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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. ⬆️ Don't worry, it'll come off. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/uk/house-and-home/household-advice/a656973/remove-*****-stains/
  2. And remember when you've lost faith in the American electorate? Just jail your political opponents. To save democracy.
  3. ⬆️ Roundy-stain! The stains gotta be pretty crusty this morning? You gotta keep that circle wide man!
  4. But sure...convicted felon is going to be a bridge too far! Congrats Quack you've put one up on the mantle to go alongside "by all accounts."
  5. This is the only way to stem the swirling of the drain. It's not as if dems will stop prosecuting their political opponents after this successful lawfare. GOP must start finding crimes and indicting prominent democrats.
  6. Exactly how I roll in the cesspool. You're on board with this republic ending crap? Bye.
  7. Oh no...just ask Quack. This will be a bridge too far for many...
  8. I'm disappointed in Finding.... Off its game. No Melania? No Barron? Qanon knows.
  9. PPP Commie Shi.t Posting Real Time Notice. Trump is guilty. The biggest TDS circle jerk in PPP history is in full swing. No Billsfuk.c Many "new" posters in the cesspool. You do the math. Correction. It posted. Once. Keep all of those logins straight tonight Billsfuk.c Enjoy the circle jerk...and don't get any on ya!
  10. But I know that Alan Dershowitz... pure MAGA. Not as rabid as some, but MAGA nonetheless!
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