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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. 3 people so far in this thread who don't realize how bad The Panthers are right now.


    I fully realize how bad the Panthers are. The problem is that the Bills are worse. All I'm saying is that if the Bills give us what we have come to expect from them this year and the Panthers play consistent with their track record thus far, then I believe that the Bills lose this game.

  2. Its simple but it's working for me this year: Pick a second team that's fun to watch, get the NFL ticket and follow them all year.


    My son likes the Vikings, so I gave in this year and got a jersey. We bought the Vikings NFL yearbook for 2009 (Favre wasn't even on the team at that point). I even get to root for Big Pat and Antoine Winfield again.


    In todays world, it's easier to follow an out of town team than it was to follow your LOCAL team 15 years ago. Websites, the NFL ticket, streaming radio stations from everywhere in the nation, TIVO. It used to be that you had no choice because the only coverage you could get was from your local radio and newspaper. That has completely changed.


    I prefer a big HD screen and having friends/family over than risking the cash and an entire day to drive from Rochester and see a game. If you have kids, they mostly end up watching the good plays on the jumbotron anyways because everyone stands when the Bills have a big play (IF they have a big play) and the shorter people can't see anything anyway.


    Admittedly, I'm lucky because if the Vikings were lousy this year I would be stuck with 2 bad teams, but hedging your bet isn't a bad idea. Being an exclusive die hard Bills fan is is like holding on to a bad stock that keeps dropping every year because you've always owned it and you don't know any different.


    Take advantage of your options and diversify a little. The game is too much fun to pin all of your hopes on the Bills program.


    The only problem with this is that I don't care one way or the other when another team wins or loses and I never will. True fandom for me cannot be contrived or manufactured. I care when the Bills win or lose.....or at least I used to care a lot more. What I'm doing now is just tuning into the red zone channel and enjoying all the other games that way.

  3. In my opinion the only marketing ploy left available to Brandon at this point is the marquee coach. An unproven coordinator as head coach or TO like FA signing will simply not get it done from a business standpoint. If the new coach is another Williams, Mularkey or Jauron type hire then I see at minimum a 30% drop in season ticket sales next year. The fans have lost all hope, the only thing that can return even a glimmer of hope to this sad sack franchise is a complete overhaul of the front office and coaching staff.

  4. We are the new Detroit Lions/Arizona Cardinals of the league. In other words, laughing stocks.


    Well with the Cardinals in the Super Bowl last year that half of the comparison is no longer valid. It's the Bills and Lions as benchmarks for ineptitude now. A sad state of affairs indeed. Really !@#$ing sad.

  5. It's funny how some people are so bothered by this team, and even consider changing teams or just giving up football. It's just a game, and it's not to say I don't love the Bills and always cheer for them, and it's not to say it doesn't bother me when they lose. Last night I was completely devastated.


    That said, I love this team, I love cheering for them, and despite the constant losing, I can't wait for every Sunday to roll around.


    I was really surprised that when I came here after the game last night that there wern't five "That's it I'm done with this team forever" threads. I guess ten years of NFL irrelavance combined with the occasional kick to the nuts like last nights game has finally brought apathy to the majority of the fan base.


    Oh, and the herpes analogy from stojan was perfect.

  6. I heard about it while listening to Howard Stern. Baba-booey I think came into the studio and mentioned the first plane hitting the tower. There was a lot of talk of how it was likely an accident, when I finally got to a TV and turned it on I saw the second plane hit and I was sick to my stomach.

  7. I think it's reasonable to label most any kid who's throwing an unholy tantrum in public as "acting bratty".


    I also think that parents who let that behavior persist are acting like bad parents.


    Which was pretty much his point, I thought.


    If either of my children ( 4 and 1.5) are causing a disturbance in public then I remove them from the area until they calm down. However, there is a difference between an all out kicking and screaming tantrum and a "weeping toddler" as quoted in the original article.

  8. If you honestly think that all crying babies are "bratty kid(s)," then I'm hard pressed to question whether you're better off never having kids, or hoping you have one in the near future so you can figure out just how absolutely, positively ridiculous you sound. What you're suggesting...that you take a crying baby to a place away from others in a public setting where you can help stop the crying...is accurate. But to unquestionably assume that the baby is crying because it's a brat being raised by a bad parent is just embarrassing on your behalf, and you'd do well to stop commenting on something for which you clearly have absolutely no knowledge.


    Thanks LA, that about covers what my response was going to be. The only thing that I'd add DrD is maybe you should offer to babysit some of your friends infants and toddlers a few times and see how that turns out.

  9. but wouldnt you think, as a responsible attentive non-selfish parent... that it would never come to this?


    I can't tell if you are serious or not, but let's assume that you are. If you can't keep your TWO YEAR OLD child quiet in public then you are an irresponsible, non-attentive and selfish parent? Please.

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