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Big Gun

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Posts posted by Big Gun

  1. A guy like Matt Moore or Tarvaris Jackson would be perfect. Both are capable of starting in the NFL while you groom a younger guy. Both have also been backups before, and are likely to accept that without a problem if the rook outshines them in camp.


    Moore is ok but TJax no way he stinks. Neither is better that Fitz though, don't understand your point.

  2. It's not a binary argument.


    Letting him go doesn't guarantee anything. We keep him until we get someone better. Otherwise we end up with even worse. Yes, there is worse than Fitz.


    I fully support replacing him. But I don't want to replace him for the sake of replacing him. I want to replace him with a better player. I don't see what's illogical about that.


    Impossible to argue with..... :wallbash:

  3. dr trooth he is a loooooo-za i don't see these intangibles you speak of......pocket presence is terrible, reading defenses? by locking onto one wr and throwing INT's?


    lets close this book once and for all.


    The rest of Fitz, meh, but his pocket presence was fine.

  4. I just want to clarify. I am simply speculating Nassib as the franchise quarterback based on the fact that Marrone was his college coach. After looking at quarterbacks, Nassib doesn’t jump out and scream future star to me. However, compared to the current draft class, he does seem to be on par or better in several categories. But who am I to speculate? I thought Andrew Luck was going to be a bust and I never saw Russel Wilson coming.




    1. He leads his receivers and doesn’t get them killed.

    2. He stands in the pocket (or jumps and looks awkward) but at least he is a pocket passer.

    3. This kid puts velocity on the ball.

    I think half of all the dropped passes I have seen are for this reason. His receivers simply can't pull them in.

    4. He is very accurate when throwing up to approximately 25 yards.

    5. He beat out Geno Smith




    1. Is it me or does he just seem to look goofy when he starts feeling pressure in the pocket?

    2. Haven't seen to many deep balls thrown.

    3. His performance against West Virginia was lacking.

    4. Lacks the touch pass, fades etc...


    Things I wonder about.


    1. His throwing motion

    2. I wonder about his leadership. I am not saying its not there I just don't know.

    3. His conference seems very weak.




    Yikes, me thinks reevaluations are in order.

  5. Lack of D1 power programs on the west coast??? You mean outside the PAC12? ANd no power programs to go in Texas?


    The kids going to Boise from CA and TX aren't the top recruits form those states. As you say, they go there to play, because many wouldn't play at the many power programs that actually exist on the west coast.


    Also, Syracuse is an easy drive to Penn State, Ohio State. The weather's not so warm and sunny at those places, yet they actually get some fellas from the south to play for them. It's not the weather.


    Anyway, who knows what Marrone will do. I just asked how he got to this point after one more year at Syracuse.


    Read what I said. There are too many blue chip recruits and not enough roster spots out west, that is why Boise is able to recruit so well in TX and Cal where there is 65 million people just in those 2 states alone. There is only so many schools in those states. The PAC 10 is the only conference out west worth a damn, and a few TX schools, where else those kids going to go? Boise saw that and was the first to jump on the recruiting of that, whereas in the east it's the ACC, SEC, Big East, CUSA and some Big 10. Herd it on ESPN awhile back and makes sense.


    Ohio and Pennsylvania have way way better high school football than does NY State, so it is easy for Ohio St or Penn St to recruit. NY high school football sucks as far a blue chippers go so Syracuse is always having to go out of state and recruit against a lot of good programs and all they seem to ever get to take is everyone else scraps.

  6. Boise State had no long and recent history of superlative Div 1 football play loke Syracuse did, yet there is no question they have been able to rise to national prominence over the past 5 years or so. It's just an example. But the point isn't simply why didn't Marrone win more games in Syracuse, but why he was suddenly such an obvious candidate for an NFL job when 6 or 7 teams didn't think he was last year? You know all about college football. Answer the question.


    Because of the lack of D1 power programs on the west coast and an over abundance of D1 talent from California and Texas those players have to go somewhere if they want to play. Boise has 57 kids on the current roster from Cal and Tx. It is easier to get those kids to go to Boise because of the lack of programs out west compared to the over abundance of programs here on the east coast and in warm weather.


    Name me a northeast D1 school that is any good in football? BC, UConn, Ivy schools, no, if I was a kid on the east coast I wouldn't go to the northeast when there are so many options to play in warmer weather.

  7. If anyone can look at the thread announcing the hiring of Chan Gailey, I swear it's very similar. Started with WTF...migrated to some of the blips on his resume...ended with "I like the hire".


    I just doubt the whole thing. When every member on the "new" brain trust was in the building last year, I am really struggling to see how this is different. And it is this lack of confidence in OBD that feeds my lack of confidence in any coach (or players) they choose. You can call me a pessimist, but 10 losing seasons later, it sure feels more like realism.


    I will be pleasantly shocked if the Bills are better than 6-10 next year.


    Prepare to be shocked then. The Bills should have had at least 2 more wins, I guarantee the defense and the QB position will perform better. Chan made some large mistakes that cost games, I don't see Marrone being as inept as either Chan or Wanny.

  8. I don't see why that matters bc things can easily change once the interview process begins


    Not saying it mattered. Just curious to know, and the interview process doesn't matter one bit on the Bills decisions on who they targeted 1st, or 2nd, or 3rd and so on. I have to believe they had a list of coaching prospects before they started the interview process and wonder where Marrone was on that list. That is all, not overly important, just curious.

  9. Very bizarre.


    For all the billions of dollars that Carrier has, you'd think they'd install the damn system for free. Or at least supply the equipment for free and have the university pay for the installation.


    or if SU couldn't have carrier do it or give them the parts and pieces, they would have gotten someone else to install or buy a system from. That place was built in 1980, it's only been 32 years, what is the university waiting for?

  10. This unfolding story with Kelly is interesting.


    It is now looking like he either goes to Philly, or he returns to Oregon.


    There was discussion in the now locked "Chip Kelly" thread about how he may be playing the NFL to better his position at Oregon. This guy is starting to come across like a loose cannon and I am starting to think it may be a good thing he did not end up in Buffalo.


    He may be some sort of ego-maniac gone mad.


    Sounds like he is demanding total control over personnel and thinks he can custom fabricate a college-like cocoon of control at an NFL organization, which is unlikely to happen.


    I will laugh if this guy returns to Oregon, and then never think too much about him again.


    I just can't believe a college coach, no matter how good he is in college, with ZERO NFL coaching or playing experience thinks he can demand soooo much power for an NFL gig. That is a very hard thing for any GM/owner to agree to IMHO. Just wow, if Kelly really wants that much control.

  11. Each one of those situations depends on the situational circumstance precluding it. There are perfectly legitimate reasons for a coach to decide to do any of those things. That's not a defense of Gailey's decisions, only a different way of saying, "never say never."


    GO BILLS!!!


    It really boils down to, Marrone didn't do what LS wanted him to do so therefor he thinks he sucks. I suppose LS could do better that is why he is a coaching candidate, i guess.

  12. The last 4 years watching him coach my alma mater.


    So what were you expecting Marrone to do when he took over at Syracuse? Go 13-0 every season and win the national championship? So what that you went there, do you even know how bad that team was under Greg Robinson? Also as for someone who went to Syracuse, you have know idea how good a coach has to be in order to turn a program that had fallen to that depth of awful around. Pfffft you don't seem to know much about your own school.

  13. I see A LOT of very upset optimists because the realists see that this was a truly horrible move.


    And the funny thing is im USUALLY an optimistic. I supported Gailey from day 1. Jauron from day 1. Mularkey from day 1. Not this guy.


    So that means Marrone will be successful because it is obvious by supporting those 3 losers you know what you are doing! Haha that's funny.

  14. I would have liked Lovie also as I think he is a decent head coach. But i'm also sick of the retread thing.



    Gailey - retreaded offensive mind - failed

    Jauron - retreaded defensive mind - failed

    Mularkey - no head coaching experience offensive mind - failed

    Williams - no head coaching experience defensive mind - failed


    Smith - retread defensive mind, always had offensive struggles - failed there is why he is looking for work

    Whisenhunt - retread offensive mind, other than 1 year not very good record - failed there is why he is looking for work


    Talk about same old same old. Though I like smith, I don't see much of a difference in any of the 6 retreads I named. Marrone is a good choice, breath of fresh air, and anyone poo pooing on him does not know one bit about how BAD Syracuse was when he took over. I have been extremely pleased with the progress Syracuse has made since he took over. I think he is going to be very good, better than Whisenhunt or Smith.

  15. C'mon people. Stop with the hype and look at the facts. We aren't getting Lovie. All signs point to Whisenhunt. We all know its true. And that's why I'm depressed today. Same old Bills


    If they have already made their mind up about Wisenhunt, that goes against everything Brandon said in his presser about getting the best guy. IMHO Lovie Smith is 3x better coach than is Wisenhunt, plus Lovie has stated he wants to be Buffalos head coach. Sorry but if i'm Brandon, i'm picking the guy who wants to be in Buffalo and oh by the way who has a better proven record.


    The guy wants the Buffalo gig how do you just ignore that. Didn't Brian Billick say he wanted the Buffalo gig 3 years ago and Chan was hired instead? Hindesite says maybe Billick might still be the coach.

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