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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. The more they call it the Big Lie...the more it's certain that THEY are lying.
  2. You know what's every bit as inappropriate as drag queen story hour at the local elementary school? Stripper story hour with Foxy and Juicy from the Sundowner at the local elementary school. It seems as though it's the LGBTQ community alone that is hellbent on exposing kids to this crap at any cost though. It's about not sexualizing kids. In any way. By any sexual orientation. Period. Good luck getting any of our PPP marxists to understand that point of view though.
  3. Fact check on his original post: Mostly true. The Dodgers did indeed move the ceremony honoring a disgusting anti-Catholic hate group to well before the game when hardly any fans would be in the stands.
  4. Quite honestly, and to be fair to the *****stain who is @BillStime, she isn't really afraid, deflecting or doing anything of the sort. At least not in their mind. He's incapable of doing anything other than what she does here day in and day out. He's a full blown useful idiot and dedicated fully to the cause. It's complete and irreversible.
  5. These leftists have all ignored the issue that ALL of us have with this movement. They've ignored it repeatedly and consistently. In fact they tell us that it's not even happening at all... DON'T. INVOLVE. KIDS. IN. ANY. OF. THIS. How many times does someone here have to repeat it and have it ignored by leftists, before people realize that they have absolutely no interest in having a reasonable discussion?
  6. More people are waking up to this reality thankfully. I can't remember who said it on Twitter recently, but basically the thought was this trans activist movement may have saved our country. The marxists behind it got out over the tips of their skis on this one and tried pushing this crap too far, too fast. As a result it's awakened many who were asleep. As for the fully ideologically subverted and demoralized , the @BillStime @ChiGoose @Tiberius @redtail hawk@The Frankish Reich et al. It's too late for them. As Bezmenov warned us you can bring them to the gulags and show them what awaits and it will not matter one iota. Only when they themselves are eaten alive by the movement they support will they wake up and understand. But it's too late then of course.
  7. @The Frankish Reich You've chosen to ignore content by The Frankish Reich.
  8. Id say it's time for the Bud Light treatment for NBC, but we've been there for a long time already with them.
  9. The women and underage girls in this video look completely at ease with Joe's groping and sniffing. It's cute and harmless!
  10. I pray they aren't dangerously immunocompromised, because the measures you described are largely useless in a crowded theater anyway. I did a simple experiment with my kids during covid. I got some agar plates for growing bacteria and we swabbed a variety of surfaces in our house: countertops, remotes, phones, door handles, toilet seats etc. and streaked the plates. I of course included a negative control of a blank swab. The next day all the plates, except negative control, had bacteria growing on them. Moral for my kids, bacteria have been and always will be surrounding you. This is a fact of life. Yes there are things you can do to minimize risk, like washing hands, but going to extreme measures doesn't lessen your risk and has the added detriment of impeding your normal life. And the above experiment was only for bacteria, you can't culture viruses this way, but they do indeed surround us as well. Another anecdote I like to tell involves some of my work travel during covid. I often travel to universities and hospitals, so you can imagine how these places were on lockdown with extreme rules. Temperature checks, masks, the whole nine yards. There was one exception however. I visited the department chair of INFECTIOUS DISEASE at a research institution in the southeast. He greeted me in the lobby maskless and with an outstretched ungloved hand for shaking. I of course asked him about masking and regulations that I needed to follow and he just waved me off.
  11. Uh oh. Leftists won't like these inconvenient truths about Ellsberg from "far right" journalist Glenn Greenwald... Ellsberg was smeared as an agent of the Kremlin? Playbook sounds familiar...
  12. ^^^^^^ No need to invent new versions of the US flag. @Tiberius The original already covers pride for gay, bi, straight, trans, black, asian, latino, white etc.. and even people who identify as squirrels
  13. I attended a conference in Seattle recently. My colleague who has Seattle in his territory told us we needed to look for these five things below. Within a few blocks of the convention center I witnessed four of five. 1. Shoplifting - check. 2. Public urination - check 3. Human feces on sidewalk - check 4. Hard drug use in broad daylight - check. 5. Someone getting mugged - did not witness.
  14. Caught these guys in DC a few weeks ago, here's Locomotive and Albatross from that show . I've been to hundreds of concerts in my day but this was top ten. Just amazing musicians. Big Wreck is the best rock band you've never heard of, and far superior to many that you already know. The YouTube rabbit hole is deep if you dare. Criminally underrated.
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