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Everything posted by Billznut

  1. The Bills have a lot riding on losing this week. The need to let Cardale play and increase their chances of losing. If they lose, they draft 9th. If they win, they could go all the way up to 19th. That's a HUGE difference. Rex was going to play Tyrod. Hence they had to make a move now instead of after the Jets game. Rex forced the Pegulas hand with his statement yesterday to play Tyrod.
  2. Murphy is useless unless he's kissing the Bills ass. It's all he knows how to do.
  3. Coughlin isn't coming. He would want control. Whaley has control. If Whaley is staying, Coughlin ain't coming.
  4. Not going to bring in a czar. According to NFL network GM Whaley will lead the coaching search.
  5. Well for one he won't be dumb enough to send one home game a year up to Toronto.
  6. Exactly. Thank you. How people STILL don't get this is beyond me. Keep sticking your heads in the sand hoping for things to change. It's only been 17 years and counting, keep wondering why. However, this being the Bills and seeing how the Pegulas love the weasel I know he ain't going anywhere.
  7. Would be funnier if it wasn't exactly true. This is what it means to be a Bills fan. Such a miserable existence. We all deserve better than what this franchise gives us.
  8. Yes please. Front office while we are at it too.
  9. Follow football much? Trade deadline was two months ago. Wow
  10. Rex has been a loser in every sense of the word for years. Hasn't had a winning season in forever. Yet even one day ago people still defended him and wanted him back. The silence is deafening now. Bye bye blowhard.
  11. Miamis coach is more pissed after WINNING the game and likely being a wild card than Rex was pissed after LOSING and likely being fired. That tells you all you need to know about the direction of these two franchises.
  12. Rex so clueless on the sideline. How did any of you people defend him. Guy is a loser.
  13. Rex guaranteed Ajuai wouldnt run all over the Bills AGAIN. Another 200 yard day. Big bye fat !@#$ Rex
  14. The entire coaching staff needs to go. Anthony Lynn will not be my head coach. !@#$ him. In crunch time, they took the ball out of Tyrods hands. That tells you all you need to know. Tyrod will NOT be back next year.
  15. Totally winnable game today. Coaching and bad defense cost us this game. 110%
  16. At least we don't need to listen to the Rex lovers anymore. No one can defend him after this. Bye bye loser.
  17. If ANYONE defends Rex after this loss they are a !@#$ing moron and should be banned for life.
  18. I've heard plenty of interviews with both Whaley and GMTM. Huge difference. Murray is VERY candid and honest with this thoughts and responses. You rarely have to drag anything out of him or wonder what he really means. Whaley on the other hand is so blatantly deceitful or at best has no desire to honestly answer a question. He always sits squarely on the fence. Can't commit to an answer. He reminds me and sounds exactly like a used car salesman.
  19. Agreed! This team and franchise has done NOTHING this century to deserve any positive spin or benefit of the doubt. TBN columnists are only reporting just how dysfunctional this franchise is. Some people here just refuse to acknowledge it year after year.
  20. Let's hope Pegula has learned from his mistakes with the Sabres and applies it to the Bills. I think come January 2nd we will know one way or the other.
  21. You hit this head on. It's what's been going on for years at One Bills Drive. This franchise never seriously goes after a top football coach because none of them would ever want to work with the current structure. And in fact, we've had two head coaches voluntarily quit. What other franchise has this happen?
  22. Exactly. The one person that Pegula will listen to most right now is Russ. Until that changes, this franchise will never win. I'd say the past 17 years is pretty good proof of this.
  23. Everyone always makes this exact comment about Russ and adds the caveat to keep him out of football decisions. That's the WHOLE point, he is, always has been and always will be involved in football decisions. Can't have it both ways. If he's here, he's involved in EVERYTHING. The Pegulas love him. He's going nowhere. Too bad.
  24. It's what he's telling the Pegulas to save his ass. The sad thing is, it'll work. Guaranteed. It absolutely will. He's banking on it.
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