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Big Gun

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Posts posted by Big Gun

  1. I guess my point in all this is that the Bills need to get it right in the 2013 draft. If that means drafting a QB with the #8 when he's projected as a round later, then so be it.


    ^^^This ^^^


    They absolutely need to get it right in the draft this year. That's why I can't believe all those clamoring for J Russell, Flynn, T Jax, A Smith, etc would think Marrone would do that. I have to believe the new coach is going to want a fresh new young drafted QB, not some retread with hopes of resurrecting them. The risk of the latter is to great imo and not a choice a new coach is willing to take if he wants to continue being a head coach in the NFL. Chan Gailey anybody. A different mindset and different approach is needed and that has begun with hiring a college coach for the first time. Next different approach is a top flight QB in this draft.

  2. Good post :thumbsup:


    I look at Barkley and see a newer version of Ryan Fitzpatrick, short for a prototypical NFL QB, and only average arm, only this new version has better accuracy and can win games, a lot of games. Huge difference!


    I look at Mike Glennon and see a taller version of Trent Edwards, (who got beat up and didn't have a very good O line, likes to dump the ball off to RB's) and perhaps is another Joe Flacco clone. Like Flacco he will need to be drafted into a solid offense to be able to fully develop. While Glennon has footwork issues he has a picture perfect over the top ball delivery.


    I watch Tyler Bray and see another Jay Cutler type (a gunslinger) with a rocket arm, but a guy with only a 3/4 delivery like Phillip Rivers. Bray has footwork and delivery issues that if corrected he could easily be the most outstanding QB in this years draft.


    Considering 6 of the 7 teams drafting in front of the Bills all need a franchise QB, it might be difficult to draft anyone besides Bray. Just watch all this years QB's climb up into the first round, at least 5.


    Why do people keep saying this? IMO, the Browns, Eagles, Raiders, and Lions are set at QB and will not be drafting one.

  3. I don't think the Raiders, Eagles or Browns are going to draft a QB.


    Raiders traded a 1st and a 2nd for Palmer.

    Eagles took Foles in 3rd round 2012 and he looks pretty good, I think he is a keeper for them and going to be good.

    Browns used a 1st in 2012 to draft Weeden.


    The Eagles and Browns are not going to give up on Foles or Weeden after 1 year. I just don't think that is going to happen.


    I highly doubt those 3 teams are going to draft a QB this year, especially in a so called weak QB draft.

  4. It aint a question of what offense you put Fitz in. It comes down to two things... supporting cast and a defense. The Bills defense continually and repeatedly put the offense in huge holes, which took the offense out of their game plan and allowed defenses to pin there ears back. Clearly the Bills had only one receiver, a TE that has no ability to stretch the defense, problems at both tackles all season, little depth at the skill positions, and a coach, for whatever reason, that underutilized his most potent offensive weapon (CJ).


    PS... The Bills are not going to release Fitz. There is no cap advantage and there is no FA out there that is a significant upgrade over Fitz. Not only that, if they got one, they'd have to overpay him. That's throwing away good money after bad money. Media and bloggers that suggest Fitz is getting cut are only looking at it purely from a $$$ perspective and nothing else... least of which is that if they cut Fitz, they have no QBs on their roster. That's unprecedented. No team has ever entered the offseason with no QBs on their roster. That alone is a clear signal that media and bloggers have their heads up their asses when it comes to Fitz and the Bills.


    Nice to see someone with logical thinking.

  5. I'm aware of the 2-3 people who have legitimate sources and share what they know with us here. You're not one of them.


    Now if you're saying you are, great! But be careful; things like what you posted have a tendancy to get saved. Then, when it's showtime, you're nowhere to be found.


    So it's all about proving someone else wrong, just to show them you were right. Really, get over yourself dude!

  6. How do you know all of this?


    You know what dumbfounds me? People who put their opinions online as if they're facts while making a miserable attempt at insulting somenoe else.


    Newsflash lunchbox, you don't know ****.


    Well, I guess that's TBD. Glad to know that you know I am wrong though. What was that about opinions? Love hypocrisy.

  7. No one is lusting over the scraps here, the question was asked by the OP of "Would you bring him in for a tryout?"

    For those that are a little slow, they can bring him in for a tryout like they do with many players not under a contract and take a look at them without having to offer them a contract or pay them. If you don't like what you see, you say thanks for coming, have a nice flight home.


    No one is saying sign the guy and don't look anywhere else, make him the #1! People are just saying they would be willing to take a look at him in a tryout. Of course that would make it harder for eveyone to cry about later on how the front office is so incompetent for not considering him if he gets picked up and has a decent outing one day.............


    Speaking about yourself, huh?


    Let me refresh your memory. Russell is the biggest bust ever in the NFL. Maybe if you were a little more up to speed you would have known that. The guy is a never was, period! When he did play, he was horrible. He is a head case, he is fat, he is lazy, he's basically useless. He was not a good QB, and you want to give him a shot. Really!


    The Bills are not bringing in any QB other than the one they draft this year. They are not bringing in some other teams clipboard holder or some FA bum who has been out of the league for years. It isn't happening. Marrone is not hitching his wagon to that. He is going to hitch it to someone in this draft, you can count on that.


    I am completely dumbfounded by the thought process of a lot of Bills fans, it really is puzzling.

  8. It hurts, peeps. Just like VY and Tjax, It serves as a distraction from actually finding our own capable, competent QB of the future.


    He's lost 12 lbs from 320 to 308? Some driven. Get down to playing weight and stay there for 6 months and get taken more seriously.


    I'm just shaking my head. I get that we want a QB. I want a QB. Why we continue to lust after everyone's discards to the point of looking for "the biggest bust of all time" has me totally puzzled.


    Maybe we should bring Ryan Leaf in for a workout, doesn't hurt.


    I have to agree with you Hopeful, for people to keep lusting over everyones scraps is lunacy. I'm as puzzled as you, make it stop! :wallbash:

  9. I wouldn't change it. As for having my grandfathers great grandmother be native makes me a very small percent native and native names don't bother me one bit. I HATE PC.


    Should the Air Force change the Apache helicopter? It is a killing machine. Do native Apache's want to be portrayed as killing machines. I am truly amazed at how thin skinned people have become. The country is doomed.


    5 of the 7 teams in front of us NEED a QB. Including us, you could easily argue that 8 of the first 10 teams drafting in 2013, NEED a QB.



    I don't agree that 5 of the first 7 or 8 out of the first 10 need QBs.


    Cheifs - yes

    Jags - they just drafted Gabbert and I think they are going to get Tebow, so I say no to them

    Raiders - I suppose, but with a weak QB class, I don't see it. They have other needs and can suffice with Palmer for now.

    Eagles - no, they like Foles too much

    Lions - no way, Stafford is the QB going forward

    Browns - no, just took Weeden last year, and he did ok.

    Cards - yes

    Bills - yes

    Jets - yes

    Titans - no, I don't think they are giving up on Locker this soon.


    That's 4 out of the first 10 and if the Raiders opt in that's 5 of 10. Eight of the first 10 teams don't need a QB, that's streaching it a bit don't ya think, and only 2 before the Bills need QBs. Who knows anything can happen, free agents, trades, kids coming out, still a long way off.

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