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Everything posted by bluenews

  1. Can't run the ball + can't stop the run + turnover the ball = Dick Jauron
  2. Have the Bills really resigned Dick Jauron to an extention....... Simply outcoached in the first half!
  3. when the Bills averaged 1.8 yards per carry. Couple of other notes from my arm chair..... Bobby April and the special teams are simply average. What was a strong unit can no longer make a play or break open a game. Rian Lindell makes a 53 yard field and misses a 43 yard attempt. Brian Moorman must practice punt pickles throughout the week becasue we haven't seen a dilly from him in a long time. Return units are getting jammed and there is no room to run. Turk Schonert must have used up the entire playbook during the first four games of the year. Haven't seen a creative play in a few games. They borrowed the "wildcat" from the Dolphins against the Jets. Running game predictably horrible! I give credit for Marshawn Lynch for trying to run down Abram Elam's 92-yard pick, but you can't miss the next hour of the game recovering from your effrot. What if he ever broke a big run.....would he be on the sideline like McHam Sandwich. I Can't believe we are missing Josh Reed! Paul Pozlunsky had linemen in his face all day and looked like London Fletcher making tackles 8 yards down the field. Defensive line was gashed and created good running lanes for Jet's running back. Pass rush was M.I.A. Couple of hits on Favre, but he was mostly clean all day. Donte Wiffner missed more tackles than he was credited for making. Ko Simpson was a playmaker at South Carolina, still waiting for his game changing moment. Probably the worst coaching performance since Gregg Williams left town. Play calling was questionable all day. Turk couldn't get play called and Bills were rushed to the line or needed to us a time out. Finally won a challenge...after losing a retarded red flag appeal of a clear Coles catch. 7 penalites shows a lack of preparedness for opponent. I understand the jumpball to to Hardy late in the game. Trent needs to make a better throw and Hardy need to make a play or break it up. With that being said....for as bad as the Bills played, they were in the game.
  4. Bills need a touchdown and defense to make a play....
  5. Can't run the ball and special teams SUCK! Defense needs to make a PLAY!!!
  6. What happened to Ko Simpson's big play ability??
  7. we gave a 3rd and 5th round draft pick for Marcus Stroud, who plays the game! we received a 4th for a McBench player Sucks when you miss with a 1st rounder!!
  8. Lee Evans should sit the big guy down and explain the proper way to get it done!!
  9. nice discussion........remember when we only had a "punt catcher" Wade Phillips is a bum! What was his father's name? Who was our "punt catcher?" Watson, I presume??
  10. .....what did you do for the other 58 minutes?
  11. It's a shaggy protest growth that above all displays his true lack of talent and inability to comprehend the NFL.
  12. It's an upstate pubic school championship full blown mockey of athletics.
  13. Should the Bills have an asterisk next to the 4-0 record based upon the weak strength of schedule??
  14. He is correct in his statement and says exactly what ESPN pays his spew! The combined record of the teams we have beat is 4-11. It's a nice start and I win in Arizona will only bring more of the same mixed review.
  15. What's Jay going to do with all of his Barney videos
  16. Clayton said yesterday on Mike and Mike the Bills are mostly likely "suprise" 3-0 team to see continued success. He mostly credited the Bills easy schedule as a major criteria for future wins
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