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Prickly Pete

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Posts posted by Prickly Pete

  1. Wow, some crazy talk here. Let me join in....


    I think Branch meant he wants to try to make a transition to safety. I also think that is why he only signed a one year deal, because he wants to come back as a safety the next year, and figures he would need to restructure his contract anyway.


    I have a feeling that he and Aaron Williams have fought over women in the past, and that he wants to steal AW's job as revenge



    It all makes sense.

  2. Guy seems like a real D-bag




    I don't think he has anything left, but now people are criticizing him for taking way less money so he can win?


    He didn't really choose the Raiders, so to say he quit on them (like he owed them something) is silly. Why should anyone have to play for crap teams their entire career, and then be criticized for taking less money because they want to win? "A guy that puts winning ahead of money", sounds like the right attitude to me.


    He isn't coming to Buffalo.


    You make a good point with using the last two years of numbers identifying a more fair comparison for Davis. Yes Davis leads by a wide margin in catches/yds but the TD's is wide enough to argue he's the more effective TE. I'm just pointing out that Chandler has played admirably better than most Bills fans give him credit for.


    I agree. Plus Chandler has had Fitz throwing him the ball. I don't know how anyone can claim to be able to evaluate the receivers when the QB is so bad. WOuld Davis have fared any better if he played for the Bills? I doubt it.

  4. First off, no one here is claiming to be tuff/tough guys and to me it doesn't sound like anyone here wants to live vicariously through him. Secondly, I wonder what percentage of people that were never in prison/jail were hit by there parents. Probably most of them, including me. Having said this, a beating like that is pretty extreme. Maybe Duper can blame it on too many hits to the head during his playing days.

    There are definitely people here advocating "tough love", and there are definitely people mentioning how they believe Duper's actions were okay.


    Some quotes from posters:


    "Now, I'm not saying he should have knocked him out, but I understand. And I bet you he listens next time."


    "I'm jealous. I wish I had the guts to beat a teenager unconscious. When at the [wherever I pretend to be going] and see a teenager dressed like a douche some times I just want to beat their ass, too!"


    Sounds like people getting a vicarious thrill from his actions to me.


    Now maybe they were just exaggerating a little? But maybe I was as well (just a little)?

  5. yep


    Maybe. Or maybe he shoots his father instead. How likely is it that Duper has beaten him severely in the past? Pretty likely....and yet his son continues "not listening". Doesn't seem to have worked so far. But maybe the tuff guys here are right, and Mark Duper just started beating his child? What do you tuff guys think?


    Maybe Mark Duper (the father, the leader of men, and the loser) isn't worth listening to? Regardless, apparently he is a great person for tuff guys to live through vicariously!


    I wonder what percentage of prison inmates were hit by their parents? Probably most of them....

  6. What can it hurt to contact him and start a discussion? The worst that can happen is he says no and you move forward as originally planned.

    No, the worst that could happen is they sign him instead of someone better, and he sucks. I'm not saying that would happen, but if they signed him, it very well could.

  7. You understand how a grown man could choke, body slam and punch a teenage boy with a closed fist until he's unconscious? Third time arrested for violence in the last ten years? Are you saying this in character as Cornelius Bennett? I think you may have been chomping at the bit to make a point about kids these days before you really had a chance to read the story.


    It's funny, because the generations before these posters were saying the same kind of things about THEM. It goes right along with "This is REAL music, not like that crap they play nowadays" that inevitably appears under any classic rock video on Youtube. Everyone thinks THEIR generation was better behaved, had better music, etc. Now it even applies to beating up teenagers.


    This was his own son (and of course, the "domestic battery" priors he has).....he is a loser, and if his son is disrespectful it is likely the result of watching his old man act like a jackass.

  8. You beat me to it. LOL. Fitz will get some playing time and it will be interesting to see how he does vs whatever we got starting at the time.


    I doesn't really matter as far as I can tell, because we are trying to find a new QB. The new guy might be better, or he might be worse than Fitz, but we already know Fitz can't get the job done. So when people start whining about how we "could have won 8 games this year if we had kept Fitz", maybe you will feel good, but it was time to change.


    Gotta be happy for him. Fitz was a good guy in my book.


    Who has made personal attacks on him here? We virtually all agree he is a good guy. Just not a good Qb.

  9. It happened in 2010 and there was one other instance but I don't recall the particulars.


    Originally owners of the 22nd overall pick entering the draft, the Patriots first traded that pick to the Denver Broncos to move down to the 24th spot. For that 22nd pick, New England received Denver’s fourth-round pick (No. 113 overall) in addition to pick No. 24. The Patriots then traded that No. 24 pick and a fourth-round pick (No. 119 overall) to the Dallas Cowboys for their first-round pick at No. 27 overall and a third-round pick (No. 90 overall).


    Read more at: http://nesn.com/2010...2010-nfl-draft/

    Oh, okay....then that's what I want them to do too. Shouldn't be too hard, right?

  10. I like Geno a lot...More than most....I think his upside is very high...


    But I'm not in favor of Trading anything from the 2014 Draft...As much as I like Geno I can honestly say I like McCarron, Bridgewater, and Manziel more...So I would be unwilling to give up anything in 2014...I would like to see them ADD picks to 2014...


    I would much rather see The Bills pass on Geno this year, trade down a couple times in the 1st, take a QB with one of their first two Picks, and be prepared to make a big move in 2014 for a QB if necessary...


    But that's just me... B-)

    "Trade down a couple of times in the 1st" has that EVER happened in the history of the draft?

  11. I can totally picture Fitz hoisting the Lombardi as a backup Qb for some contender. How perfect would that be?


    It pains me to say it, and NOBODY wanted Fitz gone more than me, but as bad as he was, he has a ton of experience, and will be a great back up for the right team. He would NOT have been a great backup for the Bills though.

  12. Kolb is much better, I'd even go out on a limb and say appreciably better than Fitz. He can make all the throws. Fitz could make one maybe 2 on a good day. Line him up and give him a shot. This year's group of rookie QBs is terrible - not a starter among them.


    Oh, but there is! I don't know who it will be, but I'm all but certain he will be starting.

  13. Sorry, I thought you wrote that they got rid of Fitz because they want to develop a rookie. Good that you know that. I'd rather they sign Kolb draft for all other positions of need and see what the guy can do behind a decent OL.


    Bad idea, and not what they are going to do. There are no loose Qb's out there that are appreciably better than Fitz.

  14. They got rid of Fitz because "he was competing for a backup role". He's really not good at all. He'd make a damn good Fathead but is not starting material. Regardless of starting a rookie QB or an 4 year vet this team could not line up Fitz as a starter 2 years in a row


    Yeah. What do you disagree with?


    Did I need to say "They got rid of Fitz because they want to develop a rookie, because Fitz sucks"? I thought we all knew that.

  15. They would have kept Fitz if he restructured. All I was saying is this guy put up similar numbers behind a worse line and no one wants to touch him in a quarterback empty FA class for little money?

    Yeah, but they intended for him to be the backup. People are clamoring for some loose Qb, like they want to "save the season", but it's all about whatever rookie they bring in. I couldn't care less who the back up is, Tarvaris is fine.

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