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Everything posted by snafu

  1. As Twitter should say: ! The Election has not been certified by any government agency at this time.
  2. I said absolutely nothing about Biden’s tweet. If you want to change the subject of my post, why doesn’t Twitter add a red font disclaimer about the fact that the election hasn’t been certified by any government agency? But in any event, your thread is still whataboutism trying to hide. At least be honest.
  3. He’d be putting a team of his staffers out of work. You won’t find evidence of his decline from his social media. He’s not writing any of that. This whole thread is reverse whataboutism. All of PPP in the past week has been only about sh!tting on Trump and anyone who didn’t vote for Biden. To borrow a phrase, it’s been a big left wing circle jerk. Nice of you to add to the crap pile. There’s a whole thread on Trump supporters being sore losers. What a ***** joke.
  4. To be fair, Biden's VP choice slammed his racist-past policies during the democrat debates. She said something like "I don't think you're a racist .. but you're a racist". If you want whataboutism, start there.
  5. Terrible news. Correction: what is terrible news? RIP, Mr. Trebek.
  6. Is this when the rioting starts? I mean, there was a serious run on plywood.
  7. Agreed, and common ground doesn’t exist in a one party state. So I’m hoping that the Senate doesn’t flip.
  8. I’m just watching at this point, not rooting for chaos. I don’t really get into random tweets claiming anything or give that any credence. At some point, Trump is going to have to prove to a Court what he says. And this question has been nagging at me: what type of fraud or incompetence would you think rises to a level worthy of complaint?
  9. Well AP called it. Congrats. I hope the Senate doesn’t turn over.
  10. None of the charges pertained to collusion between trump and Russians to affect the election, including Russian troll farm and that case was dropped. You are taking the results of Mueller and relating them to a different conclusion.
  11. How many? Three? I count Manafort and Cohen. And Stone. Manafort and Cohen’s offenses had nothing to do with Russia. Stone’s Russian “connection” was removed by two orders.
  12. Only three states are in play, and they are all extremely close. One is close enough to have a mandatory re-count. None are finished counting. None of this threatens the fabric of our society.
  13. It is more pronounced this time because the challenger's enthusiasm measurement is extremely low.
  14. He's saying: --trump got smoked in popular vote. --electoral college vote most likely, too. --but if the EC vote is overturned (and it only would be with SCOTUS decision) then our country is screwed. How is that different than 2000?
  15. Dude, if Trump and his supporters claim he won easily then let them believe it. Who cares? You think this was an easy Biden win? Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania are all super tight.
  16. Gore won the popular vote. Bush won the electoral vote with shaky decision SCOTUS-assist. Bush supporters claim victory. America rolls on.
  17. They voted for "not" Trump. I don't think it had much to do with the party this time around.
  18. Don't get so misty about the American experiment. You just described the 2000 election results. I think the American experiment is a bit more robust than you're giving credit.
  19. It wasn't a landslide then, it isn't a landslide now. I see it different... Only the people who are okay with the gross public scrutiny that they need to endure throw their hat in the ring for political office -- at least on a national level. i'm not saying there should be no scrutiny, but focusing on issues should be more important than personality flaws. Also, I see it that a lot of people don't set out to be crooks before they get to office. Then they get plied by people looking to shape policy or get ahead through graft.
  20. You said it right -- love him or hate him. Trump drove almost every single vote. There was no Biden enthusiasm as much as there was Trump hate. There are a lot of "ain't black" citizens under the new Biden Administration. A lot of "ain't brown" Latino citizens, too. "This is not about President Trump. He will face the judgment of voters. But he shows the need to create a process for future presidents," Pelosi said. https://www.forbes.com/sites/elanagross/2020/10/09/pelosi-announces-bill-to-create-25th-amendment-commission-to-ok-a-presidents-capacity-to-serve/?sh=3474e63d7208
  21. Honestly, I don’t know. Im just waiting until the dust settles.
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