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Prickly Pete

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Posts posted by Prickly Pete

  1. Why is the Atlanta Braves not considered to be as objectionable as the Washington Redskins?


    Why might the Fighting Scots be considered OK but not the Redskins?


    Take all the time you need….


    If you met an North American indian and you called him a Redskin, how do you think he would feel about that?


    If you met an Irish person and you called him a Fighting Irishman do you think he'd be insulted?


    Again, think about it…. don't rush.


    Don't bother man. These kind of people aren't looking for reasoning, it's a deep seated fear that motivates their resistance. A Buffalo Bills message board is an unlikely place to change racist viewpoints.

  2. Fair enough. If you don't see what's wrong with an NFL team using a racial slur to describe a race of people that the US committed genocide against as its nickname then at best you're ignorant, and at worst you're willfully so.


    It makes some people happy to be defiant against obvious wrongs. Many secretly seem to feel that the "white man" is slowly having his privileged position in society eroded, so they resist changing what is obviously a derogatory name. Sad really.

  3. The old "Well, we just might have to move to LA" ploy. I'm glad they are using that same old threat. If they use it in enough cities, maybe it will lose it's effectiveness. Crying wolf again, the bastards.


    The whole stadium blackmail tactics are a complete disgrace, right up there with Wall St. bailouts. It's sickens me. I have not directly given the Bills a dollar since 1991.

  4. In 1980, Tex Schramm, long ago GM of the cowboys, gave an interview to the AP. Schramm envisioned a scenario where games were played in a television studio, not in a stadium, in front of limited number of fans and journalists. You think this could happen in our lifetime? The reason that I ask is because I went to an MLB game last night and told my wife while sitting in traffic that its easier watching it at home. With HD I prefer the view at home. I'm starting to think Tex was a prophet. Your thoughts?




    I could see the stadiums getting much smaller (or on the other hand, much bigger). But without a significant attending audience, it wouldn't work nearly as well.


    It's an interesting question, as there are so many elements of "acting" to an athletic performance. So much of the "pressure" is provided by the fans in the stands. They are an essential ingredient. If you have ever divorced yourself at a game, and just looked at what was actually happening on the field, it's just a bunch of guys dressed up funny, bumping into each other. It's pretty ridiculous, and I have thought to myself "these guys are making millions of dollars?". The fans are projecting importance onto the events. They are actually meaningless with out the fans caring, and expressing it to the performers. '



  5. Well, if you want him to start, you think he's better than Kolb (or will be). Then you would vote him as the likely starter. Not a big difference.


    What? There is a big difference between "who do you expect to start" and "who do you want to start". I want Manuel, but I don't expect the Bills to start him

  6. If I needed a guy to make one tackle on goal line stand I'd have to go with Ray Lewis. Never saw him choke in a big game. LT was only 30 when we played them in SB25 & he was a shadow of his former self. Ray Lewis was leading a goal line stand in the 4th qtr of this past SB at age 37.


    Lewis simply was more determined, focused & wanted it more than LT.


    PED's have come a long way.

  7. I like that Manuel can use words like "vicariously" (and use it correctly, which also helps), and is well spoken. I have never heard an NFL player use that term.

    I know someone is gonna jump in with "doesn't mean nuthin', it's all about production", and "Fitz went to Harvard, BFD!", but his intelligence is a big positive. Not just for learning the playbook, but for relating to his teammates, and dealing with celebrity, and countless other challenges that could bring down a fool. Fitz never had the physical skills to match his intellect. Then there are the guys with "a million dollar arm, and a ten-cent brain".


    We shall see, but so far Manuel has really impressed me.

  8. I know you're question was overall in the league, but if you asked who was the best Buffalo Bill LB, it's clear to me it was Spiderman (Daryl Talley). Not even close in my eyes. One ugly dude, but man he was in every play for all of those years, and seemed like he was niver hurt.


    I love Talley too, but he is a bit overrated by Bills fans because they loved his attitude. Cornelius Bennett was better than Talley. Takeo Spikes was better too. Bryce Paup had a great season.


    I think it's between Bennett and Spikes.

  9. I am absolutely aware of Fitzpatrick's limitations. But I do not see (unless Manuel takes off from Day One the way Wilson and Luck and RG and Cam did in the last couple of years, which I am not expecting) that Kolb is going to give better overall QB play than Fitz, or that the new offensive system is not going to have equivalent difficulties to the ones Gailey's had (if not necessarily the same ones), or that the rookie receivers are suddenly going to be a quantum leap above the ones we got rid of. At the very least I think there is going to be a learning curve. And we obviously have different opinions the comparable abilities of Fitz vs. Kolb (do you really see that Kolb is that superior? Based on what, ,exactly?). And I don't think if you give Spiller the ball ten more times a game he is going to maintain his 6.0 yard average per carry. Etc.






    The problem I had with your post is "They didn't lose because they could not score. They lost because they couldn't stop anybody from scoring."


    Misleading at best. Kolb might suck, and the offense might not get better, but they definitely lost games because the offense was crap (of course the defense sucked too). All that window dressing for Fitz is just disingenuous.


    Go ahead and say the team still sucks, but don't try to paint Fitz as a good QB. Unforgivable.

  10. Although Goodwin had a much smaller role than Austin did at WVU, their physical measurables seem very close. And they both seem to have good hands and an ability to get open. So you might think that at least one draft guru would have criticized the Rams-Bills trade saying something like "they could have gotten an Austin clone in a later round with Goodwin." Instead, they seem to universally praise the Rams for being "smart" while on the same trade basically calling the Bills idiots for trading down, picking up a couple of extra picks AND getting the QB they wanted. Yes, I know Austin had the bigger career and all that. I'm just pointing out that the grounds upon which the Bills have been excoriated are that they panicked and picked EJ too early, that they could have taken "someone really good that filled a bigger need" at 16 and still gotten EJ in the third or fourth round. Funny how the Rams are brilliant and the Bills are dummies, eh?


    Don't even bother listening to the pundits. Sometimes they are right, sometimes they are wrong. they are entertainers. One aspect I am definitely certain of, and that is that most people on this board know more about the Bills than virtually every analyst. They aren't spending nearly the time that the hard core fans do, combing over this team.

  11. Potential for fumble-itis.


    A problem Roscoe had (8.5" hand size according to this link): http://www.footballs...opic.php?t=7625


    Overthinking the hand size aspect. He isn't a QB, holding the ball up over his shoulders with one hand. He hasn't had any problems catching, or holding on to the ball.


    From SB Nation article....


    "Goodwin has great hands too, and will rarely turn the ball over. His one fumble this season came against West Virginia, in October, when he was knocked unconscious by a Mountaineer. Goodwin’s great hands are combined with the fact that he rarely drops the ball. He excels in the open field and can make defenders miss rather easily. He doesn’t normally have to make defenders miss though, he usually blows right by them. Goodwin was considered one of the stars of the 2013 Senior Bowl, impressing scouts enough to mock him up one round. Speed isn’t everything (see Darius Heyward-Bey) but Goodwin’s athleticism is quite a spectacle."



    I see him more as Steve Smith, than Roscoe Parrish.

  12. I am amused by all the people who think the offense is going to be better. Kolb is not a better QB than Fitzpatrick. Fitz threw over 70 TD passes in the last three seasons. The Bills scored lots of points under Gailey's leadership. They didn't lose because they could not score. They lost because they couldn't stop anybody from scoring.



    Ridiculous! But not worth arguing (again)

    Not turning the ball over at critical times, scoring when it matters, etc., are all important when measuring an offense. Last years offense.... FAIL!

  13. Wow, people think they aren't gonna be better than last year?


    I think 8-8, but am hopeful for better than that. They won 6 games last season, with a defense that seemed like it had a guy in the penalty box all game. They won 6 games last year with a QB that could only work 15 yards past the line of scrimmage. They won 6 games last year with a team that was completely demoralized by week 5.


    They will at least match last season's record...

  14. I'm not that worried about th CB position. I imagine we will be operating like the Jets did, leaving Gilmore on an island and shading all of the coverage to the other half oof the field. If Gilmore goes down then...


    Gilmore showed promise, but "Gilmore Island"? That's a pretty big leap of faith.


    I think the need for Db's far outweighs guard or tight end, like not even close. A freakin' TE ain't gonna help this team anywhere near what an equal talent Db could.

  15. I don't expect the play of the guards to be the biggest problem this season. I don't expect the play of the TE's to be the reason they don't move the ball. I think almost all the teams in the NFL have weaknesses like those 2 are for the Bills. If those are their biggest faults, they should blow out most teams.


    I think they will need big plays from defenders. Game changing plays, that can turn the momentum of games. On defense, the only guy that has shown that ability is Byrd. The way teams are scoring, and with the weighting of the rules towards the offense, turnovers are gold (remember the only string of wins the team put together was when they had that run of turnovers). A defense needs to stop the run, and force a team to make a mistake in the passing game to kill drives. I think the pass coverage (from DB's and LB's) is the weakest link. 3rd and long :wallbash:


    The offense just needs good Qb play, and it should take off, even with only adequate guards (I think Marrone knows what he has there, and a 4th round rookie probably wouldn't make any difference). I worry that Fred Jackson will hit the wall this year.


    Chandler will be fine.


    It's all about how fast Manuel can develop (and Kolb might even surprise us).

  16. If they havent, then they must have been awfully close with Heyward-Bey, Ford and McFadden. Those guys are all absolute burners. But I think we all know it means nothing unless you have a guy that can get them the ball.


    Here's to hoping EJ is that guy.


    Another aspect that is different, is that Manuel is big, and can run for big yards. I can't think of another team that had such fast receivers, a super fast running back, AND a big fast QB that is a threat to take off running.


    I am very cynical about projecting the "paper team" onto the field, but it is impressive.

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