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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. It's an absolute mystery how the orange dude can be polling historically high among black and latino voters... I just can't put my finger on it!
  2. Good. Electing communists has consequences. It's going to get much, much worse.
  3. Commies welcoming commies.... REPORT: The San Francisco homeless population has "miraculously" gone missing as President Biden & Chinese President Xi Jinping are set to meet in the liberal city. Remarkable! The typical drug addicts & homeless who wander the city like zombies have disappeared as 20,000 people are expected to visit the San Francisco thanks to the APEC summit. The New York Post says sources have told them that the homeless are being "herded" out to other areas of the city. "They started clearing the tents earlier this week and there is definitely a lot more police presence," said one resident. The resident also explained that the city appeared to have the capability to do this all along but they refused. "They’ve cleared out the tents that were near the Moscone Center on Howard Street, which tells me the city had the capability to do this all along... We need is a permanent solution." Another resident said: "They are just essentially herding the problem around but offering no long-term solutions." "I don’t know if these tents will be in physical view during APEC, but it will be virtually impossible to eliminate all of that." Clown city for a clown president.
  4. More BIG LIES... So if all these sworn affidavits are just all smaller pieces of THE BIG LIE, we should have a slew of folks being charged witj perjury, right?
  5. Answer: not only does it gain nothing, but if allowed to continue it will destroy a society as sure as the sun rises in the east. Stop the woke commies or it all goes down..
  6. Like everything else useful idiots spew...THE BIG LIE is also projection.
  7. Hey let's put our faith in two different long term swamp creatures! Ummm...no. I hate to break this to Quack, but we are well past the point of no return here. Burn it down is the only way forward.
  8. I must have missed that time. It has a constant low level buzz of orange man TDS static randomly moving across whatever paltry synapses exist among the gray pudding inside its skull. Billsfuk.c was my fastest to the ignore list....and I have an extensive ignore list.
  9. Not exactly. This is another Republicans pounce fake news narrative. Democrats found cheating CAN'T be the story... So... Republicans noticing that democrats were found cheating HAS to be the story.
  10. I'll take news that will be buried by legacy corporate media for 1000 Alex
  11. Thanks for quoting this moron. The rant was even better than I imagined. A fine example of a pinhead completely lost to reality.
  12. Despite the projection from useful idiot homophobes here in our little 20 poster sub forum, this movement made up of other current thing useful idiots is indeed real.
  13. ⬆️ Ask this moron too about the furin cleavage site.... Hell... ask him about basic concepts of immunology or virology.. And wait for a response that he googled from 'the experts'
  14. Ask about the furin cleavage site found in the receptor binding domain of the spike protein. Ask about BSL3 vs BSL2 lab safety precautions and under what conditions they worked with SARS cov2 in Wuhan. He, like most useful idiots, will have zero clue about either of those issues, and even if aware he"ll have zero ability to understand what they mean.
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