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Prickly Pete

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Posts posted by Prickly Pete

  1. Agreed, if he wins the kicking job he will likely have more impact than anybody else they could have picked in round 6 (yes, there are some great 6th round picks like Tom Brady, but by and large the odds of finding someone who makes your team for even a few years are pretty long).


    No way! There was a starting guard or tight end just sitting there, I know it!

  2. This might be a strange thing to say, but I don't think we need more offensive " playmakers." We need meat and Potatoes guys, like o and d linemen, TE's, and LBs.


    I disagree. I thought the "meat and potatoes" of the offense was pretty good last year.


    The problem was the QB. Have they fixed that? We don't know, but they addressed it. Second problem was the WR corp, and again, they addressed it. Chandler was fine, and if he comes back at the same level, he will be fine again.


    The defense will be better too, especially if they sign Dansby. I would like to see a veteran DB added.


    They finished 8th in the league. They aren't going to fix it all with one draft.

  3. Every highlight is like 30+ yards...potential to be dangerous




    He looks better than Graham.

    I can't help but think that they have a specific role in mind for this guy in the new offense. I wonder if they intend to use him for those end around plays? Between Manuel, Spiller, and this guy, they can get a lot of misdirection going on that will demand some quick decisions from defenders.


    Other than that though, I don't like the pick.

  4. well, if he thought he had a shot at 3, 6, 7 or 8.... going day 2 is him losing millions, and a whole lot of pride all with a camera in his face. i cant blame quinn, rodgers or geno for any of the shots shown of them during a slide.


    Yeah. There is more to it than just embarrassment. He may have been counting his chickens before they are hatched. He obviously had plenty of people telling him he was going to go high in the draft. He went from "potentially set for life, relatives that need to be cared for are gonna be fine, family bolstered. I'M IN!" to "nice payday, but I'm gonna have to work real hard to get to the big dollars". Not that it isn't plenty fair, but I'm sure it's a big jolt, even worse than any embarrassment.

  5. That was his team today.


    If the bills didn't want Smith, and the jets didn't take him either, and at 16 the bills were the last team with a QB need, why wouldn't they take someone they can use right away instead of rolling the dice like the incompetent dolts that they are?


    Even I knew as soon as the jets didn't take Geno that there wouldn't be a QB taken in rd 1. Within about 3 minutes after the jets pick I had the QB scenario figured out for rd2. A. Trade up to 31/32 to grab a QB ahead of the next team that needs one (jax) which I understand isn't Rd 2 but almost. B. Since the Eagles were the other team with strong interest in Manuel, and the Bills felt they had to have him you trade ahead of them to 34 with SF. Or I believe this is the best option, C. You take whatever Qb is available at that point because they are all pretty much Projects or guys who might be ready but have low ceilings, and don't they have to give up a pick to do so.


    None of the QBs available could start for for the Bills or any other team this year, no QBs were good enought to be drafted day 1 and only one team was incompetent enought to not know it. Oh, and of all the projects, they took the one who needs the most time to develop. Way to go morons you panicked and panicked hard, get your F'ing heads out of the sand and look at whats going on around you. Like the Broncos in '11 you didn't need to make this pick and it was obvious to everyone but you.


    Hey buddy, better get some linemen tomorrow to protect Kolb, Jackson, Korp and whatever retreads you bring in to play for the next 5 years until EJ is ready to go.


    This pick makes me wanna f'ing puke.



    They traded down, picked up some nice picks to work with, and got to select the QB they wanted, but people STILL complain.


    "They could have taken a guard....waaaaaaaah"

  6. As far as I'm concerned, there are seven rounds and a bunch of UDFA's - and that's a lot of players overlooked by a lot of people. You hear so much talk about why the Bills should NOT take a QB in RD 1 - because, they say, the quality does not match the value, and if you miss on a QB in round 1, or a player in the top 10, regardless of position, you put your team back years.


    I ask this: if you take a QB in RD 1 and miss on him, but your 4th rounder turns into a pro-bowler, isn't that sort of a wash? What if your other picks are great, and you end up with 5 starters out of a particular draft, with a few pro-bowlers - does that mean that you set your team back years because you missed on the first pick?


    The answer is NO. If you look at GM's around the league, the average starters gained from a draft is about 3, and if you get one pro-bowler per draft (about where Ozzie Newsome is) then you're considered a good GM, if not very good.


    Now, it doesn't matter which round those players come from. That is something that is lost in the chatter, I think. Anyway, that is how I look at drafts. There are good enough players in every draft - and this one especially - where the Bills could be picking starters into the 4th round, and if they do their homework, and if everyone is on the same page, and they know what they're doing, they could find starters beyond that, as well.


    That is my biggest fear coming into this draft - not that Buffalo misses on any one pick, but that Marrone, Pettine, Nix, and Whaley are not on the same page, not united in their vision. Nothing could throw a wrench into our hopes for this season more than that, I think.


    Well put.

  7. My biggest fear is we pass on a franchise-caliber player at another position at 8 just to pick a QB so fans don't revolt. I don't think any QB this draft is going to be what we want in the long run, and we will still need another QB in 2 years.


    Anyone feel the same way?



    Not me. I don't care if they continue to select Qb's with EVERY SINGLE pick they have, until they finally get a real qb. It's been 20 YEARS!!


    The last thing I care about, is the not-so-immense joy of watching some great player piss away his entire career, on teams that don't even make the playoffs.

  8. Bills were 9-6 vs Houston/Tenn. during the Matthews years which includes 2-1 in playoffs. I'm really arguing that Matthews/Munchak were great players?


    No, but they didn't win any championships with 2 great guards! Thanks for reinforcing that great guards aren't the key to championships! This guard talk, for a team that has gone 20 years without a good qb, has to be trolling, because it would be the dumbest pick ever.

  9. If he's on the board, I think Buddy runs up himself to hand in the card. Here's why I think this:


    1. We just lost a very good LG and need an immediate replacement.

    2. We have below average guard depth, even though the team argues otherwise.

    3. Warmack is the best guard to come out of college in a number of years and some publications have him as the best draft propect this year.(http://www.rotoworld...ed-top-151?pg=1)

    4. He's a big nasty. And Nix loves big and nasty.

    5. He's an SEC guy - played in best conference and on 2 Championship teams.


    I would have no issue with this pick. In fact, I want it. The QBs dont seem worthy of a first and I think value can be had in rounds 2-4 of this draft.




    It's not going to happen. And if it does, I'm not watching until there is a new GM.

  10. All cleared up. Now we know why Barkley regressed in his senior season. It was they play calling. Kind of a passive aggressive way to toss the boss under the bus and exhonerate himself of culpability.





    Considering the coach was Lane Kiffin, he was being VERY kind. Barkley stayed after the sanctions, and got screwed. Kiffin also screwed over Woods, and probably cost him millions of dollars.

  11. Even if you have only convinced yourself that a guy is a "possible franchise QB" because you really, really, really need one and you kind of messed up in several drafts by not getting one? Our need for a QB is unrelated to whether or not there is a starting, play off caliber QB in this draft. There probably isn't and if there is, there is just as much chance that it is a guy we can get in the 3rd round as a guy we could overdraft in the first round. I would rather take a guard, or a pass rusher in the first round that has an 80% of being worth the pick than a QB who has a 15% of being worth the pick. Of all the years to overdraft a QB, this isn't the one.


    It's been 20 years of 1st picks that have come to Buffalo and the team has gotten nowhere. What difference does it make if it's a wasted pick? Entire careers of good (and bad) picks have passed. The best guard of all time could be selected, but if they still don't have a QB, he won't have any real impact on the team's fortunes.


    Reason 6....Buffalo not getting value for a first round pick in years...


    How are they going to get "value" out of ANY player without finding a QB? Like I said, entire careers have passed since the team has had a good Qb.


    20 years!

  12. Barkley has some very definite ideas about what went wrong in his immediate past. "Yeah, I've thought about it long and hard," Barkley says as he picks disinterestedly at his Cobb salad. "I learned how to handle adversity last season, and maybe I could have done a few things differently. I could've had a bigger voice, given more input and taken it to the next level — pretty much as the owner of the company might … not just letting things happen.

    "You put faith in your coaches, but when you see trends, things not happening the right way, and when the team rests on your shoulders, it's almost like you have to step up. You can't just let these things go by and watch them disintegrate in front of you. You've got to put the glue in somewhere. Looking back, I wish I'd been more forceful."



    Added a scout for an NFC team: "He's pissed off cause everything he reads and hears is that he suddenly sucks. He had a rough few months. His season went south. He got hurt and couldn't throw at the [NFL scouting] combine. He got all kinds of bad press."

    The assault on Barkley isn't merely media driven, however. According to an AFC scout who attended USC's pro day, a high-level executive for one quarterback-needy franchise was so underwhelmed by Barkley's performance that he walked out early, later expressing his lack of regard for the quarterback's arm.



    I think I could write this stuff....


    "This guy sucks! We wouldn't waste a pick on a guy like this. Nothing to see here...I'm just gonna 'shuffle off', said the man in a blue and red jacket.

  13. I think the Revis trade might just change things a little bit for Buffalo. I could be wrong, but there's been a lot of speculation that the Jets like Nassib, and with 2 first round picks so high in the round, if Buffalo moves down, even to 20 - even to 15, the QB they really want could now be gone. My firm conviction on this matter is this - if Buffalo truly believes there's a QB who they can go all the way with and who can be a franchise guy for the next 10 years, they're not going to risk trading down and missing out on him. If they do trade down, I think it only shows that they don't really have A GUY - one guy - but are okay with any of a number of guys. I don't know how I like that - my gut instinct is to hope they're set on one guy - that they're certain one guy really has "it". To think that they'd settle for any of a number of guys kind of suggests that none of them are all that special.


    Right, let's just leave it to a whim "Oh, any of these 3 guys will do...."


    I would be really shocked if they didn't prefer one over the others. And what is this sht about "value"? If you think the guy is gonna be your QB, what is more valuable than that?

    "I like him as a starter for the next 10 years...but only if we select him at 20. If we have to pick him at 8 then it's just not worth it. Maybe at some point in the next 20 years, there will be a guy we can use instead".



    And all this talk about them not having many picks seems a little overblown. It's a 7 round draft, and this year they only have 6. That's one pick they are missing, and it's a 7th rounder.

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