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Big Gun

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Posts posted by Big Gun

  1. Fitz was certainly part of the problem. I'll give you that the defense was one of the worst I've ever seen but the fact Fitz couldn't be counted on to regularly execute was absolutely a contributor to last season's finish.


    Who did he have to throw the ball to? Jones? cut, Nelson? cut, Roosevent? cut, Dickerson? cut, Smith, Martin, hands of stone TJ or I drop everything Stevie, c'mon now!


    I'm glad EJ is here but Fitz wasn't the problem. Fitz took way to many chances because he had to.

  2. The only thing CJ has on Fred is pure speed. That's it.


    Fred is a better "running back" than is CJ.


    I personally would like to see more single Fred in the backfield with CJ flanked out wide, then run the read option with that.


    All sports are 80% mental 20% physical. CJ pales in comparison to Fred in the mental game.

  3. FSUs freshman quarterback just went 25/27 for 356 yards and 4 TDs. I'm really hoping FSU doesn't make quarterbacks just look good vs actually being good. Those numbers make E.J. look like an average quarterback. Apparently he ran for a TD as well. Every TD they had in that game was scored in some way or another by him.


    Here's to E.J. actually being good and not making a system make him look good :D


    OMG! :doh:

  4. I always tip on takeout. Its is not like they do nothing to put your order together. I also usually get take out from the same places and tipping goes a long way for the next time you go in. I figure if I can't afford a tip on a takeout I probably should not be ordering in the first place.


    By the way... Whining about tipping is real classless. The system is not what it is in Europe. So be a man and tip with pride. That's how these people make their money. I go out with folks who don't like to tip all this time cause of work and always cover all the loser's low tips. I want to get paid fairly for the work I do. And if you wait on me at a restaurant then by all means you deserve your share.


    When was the last time the person taking orders on the phone or working behind the cash register/counter wasn't making minimum wage? I think they all make at least minimum wage, isn't it the law? Its the waiters/waitress and delivery people that are the ones not making minimum wage and need the tips.

  5. Apparently, Drew needs an explanation.


    If you are picking up food in a restaurant (other than a fast food restaurant), the right thing to do is to tip. There is no law that says you should tip then or at any other time, but it is the right thing to do -- especially if you are planning on going back.


    There was that movie a while back with Steve Martin (I think it was called My Blue Heaven or something like that) where he played a mobster in the witness protection program. He said something like: "I do not believe in tipping. I believe in over tipping."


    I take the same approach when the service is good. Maybe, it is because I was a waiter when I was in school. When the service is not any good or the food is bad, my approach is not to send the food back or anything like that. I just never go back.


    Ummm..... isn't it their job requirement to do that? They are getting paid, regardless of a tip, right?


    Do you tip anybody that is just doing their job and making an hourly wage? Why don't you tip your mechanic, or fireman/policeman when you call them, or the cashier at Wegmans who packs your 200 item order. Tipping is out of control.

  6. What's entertaining is the 100's of posts I have seen on here saying no way Geno falls to us at 8.


    I know, right! Or all the people predicting, 6 teams drafting ahead of us are going to take QBs. I argued, no way are 6 teams looking for QBs, but Whatever! Amazing how everyone thinks they have all the answers, and will let you know that, yet they really have no clue.

  7. +1. The only perceived difference between Barkley and Naasib is that the later has a stronger arm. However, Barkley has played in a pro-style offense for 4 years and that is a big advantage. Either pick will work for the BIlls. They just have to bite the sniping from the ESPN Talking heads and pick one of these guys at #8 as both will not be there at #41. In fact, one or both of them may be even gone by pick #8 if the GMs play a different game tonight.


    Didn't Marron use a pro style offense at Syracuse? I think he did, and Nassib was a 4 year starter in it also. Also, Nassib was surrounded by much less talent, than was Barkley.

  8. As Dibs (thanks for the input) posted, not even close....



    2004: 262-400-3159.....65.5%......27TD......7INT.....Y/A 7.9.....104.8QBR....11-4 win/loss......All-pro

    2005: 323-500-3576.....64.6%......24TD....15INT.....Y/A 7.2.....89.2QBR.....9-7 win/loss



    2011: 353-569-3832....62%.......24TD.....23INT.....Y/A 6.7.....79.1QBR.....5-8 win/loss

    2012: 306-505-3400....60.6%....24TD.....16INT.....Y/A 6.7.....83.3QBR.....6-10 win/loss


    Fitz had 23 INT as opposed to 7 by Brees....That is a Grand Canyon size difference between a good and bad QB.


    Not sticking up for Fitz at all but Interceptions are not the be all end all like you are portraying them to be.


    J Kelly had 8 years of 17 or more ints, was he good or bad?

    Marino had 4 years of 21 or more ints he is HOF like Kelly, right?

    Brees had 7 in 2004 but had 22 ints in 2010, does that make him a bad QB?

    E Manning has had years of 20 and 25 ints, is he bad also?

    P Manning had years of 28, 23, 19, he is HOF bound.


    It is no secret that Fitz isn't the greatest QB and wasn't going to lead this group of bums to the playoffs but what he accomplished with a hack for a coach and what he had to throw to at WR, I only hope the next guy can give us 20-25 TDs and 3500-4000 yards per or it really is taking 2 steps back. The grass isn't always greener on the other side.

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