentially just a larger appendix... why not just yank that sucker and pop er in a jar of brine?

    Because it's not just a large appendix. It actually performs a major function in your body. It filters your blood as part of your immune system.


    Sourced via WebMD:

    The spleen plays multiple supporting roles in the body. It acts as a filter for blood as part of the immune system. Old red blood cells are recycled in the spleen, and platelets and white blood cells are stored there. The spleen also helps fight certain kinds of bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis.

  15. 17 hours ago, Stallions said:

    I didn’t like seeing Daboll ridiculing Josh on the bench after an interception this past Sunday.  Tapping his forehead as if to say “THINK”.   That made many NFL highlight shows.


    Where is Allen’s QB coach Ken Dorsey?  He supposedly helped Cam Newton with the Panthers. 


    Josh has been working for 2 years in CA with Jordan Palmer’s private Company “QB Summit”.  They stress footwork and include ‘yoga on the beach’!!  Jordan Palmer completed 11 passes in the NFL career and is really a spiritual guru rather than a coach/trainer.  Tyree Jackson from UB studied with him before the ’19 draft.  Has this helped at all and did the Bills recommend this training?


    It appears Josh is regressing with basic QB skills.  The NFL teams now have  had 2 years to scout his play.  I can see him ending the year with the same numbers as last season.  That’s not good enough.



    It's not like he can walk him to the locker room for a one on one. They are in the middle of a game and Dabol needs his to focus and use his head. Josh is an adult, and a professional QB. I'm pretty sure he can take the criticism from one of his coaches. I could care less what other teams or fans see as far as perception goes. If putting a finger to his forehead and telling him to think is what it takes to get him to progress then they need to do it and the "poor Josh got scolded on the sideline" snowflake attitude it what is causing the game of football to regress into a flag football sport. Don't get me wrong, I am all for safety especially with the head injuries, but some of this add all these rules $h*t needs to stop.

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  16. 3 hours ago, MDH said:


    You realize that ESPN has a lot of employs and they all have their own opinions. There is no "ESPN opinion" like many on this board like to believe. Trash a commentator for their views or lack of ability to back up said views, but just labeling it trash because they are employed by ESPN makes very little sense.

    Of course I realize that, but maybe i should clarify that I am referring to the staff the handle the NFL football aspect. It's a generalized statement regarding ESPN commentators and writers. There are many on this board that feel the same way regarding ESPN's staff as a whole that they in general have no idea what they are talking about, get facts completely wrong, and many times get players names wrong or can't name the right team they play for. I have seen countless ESPN opinions posted here that had absolutely no bases in fact. They are entitled to their opinions just as anyone is, but when your opinion is based on non facts you lose your credibility. So, that said.... for right or wrong, i stick by my generalized statement regarding ESPN.  When it comes to reporting on the NFL, they are a bunch of bleeping morons. 

  17. 22 hours ago, RoyBatty is alive said:


    1) No it doesn,t you arbitrarily made that up 


    2) Not my power rankings, ESPN had them at 30, that is one of the worst then  even qualifies under your new definition. 


    Sorry, I believe ESPN is a more credible source than BigPappy



     On #1. Yes, absolutely right, I arbitrarily made that number up, but only becaise it makes sense.


    on #2. Everyone on this board knows that ESPN is a joke. My deceased grandmother could power rank the teams better than ESPN.


     I am by no means an expert and It is your prerogative to believe ESPN if you wish. On this page however, most would probably say that you lose any credibility as a football fan to go by anything they have to say.

  18. 6 hours ago, RoyBatty is alive said:


    I wrote "one of the worst", not "the worst".  ESPN has them as the 30th team, out of 32 and clearly in the bottom 5 or 6.  I think that more than qualifies as "one of the worst".

    I understand. Saying they are one of the worst infers they are a bottom 3 and they aren’t. Miami, washington, jets, denver, arizona, giants and a few others go on that list before them. They are probably bottom 10 or 12 for sure but thats hardly one of the worst.

  19. 6 minutes ago, RoyBatty is alive said:

    Both make sense imo.


    The Ravens came back and made a game of it versus one of the top teams in the NFL, KC at KC.  Meanwhile we had to rally after blowing a 14 point lead at home against one of the worst teams in the league.

    The Bangles aren't even close to the worst team. Their not even the 5 or 6 worst team. Not says they are a great team, just saying they ain't the worst by a long shot.

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